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科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度山东省潍坊市高密第一学期八年级期末考试试卷 题型:

Please ________ to turn off the light when you go out

Aforget                     Bstart                       Cwish                      Dremember


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度山东省潍坊市高密第一学期八年级期末考试试卷 题型:

--You are wearing a lovely coatLucy

--Yesit ________ very soft and comfortable

Asmells                     Btastes                      Cfeels                      Dsounds


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度山东省潍坊市高密第一学期八年级期末考试试卷 题型:

Let’s stay for a long time ________ there are lots of things to see here

Aso                   Bbecause                  Cbut                 Dor


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度山东省潍坊市高密第一学期八年级期末考试试卷 题型:

We all know that some animals have less and less land ________

Alive in                     Blive on                    Cto live in                 Dto live on


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度山东省潍坊市高密第一学期八年级期末考试试卷 题型:

--What does your sister look like?


AShe has short hair and big eyes                    BShe is eleven years old

CShe is friendly and helpful                           DShe sounds really nice


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度山东省潍坊市高密第一学期八年级期末考试试卷 题型:

I will tell you a funny story about a birdLast year I went to Hawaii to  1  the summer holiday with my friendOne day when I was  2  and eating some delicious food on tile beachthere were a lot of wild birds that hung around on the beach for  3  A little bird flew to meI put a little food on the beachThe little bird   4   it and flew to eat itSo I continued to put more food closer and closer to the birdTo my  5  the little bird landed on my handI was very happy and wanted to laughAnd then the bird  6  all the food I gave it to my hand and played with me for a while

This was the   7   time in my life I personally saw a wild bird trust(信任)someone enough to land on his hand  8  for the birdI wasn’t someone that would ever think of hurting itI was lucky to have a chance to communicate(交流)with a wild  9 To someone this story seems to be nothing surprising  10  to me it was a little miracle(奇迹).

1Atake                         Bcost                        Chave                       Dspend

2Aswimming                Brunning                   Csleeping                  Dsitting

3Afriends                     Binformation             Cfood                      Dbeaches

4Aturned                     Bhated                      Csaw                        Dagreed

5Atime                        Bfeeling                    Csurprise                  Dinterest

6Abought                     Bdrank                     Ccaught                    Date

7Asecond                    Bfinal                       Clast                         Dfirst

8AHardly                      BLuckily                  CUnluckily                DFinally

9Aperson                     Btraveler                  Cplayer                     Dbird

10Aand                        Bbut                         Cso                          Dsince


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度山东省潍坊市高密第一学期八年级期末考试试卷 题型:

My name is DanielI am a student in a mixed(混合)British schoolI leave home at 6:45 a.m. and walk 20 minutes to catch a bus to schoolI have a one-hour bus ride to get to schoolI begin classes at 8:30 a.mand finish classes at 2:00 p.m

My name is JackI am a student in an Italian secondary schoolI start classes at 7:55 a.mand finish classes at 1:25 p.mfrom Monday to FridayAnd then I have lunch at school until 2:30 p.mAfter lunch I go homeI learn Italian grammarHistoryGeographyScienceMaths and English

I am VeraI am from PhilippinesI go to school from 7:00 a.mto 5:00 pmI don’t change classroomsbut the teachers doI don’t have schoolbagsI just bring a box to school on the first dayI keep my books in it

I am JuliaI am living in SingaporeMy classes start at 8 a.m.,but I have to get to school at 7:15Our classes are over at 1:30 p.mon TuesdaysWednesdays and Thursdaysand at 2:05 p.mon Mondaysand at 12:30 p.mon Fridays

1When does Daniel usually get to school?

AAt 6:45 a.m         BAt 7:05 a.m          CAt 7:00 a.m         DAt 8:05 a.m

2If you are in an Italian secondary schoolwhich subject don’t you learn?

AHistory                BMaths                 CGeography          DChinese

3________ needn’t bring a schoolbag to school

ADaniel                 BJack                    CVera                    DJulia

4The four short passages all talk about different ________

Asubjects                  Bbuses                      Cschool lives            Dschool names

5Which of the following is NOT right?

