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科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

4、A WOMAN walks into a small stall and eats a cheap bowl of instant noodles, paying 1,500 won. Then she moves into a Starbucks coffee shop, where she drinks a cup of mocha, paying 4,300 won.

Surprised? This is the typical behaviour of South Korean young women. They are called "denjang girls". The term "denjang girls" referred to female shoppers who would eat cheaply and then splash out to be seen drinking a cup of expensive coffee. Now it has grown to a new army of women in their 20s who look smart, rich but are actually buying luxuries they probably can't afford.

Internet users created the term when debating the popularity of Starbucks coffee among South Korean women. In South Korea, the coffee costs, on average, over a dollar more than in Japan and the US. Despite the higher price, Starbucks sales in South Korea increased from 72.1 billion won in 2004 to 91.2 billion won in 2005.

Ahn Ji-Yoon, a student at Yonsei University in Seoul, says she can spend two hours surfing the web for discounts on skin cream and dinner. Yet she would think nothing of spending US$550 on a Gucci bag. Girls like Ahn live by extremes - hunting for bargain items while spending heavily on "necessary luxuries".


53. The underlined part in paragraph 2 means _____________.

       A. give away                               B. use…in a carefree way

       C. make good use of                    D. use up

54. What does the term “denjang girls” refer to?

       A. It refers to female shoppers who eat cheaply.

       B. It refers to female shoppers who drink expensive coffee.

       C. It refers to female shoppers who eat cheaply and spend little in drinking a cup of cheap coffee.

       D. It refers to female shoppers who eat cheaply but spend a lot in drinking a cup of expensive coffee.

55. According to the passage , which one is correct?

       A. In South Korea, the coffee costs more than in Japan and the US.

       B. In South Korea, the coffee costs less than in Japan and the US.

       C. In Japan, the coffee costs a little more than in South Korea and the US.

       D. In the US, the coffee costs a little more than in South Korea and Japan.

56. The purpose of the writer is to _________.

       A. criticize the manners of “denjang girls”

       B. call on female shoppers to act like “denjang girls”

       C. warn “denjang girls” not to waste money on expensive coffee.

       D. introduce new female shoppers “denjang girls” in South Korea.


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

3、LAST week's decision by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) to strip Pluto(冥王星) of its planetary status, held since its discovery in 1930, has made a lot of people sad. "Pluto," American science writer Dava Sobel writes in her book “The Planets”, “still has an emotional hold on planethood. People love Pluto. Children identify with its smallness. Adults felt it hard to accept its isolated existence.”

Many people felt sorry about Pluto's demotion(降级). “I just cannot accept this at this time,” says Liu Ming, 29, who runs a small company in Shanghai. “I was taught that 'the Nine Great Planets’ formed our solar system since primary school. And now they suddenly decrease the planets to eight. This will take some time for most of us to absorb it,” says Liu.

Ordinary people are simply not used to it, but for some professionals, especially the persons in charge of planetariums(天文馆) and educators, the change has become a real headache. The “eight instead of nine” change will affect thousands of planetariums around the world. Schools will also be greatly affected.
      In China, teachers are anxious as outdated textbooks are printed and given out to the remotest corner of the country for school children ready to start a new term soon. According to the Ministry of Education, new textbooks with changed contents will not be available until next year.

Zhao Zhiheng, a member of the Astronomy Association from Tianjin, suggested that primary and middle school teachers be trained in the improved knowledge, and that the media carry more stories to let people know about the change as soon as possible.


45.   The underlined phrase “strip…of” in paragraph1 means “__________”.

A. take…away from                  B. mark…with

C. get…ready for                     D. push…into

50. What’s the feeling of ordinary people to the change?

       A. They thought it necessary to have a change.

       B. They accepted it without hesitation.

       C. They felt a little sad and not used to it.

       D. They were strongly against the change.

51. Why did the change affect schools greatly?

       A. Teachers disagreed with the change and refused to accept it.

       B. Schools had to spend a lot of money on books.

       C. Students do not like the change of it.

       D. New textbooks will not be ready so soon.

52. In the following suggestions, which one is made by Zhao Zhiheng?

       A. Planetariums around the world should adapt to the change quickly.

       B. The media should make it known to people as soon as possible.

C. Teachers needn’t be trained in improved knowledge as soon as possible.

       D. Schoolchildren should be ready for the new knowledge.


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

2、       This is a doubtful age, but although our faith in many of the things has weakened, our confidence in the curative (治疗,药物) properties of the bottle medicine remains the same. This modern faith in medicine is proved by the fact that the annual drug bill of the Health Services is increasing to huge figures and shows no signs at present of stopping to rise. The majority of the patients attending the medical out-patients(门诊病人) departments of our hospitals feel that they have not received enough treatment unless they are able to carry home with them some tangible(有形的) curative in the shape of a bottle of medicine, a box of pills, or a small jar of ointment(软膏), and the doctor in charge of the department is only too ready to provide them with these requirements. There is no quicker method of treating of patients than by giving them what they are asking for, and since most doctors in the Health Services are overworked and have little time for offering time-consuming and little-appreciated advice on such subjects as diet, right living, and the need for abandoning bad habits etc.

