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科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

8、    假如你叫王东,你的叔叔三十年前离开家乡去了美国。不久前,他观看China Report节目,得知中国决定加大建设社会主义新农村的力度,感慨万分,于是发了一份e-mail给你,询问近来家乡的变化情况。请根据email内容和提示要点,给你叔叔做简要回复。E-mail开头和结尾已经给出。



    发件人:Wangguifu usa@hotmail.com


    主题:T0 Xiaodong


 Dear Xiao Dong

     How are you doing?

The other day when 1 was watching China Report CCTV at home, I was excited to learn

that the Chinese government is calling on her people to speed up the reconstruction of their countryside. The report at once took my thoughts back to the small village I once lived in.

     The houses were old and low. The roads were muddy and narrow. Villagers had to go a long way on foot or by bike in order to do some shopping or see a doctor in town. Because of very small income, villagers rived quite a plain life, even without TV sets or telephones.

     How time flies!. It is 30 years since I left my home village. It must have changed a lot.

     Would you please write and tell me something about its changes?

     Remember me t0 your parents!


                                                               Wang Guifu












Dear Uncie,








                                                              Xiao Dong







(每空? 分,共? 分)




科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

7、Mr Huang is sixty years old. He has retired. He taught our       


Chemistry when we were in Senior Grade One. He was old, and     


he taught very well. He tried his best to make his classes live. Mr


Huang usually made good preparation for the lessons and was    


strict with us too. Each time we made mistakes in our homework. 


he would ask us to correct them. At time, I was rather poor in  


chemistry. Mr Huang often helps me with my study very         


Patiently. With his help, I made a great progress and caught    


up the class. He was always very kind to every student. As     


an experiencing teacher, he was respected and loved by all      


the students



科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

6、     In cities with rent control, the city government sets the maximum rent that a landlord (房东 )can charge for an apartment. Supporters of rent control argue that it protects people who are living in apartments. Their rent cannot increase; therefore, they are not in danger of losing their homes. However, the critics say that after a long time, rent control may have negative effects. Landlords know that they cannot increase their profits. Therefore, they invest(投资)in other businesses where they can increase their profits. They do not invest in new buildings which would also be rent- controlled. As a result, new apartments are not built. Many people who need apartments cannot  find   any. According  to the critics, the end result of rent. control is a shortage of apartments in the city.

     Some theorists argue that the minimum wage law can cause problems in the same way. The federal government sets the minimum that an employer must pay workers. The minimum helps people who generally look for unskilled, low-paying jobs. However, if the minimum is high, employers may hire fewer workers. They will replace workers with machinery. Therefore, other things being equal, the number of workers that employers want decreases. Thus, critics hold the opinion that an increase in the minimum wage may cause unemployment. Some poor people may find themselves without jobs instead of with jobs at the minimum wage.

    Supporters of the minimum wage say that it helps people keep their dignity (尊严).Because of the law, workers cannot sell their services for less than the minimum. Furthermore, employers cannot force workers to accept jobs at unfair wages.

     Economic theory predicts the results of economic decisions such as decisions about farm production, rent control, and the minimum wage. The predictions may be correct only if "other things are equal". Economists do not agree on some of the predictions. They also do not agree on the value of different decisions. Some economists support a particular decision while others criticize it. Economists do agree, however, that there are no simple answers to economic questions.


72. There is the possibility that setting maximum rent may            .

     A. cause a shortage of apartments

     B. worry those who rent apartments as homes

     C. increase the profits of landlords

     D. encourage landlords to invest in building apartment

73. We can safely say that rent control             .

     A. will always benefit those who rent apartments

     B. is unnecessary

     C. will bring negative effects in the long run

     D. is necessary under all circumstances

74. The problem of unemployment will arise if                  .

     A. the minimum wage is set too high    

B. the minimum wage is set too low

     C. the workers are unskilled  

D. the maximum wage is set

75. The passage tells us about                     .

     A. the relationship between supply and demand

     B. the possible results of government controls

     C. the necessity of government control

     D. the urgency of getting rid of government controls


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

5、   Twenty years are just a blink in time. But 20 years is also long enough for a man to grow up. It is always painful. For Andre  Agassi, maturing in the spotlight of international tennis competition was even harder.

   On September 3, the American tennis player said a tearful goodbye to his 21-year career after a third-round defeat in the US Open. The 36-year-old tried his best, but was unable to keep up with German Benjamin Becker, more than ten  years his junior.

   "The scoreboard said I lost today, but what the scoreboard doesn't say is what I've found," Agassi said to the fans. "I have found inspiration and you willed me to succeed." It was an emotional speech at the end of a long career.

   Agassi hated tennis as a teenager as much as he loves it now. His father made him play when he was a child. He got bored, and became a rebel(叛逆). The strict training that his father pushed upon him got in the way of his wild lifestyle. He grew hair long, wore colourful clothes and spat at a judge. Over the years, he has made bad jokes during news conferences Asked what he would say to his 17-year-old self, Agassi answered, "I would say, I understand you a lot more than I want to be you."

