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科目: 来源:2011年乌鲁木齐市高中招生考试试卷 题型:

One dayEdie ran home from school and criedOn that daythree new girls were moved(被调整到)to her  1  and sat behind herThey were 2  taller than Edie and they picked on(欺负)her after classHer mum comforted her“If they pick on you againJust tell them that you really want to be  3  friendLet’s see what will happenOK?” Edie agreed to have a try

After thateach time when the girls picked on herEdie just said“I really want to be your friend”About two weeks laterEdie told Mum that it didn’t  4  but she still decided to keep  5  Another week laterEdie ran homeshouting,“MumMumguess what  6  this morning? The girls agreed to be my friends”LaterEdie asked the teacher  7  she could sit at a desk with these girls in the classroomShe found that they were troublemakers(捣乱者)because they couldn’t understand the lessonsEdie often helped the girls  8 their study

__of the school yearthe teacher told Edie’s parents  10  your daughterthe three girls have changed a lot”She thought it was a miracle(奇迹),

1Atown                Bschool              Cgrade              Dclass

2Amore                Bmuch              Cvery               Dtoo

3Atheir                Bthem              Cthey              Dthemselves

4Acome         1      Bgo                Cwork              Dleave

5Ato cry               Bcrying             Cto try             Dtrying

6Ahappening            Bhappened          Cwill happen         Dto happen

7Aif                   Bwhy               Cwhat               Dwho

8Awith                Bto                 Cof                Dby

9ABy the end           BIn the end          CAt the end          DTo the end

10ASo              BThanks to          CBecause           DSince


科目: 来源:2011年乌鲁木齐市高中招生考试试卷 题型:

Have you ever heard of a blog(博客)?If you haven’tyou should find out what it isIt's hereit's growingand it's having an influence un the whole worldGo on the Internaland you'll find blogs everywhere

A blog is a website in which a person or a group can place textphotosvideos and soundsThe word is the short from of "weblog"Writing a blogkeeping a blog or adding an article to a blog is called "blogging'Things such as articles and photos in a blog can he called "blog posts" or "posts"The person who posts those things is called a "blogger"

Nowin some places around the worlda weblog is created almost every 6 secondsBecause it's helpfulBill Gates says that it is as important as e mailBBS and MSNHe's trying to make Blogs an important tool for future businessesDo you want to be a bloggertoo?

1Where can we find Blog posts?

AIn a newspaper   BIn a book          COn the Internet    DOn TV

2Which one is not mentioned in this passage?

AQQ             BBBS             CMSN            DBlogs

3What can't we do in blogs?

AWatch movies     BBook tickets      CListen to music   DRead articles

4What does Bill Gates want to do?

AStart more helpful websites

BAdvise more people to use e-mail

CInvent a new tool instead of blogs

DMake Blogs an important tool in the future

5What's the best title for this passage?

AWhat Is a Blog?                          BHow to Write a Blog?

CWhat Is a Blogger?                        DHow to Become a Blogger?


科目: 来源:2011年乌鲁木齐市高中招生考试试卷 题型:


important   get along with   opportunity    supposed    without

1We can shop on the Internet ______ going out of our houses

2All the students are ______ to hand in their homework on time

3My cousin is easy to______ because he is kind and friendly

4Talking loudly with friends in public is______

5Last year he had an ______ to help protect wild animal


科目: 来源:2011年乌鲁木齐市高中招生考试试卷 题型:


1Jack has______ (借)my science book for 4 days

2Today is my little brother’s______ (五)birthday

3Let’s work hard to make our dreams come ______ (实现).

4Please listen to me______ (认真)!I have something important to tell you

5Let’s go to see Miss Ding on ______ (教师)Day this year


科目: 来源:2011年乌鲁木齐市高中招生考试试卷 题型:


I have thousands of classes since I started school nine years agoBut only one  1   was the most important for meLast term just after I had got a bad result in an   2   I was very upset and had lost my confidenceI decided to go to a class which can tell me how to be 3   The speaker walked into the room,   4  he didn't start talking like a teacherInsteadhe held up a twenty-yuan note! "Who wants this?" he asked  of us in the class held up our handsHe smiledThen he put the note on the blackboard and asked the same questionAgainwe all put up our handslie smiled again but said   6   Suddenlyhe threw the note onto the floor! Then he asked the same question a   7   timeI didn't understand what the speaker was doingWhy was he asking the same question again and again? But I wanted the note  8   I put up my hand againAfter a whilehe   9  up the note and started to laugh"You have all just told me how to be successful" he said"The nine is worth(价值) 20 yuanIt is always worth 20 yuaneven though I threw it on the floorYou are like "the noteWhatever happens  10  youyou still have your worth" Suddenly I knew I was worth a lotI may have done poorly in the exambut it doesn't mean I can't do well in the futureIf I believe in myselfI will be successful


科目: 来源:2011年乌鲁木齐市高中招生考试试卷 题型:

我们新疆好地方这首歌表达了新疆人民对家乡的热爱之情,那么在新疆学习、生活的你对家乡又有着怎样的感受?请以“My Hometown”为题从下列提示中选择两个或更多方面来写一一写新疆。☆地理位置☆季节☆旅游☆交通☆饮食☆特产☆民俗☆家乡的变化☆其他



科目: 来源:2011年新疆维吾尔自治区、新疆生产建设兵团初中毕业生学业考试试卷 题型:


1Jim's grandpa is in good health

Agood                Bwell                Cpolite              Dfriendly

2Our teacher told us not to make any noises

Ato stop talking       Bto begin to talk       Cto stop to talk        Dto begin talking

3The little boy's family couldn't afford a computer for him al that time

Awork                                  Bget no money

Cwant                                  Dget enough money

4The students enjoyed themselves very much at the party

Ahad a very good time                     Bworked a lot

Cdisliked themselves                      Dliked themselves

5Mr. Zhang is mad at the children who often copy others' homework

Aargues with        Bcares for         Cis angry with       Dis pleased with

