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科目: 来源:2011年临沂市初中学生学业考试与高中招生考试试卷 题型:

What is your favorite English letter? Many of you may say QQWhy? Because so many of you chat with your friends on QQWhat do you like about QQ? What do you talk about? The CCTV reporterMiss Wanginterviews three kidsLet's listen to what they say

When do you chat on QQ? What do you talk about?

Lin YuhanXi'anOn weekendsWe talk about homework and chat with each other

Tang XutingShanghaiAt weekends and when I don't have much homeworkWe exchange test answers and chat

Yang YuhangDalianOur class goes online together at 4-6 pm on weekendsWe complain about homeworkchat and talk about computer games

What do you put on your QQ blog博客?

LinI put good articles I have found online on my blogI also write articles myselfThey are about funny things that have happened in my class

TangI put pictures on my blogNot my own photosbut pictures from my favorite Japanese cartoons动画片like Tennis Prince and Conan

YangI put DV films on my blogI shoot拍摄them during sports meetings and school partiesThe most popular one is about a dancing teacherIt is so funny that everyone watches it

How do you like QQ?

LinIt's a good space for us to make a record of our livesof both good times and sad times

TangMy friends and I may not have time to chat at schoolBut we can do it on QQIt's very helpful to our friendships

YangIf you chat with friends on the telephoneyour parents sometimes listen in on your conversationThere's no such problem with QQYou can relax and talk freely


1How many kids are interviewed about QQ?

ANine             BSix                CThree                 DTwo

2_______ comes from Shanghai

AMiss Wang           BLin Yuhan                CYang Yuhang           DTang Xuting

3What does Yang Yuhang talk about on QQ on weekends?

homework      chat            test answers            computer games

A①②             B②③             C①②④                 D②③④

4What does Lin Yuhan put on her QQ blog?

ASome pictures                            BGood articles

CDV films                                DJapanese cartoons

5Which one is TRUE according to this article?

ALin says QQ is very helpful to their friendships

BYang says he can chat freely with many friends and relax on QQ

CTang says QQ is a good space for them to make a record of their lives

DTang says he chats on QQ on weekdays though he has lots of homework


科目: 来源:2011年临沂市初中学生学业考试与高中招生考试试卷 题型:

KimWhat do you want to do in the futureBob?

BobI want to become a well-known writer____1____

KimI want to be a singerI enjoy singing very much

BobI always hear you sing in your classroom and in the dormitory

KimYou knowpracticing is Very importantMy teacher always asks me to practice as much as possible


KimThree hours a day on weekdays and six hours a day on weekends

BobDo you think it is boring to practice singing every day?

Kim____3____ Singing is a great pleasure for meI have entered for the “Future Star Cup” singing contestIt will be held next week

BobDo you think you will win in the contest?

KimYesBefore I entered for this contestI had already taken part in many singing contestsand I had won some prizesI'm very confident about myselfBy the wayI've heard that our school held a composition作文contest last week____4____

BobNoI didn't think I would win itI don't practice writing compositions muchyou know

KimYou should write more and take every chance to practiceor your wish to become a great writer will not come true


KimYou're welcome

ANoof course not

BDid you take part in it?

CWill you win in the contest?

DWhat about youKim?

EThank you for your advice

FHow long do you sing every day?

GHow often do you practice writing?


科目: 来源:2011年临沂市初中学生学业考试与高中招生考试试卷 题型:

What do you think is the most common illness? Do you get ill sometimes? We are lucky to live nowbecause there are lots of medicines to make people better

The most common illness in the world is the coldIt often begins with a sore throatThen you sneeze and your nose runsYou usually have a headache tooOften you cough laterIt's not a very bad illnessbut you can feel quite ill

There isn't a cure治愈for a coldbut you can take medicines to make you feel betterFor instanceaspirin阿斯匹林can stop your headacheIt is good to restand to drink a lot of water tooA doctor once said to me“With the proper medicinea cold will continue for seven daysWith no medicineit will continue for a whole week

Where does our medicine come from? A long time agopeople knew that some plants made them feel betterThey ate the leavesthe rootsthe fruitor the seeds of plantsFor instancethe juice of lemons makes a sore throat feel better

In modem timesscientists have looked at these plantsand found out which chemicals化学物质are in themMany of our medicines today are made from those chemicals

There are some illnesses which we can't cure yetAnd nobody has found a cure for old ageBut because of modern medicinesmost people now live longer than their grandparents

1How does a cold often begin?

