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科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度昌邑第二学期八年级期末考试试卷 题型:

Leon’s Show

                                                                       April 18

Hong Kong pop star Leon Lai will give a personal performance(个人演唱会)at 7:30 p.mfrom tomorrow to April 21 at Weifang Gymnasium(体育馆)The show is held for celebrating(庆祝) the opening of the 2008 Weifang International Kites Festival(国际风筝节)

Tickets  60,¥90,¥120,¥180

Available(有票)at 66 Xinhua Road

AddressWeifang Gymnasium185Yuanfei Road


1Leon is ___________

  Aa singer for pop music           Bhead of the Weifang Gymnasium

  Ca ticket seller                  Dboth B and C

2Which is the right time to enjoy Leon’s show?

  A6:00 P.m. April 19              B7:30 P.m. April 22

  C8:00 a.m. April 20              D7:30 P.m. April 21

3Leon will give ___________ days’ performances this time at Weifang Gymnasiun altogether(总共)

  Aeighteen    Btwenty-one      Cfour               Dthree

4The cheapest ticket for the show costs ___________

  A60 yuan    B90 yuan         C120 yuan         D180 yuan

5If you want to get tickets you can ___________

  Ago to No.185Yuanfei Road      Bgo to No.66Xinhua Road

  Ctelephone to 29189100           Dtelephone to 29171154


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度昌邑第二学期八年级期末考试试卷 题型:

In 1949 my father came back from the war(战争)like many other soldiers

    Soon after he came backmy grandmother became very illThe doctors said that she needed a blood transfusion(输血)at onceor she would not live through(活过)the nightThe problem was that Grandmother’s blood type(血型)was AB-a very strange typeEven today, (1)it was hard to get some because there were no blood banks or flights to transport(运输)bloodNone of the family members were that typeMy grandmother was dying

    (2)My father left the hospital in tears to gather(聚集)all the family members so that everyone could say good-bye to herAs my father was driving down the roadhe saw a soldier in uniform(制服)trying to hitch-hike(免费搭便车)homeMy father stopped and let the soldier get into his car(3)He was so sad that he didn’t ask the soldier’s name

    The soldier saw my father’s tears and asked why he(4) ___________ (cry)Then the soldier told my father to turn the car around and take him to the hospitalHe was just my grandmother’s blood type

    My grandmother lived until 1996and to this day(5)No one in our family knew the soldier’s name, but my father often wanted to knowwas he a soldieror an angel in uniform?


1When the writer’s father came back from the warhow was his grandmother?

2What was his grandmother’ blood type?

3When did his grandmother die?







  No one in our family knew the soldier’s name______________________


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度昌邑第二学期八年级期末考试试卷 题型:


1Lucy likes collecting stamps and she has a large c___________ of them

2what a s___________ that I failed in the exam

3Good marks d___________ on your hard work

4My father is strict in his work and he’s always trying to be p___________ in everything he does

5The telephone was r___________ when I came into the room

6Pu Cunxin___________(扮演)the part of Lin Zexu very well

7People all over the world ___________ (庆祝)the new year

8The ___________ (结局)of the film made all of us feel sad

9The doctor performed an ___________ (手术)for 50 hours without stopping to have a rest

10The boy’s dream is to go to Sichuan to become a___________ (勇敢的)volunteer


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度昌邑第二学期八年级期末考试试卷 题型:


    Many years agopeople  1  (think)the sun went round the earthand the earth went around the moonIn some countries people even said the sun was a god(上帝)They thought that he  2   (drive)across the sky everyday on a golden(金色的)horseNow we know the earth   3   (go)round the sunScientists tell us that the earth travels over a thousand miles a minute on its way round the sun

    Some people   4  (be) to the moon since last century(世纪)Our country   5  (send) the first moon explorerChang’e I (月球探测仪——嫦娥一号)into the space on Oct 24th2007And it   6  (take)the first photo of the moonAll of our Chinese are proud of itFrom now onwe must   7  (work)hard to make a contribution to developing the newest moon explorerwe are looking forward to   8  (see)it land on the moon with people some day

    Of course the sun is too hot for people   9  (reach)nowMaybe in the future people   10  (land)on the sun


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度昌邑第二学期八年级期末考试试卷 题型:


1.我确信你能收拾好你的房间。(tidy up)


3.没有人能一辈子都靠父母。(depend on)


5.你愿意和我一起去购物吗?(would like)

6.请写下你为下学期下的决心吧。(write down)



9.王涛昨天带我们参观了他的工厂。(show sb around)

10.顺便问一下,明天你打算做什么?(by the way)


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度昌邑第二学期七年级期末考试试卷 题型:

How does your mother go to work every day?


ABy a bus        BBy buses         CBy a bike        DBy bike


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度昌邑第二学期七年级期末考试试卷 题型:

I’m looking forward to____________ the summer holiday

Ahave           Bhaving          Cto have         Dtake


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度昌邑第二学期七年级期末考试试卷 题型:

It took him ____________ to finish the work yesterday

Athree and a half hour                Bthree and half an hour

Cthree and a half hours               Dthree hours and half an hour


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度昌邑第二学期七年级期末考试试卷 题型:

Of all the foreign students Mary speaks Chinese ____________

Agood            Bbetter        Cwell        Dbest

