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科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度曲阜市第一学期七年级期末教学质量评价试卷 题型:

There’s __________cat here

Anot         Bno         Cnot any             Dnot some


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度曲阜市第一学期七年级期末教学质量评价试卷 题型:

Miss White is a good teacherShe usually _________

Ahelps me to English

Bhelp me learn English

Chelps me with my English


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度曲阜市第一学期七年级期末教学质量评价试卷 题型:

I like my Chinese teacher very muchHe is a  1  manabout 25 years old1ie is tall 2 short black hairHe is a very humorous(幽默的)personHe often  3  us jokes(笑话)and  4  to make our class more  5 In classhe is a very  6  teacherIf we don’t listen to him carefullyhe will give us some punishment(惩罚)by  7  us some questionsBut after classhe becomes a very good  8  of usHe often talks with the girls and plays  9   with the boysAll of us really like himHe is our  10  teacher

1Aold                 Byoung           Cvery old          Daged

2Aand                Bfor               Cwith             Dat

3Atells                  Bsays             Cspeaks          Dspeak

4Aa story           Bstorys           Cstory              Dstories

5Atired               Bdifficult         Cinteresting       Dboring

6Abusy              Bstrict            Cinterested        Dwell

7Aask                Basks             Casking          Dasked

8Ateacher           Bteachers        Cfriend           Dfriends

9Aa basketball       Bthe basketball   Cbasketballs      Dbasketball

10Afavorite         Bthe favorite      Cfavoritest               Da favorite


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度曲阜市第一学期七年级期末教学质量评价试卷 题型:

Dear Jenny

I’m sorry you’re sick and cant come to school this weekLet me tell you what you have on Monday next week

    We have math at 800How boring! Then we have EnglishThat’s interestingI know you love EnglishNext is PE..The fourth lesson is artThat’s my favorite subject! In the afternoon    we have history with Mr. ChenHe is fun but history isn’tThen at 200 we have science with Miss JonesYou know how strict she isI don’t like herOur last class of the day is math again!



   1_______is not at school this week

    AJenny                  BBen                     CMr. Chen               DMiss Jones

   2Their first lesson is __________

    Amath                   BEnglish                Cscience                  Dart

    3Jenny’s favorite subject is ________

    APE               Bart                       CEnglish                  Dscience

    4How many lessons do they have On Monday?

    AFour                    BFive                     CSix                        Dseven

    5Their science teacher is ________

    Afriendly                Bkind                     Cboring                    Dstrict


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度曲阜市第一学期七年级期末教学质量评价试卷 题型:

I’m going to(准备去)see a movie with my friends this weekendWe love seeing moviesbut we all like different kindsI like to see thrillers and science fictionsMy friend Sam loves action movies and comedies and my best friendLeeloves a good romanceBecause we like different kinds of moviesit can be difficult to choose(选择)one to seeSo we take turns(轮流) to choose the movieIt’s my turn to choose this weekendso we’re going to see Harry Potter IVa new movieIt’s Number One at the box officeand everyone says what a great movie it isI can take some fruit and drinks to the movieOhI cant wait!

    1How many kinds of movies does the boy talk about in the story?

    ASix                  BFive                 CFour                   DThree

    2Sam likes to see _________

    Athrillers and science fictions                      Bdocumentary and science fictions

    Caction movies and comedies                        Daction movies and thrillers

   3Harry Potter IV is _______movie right now

    Aa boring                  Ba popular               Ca documentary        Dan action

    4How do the boy and his friends choose a movie to see?

    AThey like different kinds of movies

    BThey let Lee choose a movie to see

    CTheir parents choose a movie to see

    DThey take turns to choose a movie to see

    5Who can take some fruit and drinks to the movie?

    ASam                    BLee                      CThe boy                 DSam and Lee


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度曲阜市第一学期七年级期末教学质量评价试卷 题型:

It is April 10It is TuesdayCindy gets up at 6:30 in the morningShe is in her blue skirtShe really likes that skirtShe has a new shirt to go with it, and new shoesThen she goes into the kitchen(厨房).She loves eggs and apples in the morning

      Cindy’s mother is a teacher at her schoolCindy is in the second grade(年级),and her mother teaches the fourth gradeCindy is excited about going to school today because her class has a lest(测试).She has new pencils for the testShe wants to do a good job in the testCindy loves school and she likes to get good grades(成绩).

Cindy eats her breakfast and then she and her mother go to schoolCindy goes to her classroom and her history teacher, Ms Brown is thereIt is fun to be in Ms Brown’s classShe is a great teacherNow Cindy’s classmates are all in the classroomand they start the testCindy remembers(记得)everythingso she can do everything right

      After the testCindy and her classmates play for a long timeThen they eat lunchAfter lunchthey watch a funny movieThen they draw pictureIt is really a great day! 

1What grade is Cindy in? 

    AGrade One           BGrade Two          CGrade Three           DGrade Four

2What does Cindy like to eat for breakfast?

    AEggs and apples                                         BBroccoli and bananas

    CEggs and carrots                                        DChicken and apples

3Why is Cindy excited about going to school today?

    Because they have_________

    Aa trip                   Ba party                 Ca movie               Da test

4What do the children do after the test?

    AThey swim          BThey draw pictures CThey play               DThey watch a movie

5Which(哪个)is right according to the passage(根据短文)?

    ACindy likes the blue shirt                       BCindy is a good student

    CCindy’s mother is a teacher of history              DIt’s really boring that day


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度曲阜市第一学期七年级期末教学质量评价试卷 题型:

1Xian Xinghai is a great m______________

2What’s your e-mail a_______________?

3His grandparents buy him a set of t________ from the music storebut he can’t play them

4We b___________ our teeth every day

5T__________ very much for your letter

6There are four ___________(字典)on the table

7February is the __________(第二)month in a year

8Here is my family photo! These are my _________(父母亲).

9Running star Sandra eats lots of _________(健康的)food

10He is ________(我们的)English teacher


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度曲阜市第一学期七年级期末教学质量评价试卷 题型:

1It __________beseven o’clock in the evening now

2.一What _________Kevin and Tom do on weekends?

   —Sometimes he ________washhis clothes

3When _______he _________ havemusic?

4My cousin __________havea new dictionary

5Can I ________ ______ ______ ________(看一看)your new shirtplease?


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度曲阜市第一学期七年级期末教学质量评价试卷 题型:

1The computer and the CD are on the table.(对划线部分提问)

   ________ _________the computer and the CD?

2They’re apples.(改为单数形式)

   ________ _________apple

3They can play the guitar well.(改为否定句)

   They _________ ________the guitar well

4Julia likes ping-pong very much.(改为一般疑问句) 

   _________Julia _________ ping-pong very much?

5Jim wants to watch TV on Sunday.(改为否定句)

   Jim ______ ________to watch TV on Sunday


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度曲阜市第一学期七年级期末教学质量评价试卷 题型:


AModelall they here areThey are all here





BModelyellow coats their areAre their coats yellow?

3isitLi Lei’ssweater


4theboxyellowarethe orangesin