2Can aspirin stop a headache?

3How long does a cold usually continue?

4What kind of juice makes a sore throat feel better?

5What are many of our medicines today made from?


科目: 来源:2011年临沂市初中学生学业考试与高中招生考试试卷 题型:


1There are many flesh _______potatoin the supermarket

2Their apartment is on the _______sevenfloor of the building

3The university student came back to his hometown and became a new _______village

4_______luckyFred was not hurt in the car accident

5Miss Zhou is very popular in our schoolShe is a _______successteacher


科目: 来源:2011年临沂市初中学生学业考试与高中招生考试试卷 题型:


1Grace learns English by reading aloud改为否定句

Grace _______ _______ English by reading aloud

2Tina was waiting for me when I arrived at the museum对划线部分提问

_______ was Tina _______ when you arrived at the museum?

3We may put the flowers in the classroom改为被动语态

The flowers may _______ _______ in the classroom

4He isn't old enough to see this thriller改为同义句

He is _______ young _______ see this thriller


They will _______ _______ a food bank to help the poor people


科目: 来源:2011年临沂市初中学生学业考试与高中招生考试试卷 题型:


Mr. Jones liked to be comfortableso every time he took a trainhe used to put a bag on the seat next to him and pretend that it belonged to a friend who had gone __1__buysomething at the station

One dayMr. Jones did this when the train __2__bevery crowdedWhen nearly all the seats __3__takean old man got onthe trainLooking at the baghe asked“Is this seat taken?”

“Yes”said Mr. Jones“It belongs to my friend who has gone to buy some cigarettesHe __4__comeback soon” Pretending to worry about his friendhe __5__lookout of the window

“All right” said the old man“I'll just sit here until your friend __6__returnif you don’t mind” Mr. Jones couldn't say anythingJust then the train began __7__moveout of the station

“Well” said the old man“what a pity遗憾)!Your friend __8__missthe train alreadybut his bag is still here” Before Mr. Jones could say anythingthe old man took the bag and threw it out of the window


科目: 来源:2011年临沂市初中学生学业考试与高中招生考试试卷 题型:


Abraham Lincolnthe l6th president of Americawas born in a poor familyA__1__ a little kidhe did a lot of housework every dayAnd sometimes he had to h__2__ his parents on the farmBut when he was freehe enjoyed reading books very much

One dayhe b__3__ a book from his neighborHe loved the book so much that he kept reading it until 12 o'clock at nightWhen he went to sleephe put the book in the gap裂缝of the wallIt rained heavily that nightWhen little Lincoln woke up the next morninghe found that the book was allw__4__

Lincoln carried the book to the ownerHe felt very s__5__ and nervous“What’s wrong with my book? It can’t be read a__6__!” the neighbor saidHe asked Lincoln to pay for a new bookLittle Lincoln had no moneyand he didn’t want to ask his parents for money to pay his neighbor“Let me work for you to pay for a new bookplease” Lincoln askedHe cut grass in the neighbor’s garden for three days to pay for the book

It doesn't matter if you make a m__7__but you should be responsible负责的for it


科目: 来源:2011年临沂市初中学生学业考试与高中招生考试试卷 题型:

下面是一份生活方式自我评价表,请在符合自己实际情况的选项方框中打可以多选;此处不计分。根据你的选择和问题提示,以“My lifestyle”为题写一篇不少于80个词的英语短文。注意:短文中不得出现考生的姓名、学校及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。


1Something about your lifestyle according to the self-assessment

2What do you think of your lifestyle?

3How should you improve your lifestyle?

Lifestyle Self-assessment

1The food I often eat

vegetables       fruit                fish                meat

eggs               fried food                hamburgers       ice cream

2How many hours I sleep every day

less than 7 hours                          about 8 hours

about 9 hours                              more than 10 hours

3The sports I usually play

running           hiking             swimming       skateboarding

basketball        volleyball           ping-pong       football

4How to relax in my spare time

read stories    listen to music  watch TV        play computer games

5How many times I brush my teeth every day

three times      twice              once               never

My lifestyle


科目: 来源:2011年山东省泰安市高中段学校招生考试试卷 题型:

Sam, would you mind if I copy the document?


AOf course not, go ahead                              BYes, please 

COf course, do as you like                    DNo, you’d better not


科目: 来源:2011年山东省泰安市高中段学校招生考试试卷 题型:

Xiao Shen-yang is so popular        us.

Yeah, he is one of my favorite pop stars.

A for              B to                Cwith               Don

