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科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度济宁市泗水县第一学期期中考试八年级英语试题 题型:

__________the students in our school ride their bikes to school

AMost               BMost of                  CMany


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度济宁市泗水县第一学期期中考试八年级英语试题 题型:

---Who is at the door?

---That ____ JohnI'm sure

Amay be           Bmust be                  Cshould


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度济宁市泗水县第一学期期中考试八年级英语试题 题型:

I finished___ my homework and then had a rest

Ado                   B. doing                       Cto do


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度济宁市泗水县第一学期期中考试八年级英语试题 题型:

Mr. Smith plans __________ a very pleasant vacation

Ahave                Bto have                   Chaving


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度济宁市泗水县第一学期期中考试八年级英语试题 题型:

You'll be ____ when you return from your vacation

Arelaxing           Brelaxed                    Cto relax


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度济宁市泗水县第一学期期中考试八年级英语试题 题型:

    One daythe sonan American schoolboycame home after schoolHe was very   1  He didn't pass the math examThe father was very  2  with the sonso  the son was quite afraid(害怕)of himNow the son went up to his father and said

    “I'm  3  Fatherbut...”

    The father was  4  a newspaperNow he stopped reading and looked at the  son“What is the matter?" he asked

    “I didn't pass the exam”the son said

    “What? You didn't  5  ?”the father shouted(喊叫)at the sonHe was  6   .Then he asked“You know  7  about Thomas Edisondon't you?”

    “Yesanswered the sonhe was a great  8  inventor(发明家)

    “RightHe Was an inventor at your ageyou know

    “But FatherI think you  9  something about Abraham Lincoln”said the son

    “Of courseEverybody knows him

    “Rightsaid the sonHe was president(总统)of our   10  at your ageyou know

    1Asad                   Bhappy              Chungry

    2Apleased              Bfriendly            Cstrict

    3Asick                  Bsorry              Cglad

    4Areading             Bwriting            Clooking for

    5Aagain                 Beither               Cmore

    6Aangry                Bhappy             Csad

    7Aanything          Bsomething    Cnothing

    8ACanadian           BFrench             CAmerican

    9Adon't know       Bwant to know Cknow

    10Acity                B. town                Ccountry


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度济宁市泗水县第一学期期中考试八年级英语试题 题型:

    John was 10 years old and was a very lazy boyHe didn't like school and didn't want to do much workHis father and mother were doctorThey hoped that their son would be a doctor when he grew upBut one day John said to his mother“When I finish schoolI want to be a cleaner

    “A cleaner?” his mother asked in surprise“That isn't a good jobWhy do you want to be a cleaner?”

    “Because I'd only have to work one day a week”answered John

    “Only one day a week?” his mother asked“What do you mean?

    “Well"answered John“I know that the cleaner only comes to our house and works on Wednesdaybecause I see him only on that day

1John ____ at school

  Afinished his work    Bdidn't do a lot of work    Cdid little work

2John's parents wanted him to be a_______

  Adoctor                     Bteacher                       Ccleaner

3John wanted to be a cleaner because he_______

  Aknew it was happy     Bthought it was easy        C . liked working

4___________it was good to be a cleaner

  AJohn's mother didn't think    BJohn's father thought

  CJohn's parents thought

5John thought that the cleaner only worked one day a week because____________

  Ahe saw a cleaner in his house only on Wednesday

  Bthe cleaner was free most days of the week

  Chis parents told him


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度济宁市泗水县第一学期期中考试八年级英语试题 题型:

    Mother's Day is a vacation for mothersIt is celebrated in the United StatesEngland  India and some other countriesMother's Day is on the second Sunday in MayOn that daymany people send gifts of love to their mothersThose whose mothers are still living wear pink or red or carnation(康乃馨)while those whose mothers are  dead wear a white one

    The idea of a day for mothers was first given by Miss Anlla Jarvis of Philadelphia (费城)As a result of her hard workthe celebration of the first America Mother's Day was held in Philadelphia on May 101908Soon the vacation became popular all over the country and the worldIn Chinasome young people do the same thing on the day for mothersAndin some citiespeople sometimes ask a song to be telecasted(电视播放)for their mothersThis might cost(花费)a little moneybut as it is said“Love is invaluable

1On what day is Mother's Day?

   AThe second Sunday in May  BThe second Saturday in May

   CThe first Sunday in May

2On Mother's Daypeople in some cities of our country_______.

   Amust ask their mothers to sing songs

   Bask the television station to telecast some songs for their mothers

   Cwear a pink or red rose or carnation

3The word “invaluable” in the sentence “Love is invaluable”means_________.

    A.美丽的    B.自私的    C.无价的

4The first Mother's Day in the world was held(举行)in______.

   Athe United States    BEngland    C.China

5If a man wears a white rose on Mother's Dayit shows__________.

   Ahis mother is still living    B. his mother is not living any more

   Che likes the color


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度济宁市泗水县第一学期期中考试八年级英语试题 题型:

    Henry was from the USA and he had come to London for a week's vacationOne day he was not feeling wellso he went to the clerk at the desk of his hotel and said“I want to see a doctorCan you give me the name of a good one?”

    The clerk looked at the book and then said“Doctor Kenneth Grey61010”Henry said“Thank you very muchIs he expensive?”

    “Well”the clerk answered“he always ask his patients(病人)for two dollars for their first visit to himand 1.5 dollars for later visits

    Henry decided to save(节约)50 cents()so when he went to see doctorhe said“I've come again

    For a few second()the doctor looked at him carefully(仔细地)without saying anythingThen he said“Ohyes”He looked over him and then said“Everything is going as it shouldJust go on using the medicine I gave you last time

1In London Henry was a_______.

   Aworker    Bstudent    Cvisitor

2Which of the following is true?

   AThe clerk thought that Dr Kenneth was a good doctor

   BHenry didn't think Dr Kenneth was a good doctor

   CDr Kenneth never worked carefully

3Why did Henry said “I've come again?”

   ABecause this is the second time to see Dr Kenneth

   BBecause Henry wanted to save 50 cents

   CBecause Henry knew Kenneth very much

4After Dr Kenneth heard what Henry said________.

   Ahe remembered that he had seen him before

   Bhe looked at Henry carefully and knew he was very ill

   Che knew Henry told a lie(谎言)

5What can you learn from the story?

   AWe should pay less money when we see doctor next

   BWe should be honest(诚实)in our life

   CWe should see any doctor in London because he is not carefully


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度济宁市泗水县第一学期期中考试八年级英语试题 题型:

    During the day we work and playAnd at night we sleepOur bodies rest when we are asleepIn the morningwe are ready to work and play againOur bodies grow most when we are asleep

    Children who are tired usually need sleepWe could be better at our lessons if we had enough restChildren who are eight or nine years old need ten hours of sleep every nightOur bodies need enough air when we sleepIf we don't get out fresh airwe will feel tired when we wake upWhile in bed we mustn't cover our headsour lungs()need to get enough fresh airIf we opens windows at nightwe can get enough fresh airCool air is better than warm air

Children who want to be healthy must get enough sleep 

1Our bodies rest when we___________

   Awork    Bsleep    Cplay

2Our bodies________ when We are asleep

   Adon't grow    Bgrow most    Cgrow least

3Children need_________ hours of sleep every night when they are eight nine years old

   Anine    Beight    Cten

4If we don't get enough fresh airwe will feel _______ when we wake up

   A tired    Bill    Cexcited

5This passage mainly tells us that__________

   Achildren need ten hours of sleep every night

   Bwhen we sleepour bodies need enough air

   Cchildren need enough sleep and how to sleep well