   The turning point in Agassi's career came in 1992 when he unexpectedly won his first Grand Slam (大满贯赛事)at Wimbledon. It was the first time Agassi understood what real champions finally understand: winning is a test of courage and not just power, it's a marathon, not a sprint(短跑).

And what a marathon Agassi was about to begin. He cut his long hair, got fitter and tightened up emotionally. On the court, he was ranked No. 1 for almost two years. His lowest point came in 1997 when his ranking dropped to No. 141. He didn't quit though. "I knew that I would try to get the most out of myself every day from that day forward. That was my promise," he said. "That never stopped."


68. The underlined phrase "more than ten years his junior" in the second paragraph means                     .

   A. having lower ranking than Agassi for more than ten years

   B. having higher ranking than Agassi for more than ten years

   C. more than ten years older than Agassi

   D. more than ten years younger than Agassi

69. From paragraph 3,we know after Agassi was defeated in the competition he felt      .

   A. angry with the judge

   B. disappointed with the scoreboard

   C. regretful but encouraged

   D. desparing

70. The passage implies               .

   A. after 1997 Agassi began to take up marathon besides tennis

   B. Agassi began to play tennis before he was fifteen

   C. Agassi decided to quit his sports career

   D. the reason why Agassi lost his last competition was that he was lack of courage and power

71. The score of the match between Agassi and Becket is             .

     A.0-2     B.0-3      C.1-3      D.2-3


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

4、     The human body is a living machine, and, like all machines, it needs "fuel" to supply it with energy. This is provided by the food we eat. But how much do we need to stay healthy?

     The energy value of food is usually measured in calories. A calorie is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water by C .The number of calories people need per day is different, as the chat below shows. Also, the number of calories you use at any  moment  normally depends on the activity you are in. For example, you need more calories for standing than for sitting, more for running than for walking, and so on.

     The energy in food is mainly in the form of three kinds of chemical materials-carbohydrate,protein and fat. Carbohydrate provides 3.8 Cal/gm(calories per gram)of energy, protein 4.0 Cal/gm,and fat 8.8 Cal/gm. Each food contains different amounts of these materials, as the second chart shows.


Chan I


















Chan II


















64.         calories arc required to raise the temperature of 5kg of water form C to C?

     A. 55.         B. 175.           C. 325.          D. 275.

65. If you lack for calories to support your running activities you'd better take more               .

    A. milk      B. peanuts        C. rice       D. milk and rice

66. We may learn fm~ the charts that             .

    A. a child aged 8 requires more than 3 times the amount of calories that a baby does

     B. a boy aged 16 requires nearly twice the amount of calories that a boy aged 8 does

     C. a mother with  a baby to feed uses up more calories them a hard-working farmer each day

     D. an old man needs less calories than an 8-year-old boy on account of his less movement

67. Which statement agrees with the passage and the charts above?

    A. You need more calories for swimming than for mountain climbing.

    B. Food contains energy in the form of carbohydrates, proteins and fuel.

    C. Different people need different amounts of energy depending on their age, sex, and the activities they are in.

    D. 3 grams of milk provides 16.6 calories because carbohydrate provides 3.8 Cal/gm ,protein 4.0 Cal/gm, and fat 8.8 Cal/gm.


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

3、     Thousands of jobs come into our Job Centre every week, but they get snapped up (抢购)quickly. So although we shall do all we can to help you, it's important for you to do all you can to help yourself. This passage tells you how.

     Registered (注册) for work                                     

     Once you have registered for work we will match you will available vacancies. If you want to claim unemployment benefit (失业津贴), you also have to get registered at our Job Centre. But you actually apply for and claim it at the local Unemployment Office.

     Getting a job through self- service

     Jobs that come in are put on self- service show as soon as possible. Half the people who find jobs through our Job Centre find them through self- service. You can call in at any time to look at the jobs shown.

     Come to our Employment Advisers

     If you want more help or advice, don't forgot that's what we're here for. Our Employment Advisers can help you with things like:

     ★thinking about the different sorts of jobs you could do and which are best for you.

     ★jobs available locally or elsewhere.

     ★whether you are suitable for a TOPS training course.

     ★funds to help you look for, and move to, work in other parts.

     Even though you have a clear idea of the sort of job and pay you want, you may find that something different will suit you quite well. Keep this in mind when you are talking with Employment Advisers.

     If you don't find a job on your fast visit

     Go into self- service as often as you can to look at the jobs on show there. Good vacancies are coming in all the time just because you've been registered for work.


