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科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

14、________________(碰巧) the poor lady had left the necklace somewhere on the way home.   (occur)


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

13、The energy______________(一定用完了),for the fire went out of itself. (use)


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

12、When everyone  _________(在怀疑是什么) that makes them divorce, its seems to us that there are two main causes. (doubt)


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

11、Could you please tell me________________(我如何处理) the naughty children? ( attend)


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

10、Now, __________(人们普遍认为) that no college or university can educate its students by the time they graduate.  (accept)


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

9、The foreigner had some__________(听懂) the man’s accent. (difficulty)


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:


   1. 时间:2008年5月12日下午2:38;

   2. 地点:四川汶川;

   3. 程度:建国以来最强烈的一次地震之一;

   4. 损失:几乎一切变成废墟,6万多人丧生,成千上万人无家可归;

   5. 帮助:很多志愿者提供帮助,来自全国、全世界提供的食品、衣物等;

   6. 前景:灾区人民重建家园。


   1. 要点齐全;

   2. 可适当增加细节,使内容连贯

   3. 词数:100左右。



科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

7、 It has been ten years______________________________( 自从他参军以来).   (join)


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

6、People who drink alcohol earn more at their jobs than non-drinkers, according to a US study that highlighted “social capital(社交资本)”gained from drinking.

The study concluded that drinkers earn 1014 percent more than teetotalers, and that men who drink socially bring home an additional seven percent in pay.

“Social drinking builds social capital,”said Edward String ham, an economics professor,“Social drinkers are outgoing, building relationships, and keeping in contacts, which results in bigger paychecks.”

The researchers said the most likely explanation is that drinkers have a wider range of social contacts that help provide better job and business opportunities.

“Drinkers may be able to socialize more with clients and co-workers, giving drinkers an advantage in important relationships. Drinking may also provide individuals with opportunities to learn people, business, and social skills. ”

They also said these conclusions provide arguments against policies aimed at controlling alcohol use in university and public places.

“Not only do anti-alcohol policies reduce drinkers’ fun, but they may also decrease earnings,”the study said, “One of the consequences of alcohol restrictions is that they push drinking into private behavior. By preventing people from drinking in public, anti-alcohol policies ignores one of the most important aspects of drinking: increased social capital.”

The researchers found some differences in the economic effects of drinking among men and women. They concluded that men who drink earn 10 percent more than non-drinkers and women drinkers earn 14 percent more than non-drinkers.

However, unlike men, who get a 7 percent income increase from drinking in bars, women drinkers who visit bars frequently do not show higher earnings than those who do not visit bars.


67.The underlined word in Paragraph 2 refers to __________

   A. women drinkers      B. co-workers         

   C. non-drinkers           D. men-drinkers

68. What’s the best title of the passage?

   A. Income Differences Between Drinkers And Non-drinkers

   B. To Build Social Capital, Drink!

   C. Anti-alcohol Policy is Not Reasonable

   D. Drinking Helps Increase Income

69. What’s NOT the consequence of anti-alcohol policy ?

   A. More people drink in private.

   B. There are less alcohol in universities.

   C. Drinkers’ income increased because they spend less money on drinking.

   D. Drinkers get less fun from drinking.

70. What can we infer from the result of the study?

   A. To build social capital, you have no choice but to drink.

   B. Drinking is a good and common way to increase social capital.

   C. Drinkers build wider social contacts.

   D. Drinkers may be provided more opportunities.


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

5、Question: What is more astonishing than a 60-ton whale on a flatbed truck being driven down the street?

Answer: A 60-ton whale on a flatbed truck exploding and raining blubber ( fat of whales) all over the sidewalk.

That’s what happened in Taiwan recently, when a dead sperm whale being shipped to the Halobios Research Center for an autopsy(尸体解剖) developed an extremely bad case of gas and blew up before it reached its destination.

The whale was found alive on a Taiwan beach last weekend, and died shortly after it was discovered. Since the 56-foot whale was the largest whale ever beached on Taiwan’s shores, scientists wanted to study it and perform an autopsy for educational purpose.

Obviously, too much time passed between when the animal died and the time it was set to be moved to the autopsy location, because it had already started to go bad. When things rot, they give off gases as a by-product. In the whale’s case, the gases were trapped in its belly. The pressure inside the rotting creature grew so much that it popped like an over-filled balloon. Unfortunately, it was on a truck in the middle of the city of Taiwan at the time--- cars and shops lining the street were covered with whale bits and juices, much to their owners’ discouragement.

According to the news reports, traffic was tied up for hours while officials tried to clean up the streets.

Newspaper editors worldwide were probably smiling to themselves, since they had a ready-made headline--- several reports about the incident were titled “ There She Blows!” after the famous line from the book Moby Dick.


63. The purpose of the question at the beginning of this news report is to_____.

   A. explain the reason               B. sell newspapers

   C. attract readers                    D. give an immediate answer

64. The whale’s explosion is the result of_____.

   A. pressure from gases building up in the creature as it began to rot

   B. the long transport of the creature from the beach to the center

   C. the extremely busy traffic in the streets it passed by

   D. the quick process of rotting of the animal

65. What is the correct order of the incidents?

   a. The whale was set to a flatbed truck.

   b. The whale was discovered.

   c. The whale exploded.

   d. The whale died.

   A. b; c; a; d     B. d; c; b; a    C. b; d; a; c     D. d; b; a ; c

66. What do we know from the last paragraph?

   A. Some newspaper editors were laughed at.

   B. Moby Dick is the name of a woman writer.

   C. All the newspapers reported the story under the same title.

   D. The rifle “ There She Blows! “ is taken from the book Moby Dick.

