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科目: 来源:2010年辽宁省鞍山市初中毕业年级第一次质量调查试卷 题型:

---Do you know where Tom is? I have to talk to him.

---Sorry, he_____ Japan. But he____ in two days.

Ahas been to; will come back        Bhas gone to; will be back

Chas been in; would come back     Dhas gone to; won’t come back


科目: 来源:2010年辽宁省鞍山市初中毕业年级第一次质量调查试卷 题型:

---The dictionary ____ me fifty yuan.

---It’s very useful though its price is a little high.

Atook            Bpaid for           Cspent               Dcost


科目: 来源:2010年辽宁省鞍山市初中毕业年级第一次质量调查试卷 题型:

---Our school is beautiful!

---It will be more beautiful if more trees and grass ______ by us.

Aplant              Bplants            Cis planted            Dare planted


科目: 来源:2010年辽宁省鞍山市初中毕业年级第一次质量调查试卷 题型:

As a student, you must have read a lot of interesting books. Most of the books come from the school library, I am sure. Perhaps you also get books from the bookstore in your town. The books are something given to you as   1   by your parents or friends, I think. Besides, if you like reading and want to learn more, I am sure that you buy books    2    .

Have you ever thought how books are   3   ? Well, after a book is written, it passes through the hands of many different workers. Each one works very carefully, for there must not be any    4    in the book. It is read many times by different people before it is finished.

Millions of books are printed in our country every year. So people can get   5   to read. Now may I ask you a question? How well do you take   5    of books? What have you learned about the care of books?

Perhaps you bought yourself some   7    books. Have you put paper covers on them? Do you open    8   carefully? Sometimes new books break along the back if you open them   9   in the middle. I hope that you don’t  10    the pages carelessly. If you do, you may tear them.

1. Apets                              Bpresents                 Cbooks                           Dtextbooks.

2. Aall                          Byourself                 Calso                              Deither

3. Asold                              Bbought                   Cgiven                     Dmade

4. Amistakes                Bquestions                Cwrong                   Dthing

5. Amany                            Benough                   Ca lot of                   Dgreat

6. Acareful                Bafter                             Cout                               Dcare

7. Amore                            Bnew                       Cwell                       Dnicer

8. Ait                           Bcarefully                 Cthem                      Dbook

9. Asuddenly             Bsudden                   Ccareful                   Dcarefully

10. Abreak                   Bthrow                    Cwrite                            Dturn


科目: 来源:2010年辽宁省鞍山市初中毕业年级第一次质量调查试卷 题型:

One day the employees of a large company in St Louis, Missouri returned from their lunch break and were greeted with a sign on the front door. The sign said: “Yesterday the person who had been in your way to success passed away. We invite you to join the funeral (葬礼) in the gym.

At first everyone was sad to hear that one of their colleagues (同事) had died, but after a while they started getting curious about who this person might be.

The excitement grew as the employees arrived at the gym to pay their last respects. Everyone wondered: “Who is this person that was in my way? Well, at least he's no longer here!”

One by one the employees got closer to the coffin (棺材). When they looked inside it they were speechless. They stood over the coffin, shocked and in silence, as if someone had touched the deepest part of their soul (灵魂).

There was a mirror inside the coffin: Everyone who looked inside it could see himself. There was also a sign next to the mirror that said: “There is only one person who can stop yourself from succeeding: it is YOU.”

You are the only person who can change your life. You are the only person who can influence(影响)your happiness and your success. You are the only person who can help yourself.

Your life does not change when your family changes, when your friends change, when your boss changes, or when your company changes.

Your life changes when YOU change, when you realize that you are the only one responsible (负责的) for your life.

1. When the employees first heard the news, they were _____.

Acurious                   Bsad             Csurprised             Dexcited

2. The employees went to the gym to _____.

Aplay some sports                                         Bwatch a ball game     

Cvisit a dead person                               Dsee a movie

3. The employees saw _____ in the coffin.

Aa dead man           Ba mirror          Ca picture             Dnothing

4. The company did this to _____.

Aplay a joke on the employee                    Bshow how to achieve success

Cexplain the meaning of life                      Dshow how to change the world

5. The story mainly tells us _____.

Ait's important to change oneself before one can succeed

Bit's everyone's duty to make a difference

Cit takes a long time to realize the importance of change

Dit's not easy to change the world around you


科目: 来源:2010年辽宁省鞍山市初中毕业年级第一次质量调查试卷 题型:


A: What is your project at school this week?

B: To make a report about the environmental pollution.

A: Really?      1             

B: Yes, it is. The environmental pollution is more serious than before. It's said that some factories pour waste water into the river near our city.

A:   2       

B: We should do a survey near the river.

A:     3          

B: I'll get some information to write my report.      4          

A: Sure! I'd love to. Let's work together.

B: The city is our home. It is our duty to make it beautiful.

A:      5         

AAnd I think your report may be the best.

BWould you like to make it with me?

CWhat a good idea!

DWhat a pity!

E. It may pollute our water.

F. I think it is a good topic.

G. I will help you with your homework.


科目: 来源:2010年辽宁省鞍山市初中毕业年级第一次质量调查试卷 题型:


1. 唱歌是一个使人快乐的好方法。

  Singing is a good way to ________ people _________.

2. 离开房间之前,务必把灯关掉。

Be sure to ___________ __________ the light before you leave the room.

3. 无论这项工作有多难,我们都会按时完成的。

    No matter how hard the work is, we will finish it _______ ________.

4. 我很想知道他是否戒烟了。

 I really wonder if he has_________ __________ smoking.

5. 他所说的话使我很烦。

What he said __________ me __________ .

6. 我的祖父母跟我的品位不同。

My grandparents have ___________ ___________ from me.

7. 我认为老师不会阻止我在周末玩电脑游戏的。

I don’t think my teacher will _______me _______ computer games at weekends.

8. 熬夜对我们的健康有害。

    Staying up too late is _________ _________ our health.

9. 吃饭时你不应该发出响声。

You _________ not ___________ to make a noise while eating.

10. 多亏了网络,很多问题得到了关注。

    _________ __________ the net, a lot of problems have been paid attention to.


科目: 来源:2010年辽宁省鞍山市初中毕业年级第一次质量调查试卷 题型:



Mr Brown’s Pet Store



科目: 来源:2010年临沂市初中学生学业考试样卷 题型:

Have you seen ________ film Avatar (阿凡达)?

YeahIt’s ________ very exciting one, I think

Aa; an                Bthe; an             Cthe; a          Da; the