60. The purpose of the passage is to                       .

     A. tell people how to become an Employment Adviser

     B. teach the unemployed people how to get registered for work

     C. give information about services available for the unemployed

     D. introduce the TOPS training course for the unemployed

61. The unemployed people can claim unemployment benefit from              .

     A. the Job Centre                         B. all the Unemployment Offices

     C. the Employment Advisers         D. the local Unemployment Office

62. Employment Advisers can                       .

     A. help you find out what kind of jobs suits you best

     B. help you register for work and use self- service

     C. help you claim as much unemployment benefit as possible

     D. help you find a job suitable for you on your first visit

63. The underlined word "vacancies" in the passage means             .

     A. jobs   B. benefits        C. suggestions     D. services


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

2、     As the basic building materials of communication, words communicate meaning, but as we have seen, the meanings of words are very much influenced by culture. Meaning is in the person, not in the word, as each person is the product of a particular culture which passes on shared and  appropriate  meanings. Thus, if we want to learn to communicate well in a foreign language, we must understand the culture that gives that language meaning, Culture gives meaning and provides the context for communication, and the ability to communicate allows us to act out our cultural values and to share our language and our culture.

  But our own native language and culture are so much a part of us that we take them for granted. When we travel to another country, it’s as if we carry along with our passports. We view the new environment using our own culture as the standard, and although not purposely, our ways of thinking and acting often get in the way of our understanding other languages and cultures. The ability and willingness to change lenses (视角) when we look at a different culture is both the cure and the prevention for such cultural blindness. Studying a new language provides us the opportunities to practise  changing lenses when we also learn the context or the culture to which it belongs.


56. The main idea of the first paragraph is that                 .

     A. words are the basic building materials of communication

     B. we have to study its culture before we learn a foreign language

     C. each person has a different meaning when using the same word

     D. the meaning of words are very much influenced by culture

57. The underlined word "it" in the last sentence refers to                  .

     A. the context     B. the culture     C. the language    D. the opportunity

58. In this passage the author mainly discusses                     .

     A. the basic building materials of communication

     B. the importance of understanding a person in communication

     C. how to communicate well in a foreign language

     D. the relationship between communication and culture

59. What can we learn from this passage?

     A. You have to forget your culture to prevent cultural blindness.

     B. The meanings of words are not very important in language learning.

     C. Culture is a must for learners of foreign languages.

     D. One has to live in the country to learn its language well.


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

1、     When l was younger, I thought that boys and grown men shouldn't cry. Tears were a sign  of being weak  which a man  isn't  36  to be.

     However, just last June, I  37  that courage isn't all about trying to keep all  the pain inside and trying to hide the   38   

     My 18-year-old sister had eloped (私奔) and then  I saw how  39  my father's heart was. We were used to seeing him as a(an)   40   father.

     For three days he wouldn't talk. He would just sit quietly outside our house in the   41    On the fourth night,  I sat beside him and asked him to tell me what he felt about    42    .

     It had been years since I laid my hand on my father's shoulder as we have drifted (疏远)further and further apart while I was   43   . That night though, I sensed my father trying to   44   his pain and I wanted him to be able to let it out. We had all cried over what happened except him.

     The simple   45  and my words, "Dad, it's not your fault. " broke my father's  46   In the  darkness, he began to cry. I   47  his shoulders shaking as he whispered,"  48    did I go wrong?  All I ever wanted was for my children to grow up   49    Why couldn't your sister wait?"

     I understood then why he   50   to be in the dark.  51   being there, he had hoped not to spare his   52   a father's pain. His tears,   53   we hadn't seen them before that night, were there   all the same.

     I saw his   54   , that night when my father cried with my hand on his shoulder, and 55   his  pain.


36. A. supposed

B. likely

C. suitable

D. glad

37. A. believed

B. wondered

C. discovered

D. cared

38. A. secrets

B. tears

C. opinions

D. qualities

39. A. weak

B. sweet

C. warm

D. simple

40. A. hard-working

B. easy-going

C. kind-hearted

D. strong-willed

41. A. room

B. dark

C. garden

D. eye

42. A. something

B. nothing

C. anything

D. everything

43. A. running away

B. giving in

C. growing up

D. turning round

44. A. forget

B. control

C. reduce

D. prove

45. A. touch

B. idea

C. thought

D. feeling

46. A. heart

B. mind

C. dam

D. memory

47. A. noticed

B. felt

C. heard

D. imagined

48. A. How

B. What

C. When

D. Where

49. A. quickly

B. naturally

C. happily

D. right

50. A. preferred

B. managed

C. used

D. agreed

51. A. For

B. On

C. By

D. Of

52. A. family

B. children

C. function

D. experience

53. A. if

B. because

C. until

D. though

54. A. condition

B. pain

C. courage

D. trouble

55. A. remembered

B. understood

C. touched

D. respected


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

32、 (山东省济宁市2008—2009学年度高三第一阶段质量检测)


Your name

Li Hua

Date of accident

July 26

Time of accident

3:40 p. m.

What happened















