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科目: 来源:2011届北京市清华中学初三一模试卷 题型:

Can you tell me ______?

A. what are they doing that for                   B. why they are doing for

C. why are they doing that                         D. what they are doing that for


科目: 来源:2011届北京市清华中学初三一模试卷 题型:

I’ve got a piece of news. Our football team won the game. 

Really? ______.

A. With pleasure    B. Well done    C. That’s all right    D. What a pity


科目: 来源:2011届北京市清华中学初三一模试卷 题型:

It’s no use going there now, ______, I have to.

A. however       B. but          C. besides      D. then


科目: 来源:2011届北京市清华中学初三一模试卷 题型:

---What can I do for you? --- I’m looking for        for my son.

A. a blue suit    B. a blue dress    C. a blue clothes    D. a blue pants


科目: 来源:2011届北京市清华中学初三一模试卷 题型:

It’s good manners to ______ the customs of the country you are staying in.

A. express       B. follow         C. give up       D. join


科目: 来源:2011届北京市清华中学初三一模试卷 题型:

Mr. Green will come to China ______ next week. ______ his stay in our country he will visit some great places of interest in the southern part of China.

A. sometimes; In                   B. some times; At   

C. sometime; During               D. some time; During


科目: 来源:2011届北京市清华中学初三一模试卷 题型:

These Germans want to have some ______ for supper, so they decide to catch ______ now.

A. fish; many     B. fishes; much    C. fish; much     D. fishes; many


科目: 来源:2011届北京市清华中学初三一模试卷 题型:

Today is Thursday, and Tom lost his bike last Sunday. We may say “_____”.

A. Tom has lost his bike four days ago        B. Tom has lost his bike for four days

C. Tom lost his bike for four days               D. It’s four days since Tom lost his bike


科目: 来源:2011届北京市清华中学初三一模试卷 题型:

___   _ you are,           you live, you must be interested in the future of this planet.

A. Whoever; however          B. Whoever; whichever

C. Whoever; wherever;         D. Whenever; wherever


科目: 来源:2011届北京市清华中学初三一模试卷 题型:

There are many trees ______ of the road! And ______ of the trees is growing larger and larger.

A. on both side; a number          B. on each sides; a number

C. on both sides; the number        D. on every side; the number

