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科目: 来源:2011届山东省青岛市初级中学学业水平试卷 题型:

—What a surprise it is that you’ve hiked on Mount Tai!

—I didn’t believe I could do it       I got to the top.

Aunless              Bafter                Cuntil                       Das


科目: 来源:2011届山东省青岛市初级中学学业水平试卷 题型:

—Speak        , please ,because I can’t hear a word from the back.

—Well, it’s       enough.

Aloudly ,loudly   Blouder ,loud      Cloud, louder      Dloud, too loud


科目: 来源:2011届山东省青岛市初级中学学业水平试卷 题型:

Great changes have taken place in China. Who can tell       it would be like in       five years.

Ahow ,other              Bwhat ,more      Chow ,another    Dwhat ,another


科目: 来源:2011届山东省青岛市初级中学学业水平试卷 题型:

—What would some students like to do after finishing their education?

—They would like to start to work       they needn’t depend on their parents completely.

Aas soon as        Bso that             Cbefore             Dwhile


科目: 来源:2011届山东省青岛市初级中学学业水平试卷 题型:

       My grandparents can be good fun. They are retired ,so they don’t work anymore .My grandfather is 68 and my grandmother is 67, but they are not too old to be active. They exercise by playing golf and they go out for meals and to the theater .Sometimes they take me out too. We have a good time. They also go on great holidays .Last year ,they went to China and walked along the Great Wall!

       Sometimes, my grandparents like to criticize me. They think that children today have an easy life. Life was very different when they were young and there are many things about my life that they do not understand. They tell me , over and over , how they had to start work at 16. They know that I will go on to university and won’t be getting a job until I am about 22! They also think that I have too many possessions(财产), such as mobile phones ,computers and PSPs. When they were young, they did not have anything like that. What they do not realize is that they cannot compare children at present time. They had the same kinds of things as the rest of people of their age—so do I .It would be very strange if I only had the possessions that they had when they were my age.

1Grandparents don’t work anymore because        .

       Athey are tired                                Bthey want to play golf

       Cthey are retired                             Dthey want to enjoy their life

2My grandparents sometimes criticize me. One reason is that         .

       AI don’t go on great holidays with them   BI won’t work until 22

Cthey had to work at 16                         Dchildren today have an easy life

3Grandparents        when they were young.

       Ahad the same life as we have today

       Bhad the same kinds of things as we have

       Chad the same kinds of things as people of their age

       Dhad many possessions, including mobile phones, computers and PSPs

4What does this sentence “but they are not too old to be active” mean?

       AThey are old , so they are not active.    

BThey are old , but they are still active.

       CThey are retired ,so they are active.      

DWhen they were young ,they were active.

5Which statement is NOT right?

       AMy grandparents love me very much.

       BMy grandparents don’t understand many things about me life.

       CMy grandparents don’t think I need too many possessions.

       DMy grandparents have realized they shouldn’t compare children at present time.


科目: 来源:2011届山东省青岛市初级中学学业水平试卷 题型:

Dear Editor,

       I’m confused these days. We are taught at home and at school that violence(暴力)is bad. For example ,last week, my friend and I were playing at the beach .We found a really beautiful shell. My friend picked it up ,but I saw it first ,and I said it was mine. He said ,no, it was his. I really want the shell ,and I even thought about hitting him ,that’s how angry I was.

       Now should that be right? No ! I shouldn’t use violence. I should talk with my friend instead, and solve that. My parents and teachers often tell me that using violence is the least civilized(文明)way to solve problems.

       So ,if adults had a disagreement ,and if they used violence toward each other in order to win, is it all right ? No!

       Now ,I’m confused. When two countries disagree, they often use violence. They fight a war. Using violence is not okey at home, at school, or in your country but okey between two countries, why?

       A war is extreme violence. So not only soldiers but citizens(公民), including small children and babies have been killed and injured because of wars.

       Adults say they are fighting wars in order to solve problems and make peace .But can you really “make peace” by using violence and killing so many people?

       I don’t think that bombs and missiles(炸弹和导弹)can reach people’s hearts and change them. Bombs and missiles can’t create love and caring ,and that’s what we need in the world. Why can’t they use their wisdom(智慧)and talk it over?

1What happened to Joshua and his friend last week at the beach?

       AThey had a fight.                          BJoshua hit his friend.

       CThey had a class about violence.    DThey found a beautiful shell

2How should we solve problems according to this letter?

       AWe should argue about the problems     

       BWe should study at school.

       CWe should use our wisdom and talk them over.

       DWe should use violence.

3Which opinion is mentioned in the letter?

       AViolence can solve the problems.

       BWe should fight wars.

       CA war is extreme violence.

       DBombs and missiles can reach people’s hearts.

4What does the sentence “Bombs and missiles can’t create love and caring ,and that’s what we need in the world.” mean?

       AWe need to use violence to solve problems.

       BWhat we need is bombs and missiles.

       CWe need bombs and missiles to create love and caring.

       DWhat we need in the world is love and caring.

5What’s the letter about? It’s about       .

       AJoshua’s thoughts about wars        BJoshua’s story

       Chate and love                                Darguments


科目: 来源:2011届山东省青岛市初级中学学业水平试卷 题型:


Term: Spring   Name: Jane Elizabeth Pringle    Age: 15


Teacher’s comments



Though she likes writing notes to her friends ,she doesn’t like writing compositions at all. I believe she can do better.



She is good at math ,but lazy. She hardly pays attention and spends most of her time annoying the boy who sits in front of her .She must concentrate.


Foreign language

She will never succeed in learning foreign languages if she keeps on talking in English.



Getting better



Nice work



Very good—likes drawing pictures of her teachers.


Physical Education








General: Jane is still a bit of a tomboy , and she often gets into trouble with her teachers. She likes talking during lessons. She is good at games and especially likes playing football with the boys and climbing trees. She must take things more seriously.


1Jane often annoys her classmate in math classes.

2Jane does best in P.E.

3Jane is good at writing compositions.

4She needs to work hard at learning languages ,or she will fail in them.

5According to the form, we can know Jane has got ten subjects.


科目: 来源:2011届河南省高级中等学校招生学业考试试卷 题型:

—How do you like your holiday in Mount Yuntai?

We enjoyed it very much.         sight is very beautiful.

A. A                            B. An                    C. The                  D. /


科目: 来源:2011届河南省高级中等学校招生学业考试试卷 题型:

—I saw Tony at the party. But he didn’t speak to me ______ evening.

Maybe he didn’t see you.

A. all                    B. every                C. either                      D. another


科目: 来源:2011届河南省高级中等学校招生学业考试试卷 题型:

—How far is it to the airport? 20 kilometers?

No, it’s ______. About 30 kilometers.

A. far                   B. farther               C. the farther               D. the farthest