Nor is it only the ignorant and ill-educated person who has such faith in the bottle of medicine. It is said that Thomas Carlyle (a famous Scottish writer), when he heard of the illness of his friend, went off immediately to visit him carrying with him in his pocket what remained of a bottle of medicine formerly used for a slight illness of Mrs. Carlyle’s. Carlyle was entirely ignorant of what the bottle in his pocket contained or the nature of the illness from which his friend was suffering, but a medicine that had worked so well in one form of illness would surely be of equal benefit in another, and comforted by the thought of the help he was bringing to his friend, he rushed to Henry Taylor’s house. History does not relate whether his friend accepted his medical help, but probably he did.


45.   According to the author, patients feel that they have been properly treated only if they _____.

A.      can take home some medicine doctors give them

B.      have confidence in the curative properties of a bottle of medicine

C.      are given careful check-ups by doctor

D.     are offered advice on diet and living by the doctor

46.   It can be learned from the passage that most doctors ________.

A.        feel morally bound(有义务的) to give patients advice about diet and right living

B.        are reluctant to provide patients with their requirements

C.        are confident in the curative properties of the bottle of medicine

D.       tend to satisfy patients’ demand for tangible medicine

47.   The story about Thomas Carlyle is used to illustrate that _________.

A.        a medicine that will cure one illness is not necessarily good for another

B.        Thomas Carlyle was ignorant

C.        Even educated people can be misled into believing that one can’t be cured by medicine

D.       Educated people may also have confidence in the bottle of medicine

48.   The passage mainly tells us that _________.

A.        we are in a skeptical age

B.        people’s faith in the bottle of medicine has not weakened in the modern age

C.        there are some problems in modern medical service

D.       patients have a tendency to put their own will on doctors



科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

1、                      Friendlies abandoned as name for mascots(吉祥物)

The name "Friendlies" has been abandoned as the organization committee for the 2008 Beijing Olympics silently changed the English name of the Games' five mascot dolls last week. The organization committee decided to adopt the name "Fuwa", which is a pinyin translation of its Chinese name and is more frequently used in China.

However, the organization committee replaced all Friendlies to Fuwa on its official site, but without giving a formal announcement to inform the public of the change. It is said that they received an inside notice about the change last week but don't want to emphasize it for fear of affecting the sales of Olympic goods. 

Li Yanjun, a Legal Affairs Department official, said the decision was made considering a variety of reasons but did not want to comment on them. "You may know about the background and many unfavorable comments concerning the mascots' former name across the web, but I won't comment on them," Li said. "I'm not in the position to make it clear if the change was caused by this."

A report published last week on China Radio International (CRI)made the name change known and listed the reasons why the Friendlies name should be changed. "Firstly, Friendly is somewhat an unclear name, which could refer both to friendly people and friendly matches,"a Dr. Li from Lanzhou University was quoted as saying on the site. "Secondly, the term Friendlies has a similar pronunciation to 'friendless' and thirdly, the spelling of Friendlies could be split as 'friend lies'."

Laura Fitch, a Canadian who works in China as news editor, welcomed the change, saying the name Friendlies sounds a "a little bit childish" and "doesn't really have a meaning."


41. why did the organization committee change the name “Friendlies” into “Fuwa” without giving  a formal announcement?

A. Because it is not important to make it known.

B. Because everybody will know it by surfing the internet.

C. Because it will perhaps affect the sales of Olympic products.

D. Because all the people will criticize them for changing its name.

42. Which of the following is not true as the reasons for changing the name?

    A. Friendly is a name with more than one meaning.

    B. It is very easy for people to pronounce the name in a wrong way.

    C. People are likely to split it as “Friend lies”.

    D. “Friendly” is not a suitable name for Olympic goods.

43. What can be inferred from what Li Yanjun said in Para.3?

       A. He liked the name while others didn’t.

       B. He didn’t know how to comment on unfavourable comments.

       C. It is likely that the change of the name was caused by the unfavourable comments.

       D. People would not make unfavourable comments on “Friendlies” if they knew about the background.

44. What’s the people’s reaction to the change of the name according to the last paragraph?

       A. approving          B. exciting             C. dislike              D. not mentioned



科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

36、An average of 130,000 Chinese ____ abroad for studies every year over the past few years, improving exchanges in the educational fields.

     A. was going                                       B. have been going  

     C. has been going                                 D. are going




科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

35、She’s hoping to be out of hospital_______ to celebrate her birthday at home.

   A. at a time     B. at times     C. at one time    D. in time




科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

34、I’ve _______ all my papers but I still can’t find the contract.

   A. looked into   B. dipped into   C. broken through   D. looked through


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

33、We got ________ in a traffic jam and missed the show.

   A. held up    B. hurried up     C. to hold up     D. to hurry up


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

32、The children talked so loudly at dinner table that I had to struggle _______ .

   A. to be heard    B. to have been heard    C. hearing    D. being heard

