 0  42122  42130  42136  42140  42146  42148  42152  42158  42160  42166  42172  42176  42178  42182  42188  42190  42196  42200  42202  42206  42208  42212  42214  42216  42217  42218  42220  42221  42222  42224  42226  42230  42232  42236  42238  42242  42248  42250  42256  42260  42262  42266  42272  42278  42280  42286  42290  42292  42298  42302  42308  42316  97155 

科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

11、Tom does speak Chinese, but his reading and writing skills leave much________.

    A.to improve            B.to be improved          C.improving              D.improved


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

10、―The public store is to close at 9:30 p.m..

―___________ no need _________ ; it is just 7:30 p.m..

A.There is; to be worried                            B.It is ; to be worried

C.It is ; to worry                                       D.There is; to worry


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

9、―Director, Jack is ill, so he can’t be here.

―Then we’ll have no choice but to give the performance _______ him.

A.except for                   B.apart from          C.except              D.without


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

8、The ______________ ( 根据) of her opinion is something she read in the magazine.







(每空? 分,共? 分)




科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

7、Have you found any furniture in ________________ (现代的) style?


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

6、―Do you want some c _________________ ?

―No, I have given up smoking.


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

5、I’m surprised she didn’t phone back------ she is usually very r ______________.


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

4、They have just  p_______________ a big house in the country.


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:


Business Service

Help Wanted



English, Maths , Physics, Computer 

Call Miss Smith, 800-3594



For prompt, polite wake-up service.

Tel. 800-0780



Call 800-0942 any time.



Call 800-0552 or 800-9668, ask for Steve



Call Jean, 800-3535,10 a.m. --- 10 p.m.



Wants students. Folk / jazz, Bob, 800-7535

BABY-SITTER---MY  HOME If you are available a few hours during the day, some evenings and weekends to care for a school age child, please call Gayle Moore days 800-1111,evenings and weekends 800-4946


HELP wanted for housework half a day per week. When-to be discussed. Good wages. Sylvan  Street. Call  800-2817


PERSON wanted for delivery work . Own transportation. Good pay. Apply 2311E. Stadium. Office 101. After 9a.m.


WAITRESSES wanted 10 a.m.---2p.m. or 10:30 a.m.---5 p.m. Apply in person, 207S.Main. Curtis Restaurant.


PLANT LOVERS Interested in working part-time the greenhouse. Apply in person Garden Hotel.


70.We can always read the above advertisements _______________.

A.on TV    B.on a notice board    C.in a newspaper    D.in a business magazine

71.Which telephone numbers can you call if you want to find a job?

A.800-4964, 800-0942             B.800-2817, 800-1111

C.800-3535, 800-3594             D.800-2817, 800-9668

72.Which of the following is true in the advertisements?

A.Waitresses are wanted, during the night in Curtis Restaurant.

B.A well-experienced telephone receptionist (接线员) is wanted in Office 101.

C.A baby-sitter is wanted on weekends and holidays.

D.A person who doesn’t have his own transportation is not wanted for delivery work.


科目: 来源:gzyy 题型:

2、I hear many parents saying that their teenage children are rebellion. I wish it were so. At your age you ought to be growing away from your parents. You should be learning to stand on  your own two feet. But take a good look at the present rebellion. It seems that teenagers are all take the same way of showing that they disagree with their parents. Instead of striking out bravely on their own, most of them are trying to seize at one another’s hands for safety.

They say they want to dress as they please. But they all wear the same clothes. They set off in new directions in music. But somehow they all end up crowded round listening to the same record. Their reason for thinking or acting in thus-and-such a way is that the crowd is doing it. They have come out of their cocoon (蚕茧 ) into a larger cocoon.

It has become harder and harder for a teenager to stand up against the popularity wave and to go his or her own way. Industry has firmly opened up a teenage market. These days every teenager can learn from newspapers and TV what a teenager should have and be. And many of today’s parents have come to award high marks for the popularity of their children. All this adds up to great difficulty for the teenager who wants to find his or her own path.

But the difficulty is worth getting over. The path is worth following. You may want to listen to classical music instead of going to a party. You may want to collect rocks when everyone else is collecting records. You may have some thoughts that you don’t care to share at once with your classmates. Well, go to it. Find yourself. Be yourself. Popularity will come with the people who respect you for who you are. That’s the only kind of popularity that really counts.


61.The writer’s purpose in writing this passage is to tell______________.

A.readers how to be popular in the world

B.teenagers how to learn to decide things for themselves

C.parents how to control and guide their children

D.people how understand and respect each other

62.According to the writer, many teenagers think they are brave enough to act on their own, but, in fact, most of them _____________.

A.have much difficulty in understanding each other

B.are not sure of themselves

C.dare not do things

D.are very much afraid of getting lost

63.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.There is no popularity that really counts.

B.What many parents are doing is actually keeping their children from finding their own path.

C.It is not necessarily bad for a teenager to disagree with his or her classmates.

D.Most teenagers say they want to do what they like to but in fact they are doing the same.

64.During the teenage years, one should learn to ________________.

A.become different from others in as many ways as possible

B.get into the right season and become popular

C.find one’s real self

D.rebel against parents