AJulia’s classes start at the same time every day

BVega has to change classrooms every day

CJack has to go to school five days every week

DDaniel walks 20 minutes to catch a bus to school


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度山东省潍坊市高密第一学期八年级期末考试试卷 题型:

I am BruceMy parents divorced in 1993when I was fourAfter thatmy mother took care of me aloneI grew up to be an outgoing(开朗的)personI could find friends anywhere I went

But some of my friends had bad habitssuch as smoking and drinking I didn’t do things like thatThey laughed at meThis made me annoyed f(使烦恼)with themAs a teenagerin factI didn’t think I had a true friendI felt lonelyI tried to do only good thingsthough I didn’t do them very well

Then my life began to change when I went to university in 2007Now I don’t feel lonely and I have some true friendsThey are very politeI feel their love and careWhen I have problemsthey offer to help meThere are no better friends in the world than themThey will never leave meno matter what happens in the future

1What does the underlined worddivorcedmean in Chinese?

A.结婚                      B.离婚                       C.得病                      D.去世

2Bruce was unhappy with his friends because ________

Athey laughed at him                                     Bthey drank a lot

Cthey smoked a lot                                       Dthey had new habits

3Bruce went to the college at the age of ________

A16                          B17                       C18                          D19

4Bruce’s university friends are ________

Afriendly and helpful                                     Bpolite but careless

Ccareful but dishonest                                          Dlovely and careful

5Which of the following is TRUE?

ABruce didn’t like making friends after his father left him

BBruce had new habitssuch as smoking and drinking

CBruce’s¨life changed after he became a university student

DBruce had made real good friends before he went to university


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度山东省潍坊市高密第一学期八年级期末考试试卷 题型:

Colours often have different meanings in different culturesIn the USpeople have found the following to be true

Black   Black is the colour of powerIt is also popular in fashion because it makes people look thinner

White   White stands for purity(纯洁).White is thought to be a summer colourHoweverwhite is easy to be dirty and is more difficult to keep clean than other colours

Red    This is the most exciting colourRed furniture should be sold very well since it will attract a lot of attentionRed cars are the thieves’ favouriteRed is often used in restaurants because it is an appetite(食欲) stimulantThis means it can make people eat more

Blue    Blue is the colour of the sky and the oceanPeaceful blue is often used in bedroomsStudies show that weightlifters are able to lift heavier weights in blue gyms

Green    Green represents natureIt is the most comfortable colour for the eyes and can improve visionHospitals often use green because it relaxes patients

Yellow    Sunny yellow is a cheerful colonryet people lose their tempers(脾气) more often in yellow roomsand babies cry more

1Which colour can make people look much thinner?

ABlue                    BBlack                  CGreen                 DRed

2The underline wordstimulantmeans________”.

A.刺激物                   B.防腐剂                   C.辐射物                   D.装饰物

3Where is colour green often used?

AIn bedrooms           BIn gyms                     CIn hospital           DIn restaurants

4Which of the following is TRUEaccording to the passage?

APeople like to wear white clothes in winter

BBlue can make patients feel more relaxed

CPeople can get angry easily in yellow rooms

DBlack cars are popular among thieves

5Where will you probably see the passage?

AIn a storybook                                        BIn a science magazine

CIn a dictionary                                        DIn a diary


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度山东省潍坊市高密第一学期八年级期末考试试卷 题型:

The BBC(英国广播公司)has the School Report(报道)for students in schoolsWhy does the BBC open it? One reason (原因) is to help students work with their classmatesthe next is to help them write reports and the third is to let students know about the world

The school Report is open to aged between 11 and 14 students in the UKTeachers help students make reportsIn Marchteachers put the reports on the website of the schoolAfter thatworkers in the BBC visit the websiteThey discuss the reports and choose good ones from themThenthey put good reports on time website of the BBC

What does the school need for it? Just a computer and a websiteIf the school doesn’t have any one of themthe BBC won’t work with it

1Which reason is NOT mentioned(被提到)in the passage?

ATo help students work with people

BTo help students learn to write reports

CTo let students work for the BBC

DTo let students know about the world

2The worddiscussmeans________in Chinese

A.删掉                      B.讨论                       C.发表                      D.拍卖

3What does the school need for the School Report?

AA computer and teachers                             BA computer and a website

CA radio and a website                               DWorkers of the BBC

4What do we know from the passage?

ALucy is 16 years old and she can work in the School Report

BThe School Report is open to all schools in time world

CIn Marchstudents put their reports on the school website

DNot all the students’ reports can be on the website of the BBC

5What does the passage mainly tell us?

AWhat the BBC is                                      BWhat the School Report is

CHow students make reports                      DWhere teachers put students’ reports

