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科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度辽宁省本溪市第一学期八年级期中质量抽测试卷 题型:

---He has_________ money and ________ friends

… _________ he is very happy, I think

AlittlefewAnd                        BlittlefewBut 

Cfewa littleAnd                     Da fewlittleBut


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度辽宁省本溪市第一学期八年级期中质量抽测试卷 题型:


A. How long should I take the medicine?

B. I don’t feel well here in the stomach.

C. How often should I take the medicine?

D. Not well at all, doctor.

E. I hope you feel better soon.

F. I have a very bad cold.

G. Take this medicine three times a day and keep warm.

AGood morningTinaHow are you this morning?


AWhat’s the matter with you then?


ALeme seeMm…I think you have a stomachache

BThatS too badWhat should I dodoctor?

A3 _______ Don’t eat anything hard until you feel well

BAll rightdoctor4_______

AYou may take it for four or five days until you don’t have the stomachache any more·


A5 _______

BThank you very much


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度辽宁省本溪市第一学期八年级期中质量抽测试卷 题型:


AHelloMary! What are you doing this summer vacation?

BI’m 1___________________ my sister in AmericaI’m 2___________________ America on

SaturdayHow about youTom?

AI’m 3_____________________ the mountains for about a week

BOhthat sounds great .4_____________________?

AThis Sunday afternoon

BAnd you, Susan? What are you doing then?

CI’m going to the beach 5_____________________My parents like to swim a lot

ASo we are all going to have fun this vacationHow nice!

BAnd we will talk about our vacations when we come back

AB and COhyeah!


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度辽宁省本溪市第一学期八年级期中质量抽测试卷 题型:


1.他将在北京呆两个星期。He is_______________ in Beijing_____________ two weeks

2.她说她是有压力的。  She said she was_________________________

3.这两个单词有什么不同?    What’s the_________________________ these two words?

4.她放学后常常照顾她的妹妹。  She often_______________________ her sister after school

5.中药在很多西方国家受欢迎。____________________ is popular in many western countries

6.他们每天怎样去上学? __________________________________________________?

7.你明天能来参加我的生目晚会吗? ________________________________________?


9.你家离学校有多远? ________________________________________?



科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度辽宁省本溪市第一学期八年级期中质量抽测试卷 题型:

Did you watch NBA All-Star Game(全明星赛)this summer? If you watched ityou should

__1__Shaquille O’Neal’s(沙奎尔·舆尼尔)wonderful playShaquille O'Neal is in Cleveland now

He Was born on March 6th1972He is 2.16 meters tallWhen he was younghe Was very strong(强壮的).His strong hands__2__him a good start of lifeShaquille liked playing __3__But when he Was a high school student in Grade Twohe wasn't good at basketball Just at that timehe__4__his good coach(教练),Dale BrownThen he began his hard practiceIn 1992he _5__NBAplaying for Magic Teamthen Lakersand later Miami Heat in 2004He had a great  __6__He has joined All-Star Game ten timeswon NBA Finals MVP(最有价值的球员)three times_7__got the gold medals(金牌)for the USA in the Olympic GamesThey named him one of the fifty__8__players in NBA history

    Shaquille O’Neal is strong and tallPeople call him” Large Shark(鲨鱼)But he is good at __9__tooHe has six CDsIt's really one ofe happiest things in the world to listen to his CDs and__10__ him play basketball at the same time

   1Aremember          Bforget         Cmeet          Dsay

   2Aput               Bshowed       Cgave           Dtook

   3Afootball            Bvolleyball       Ctennis          Dbasketball

   4Amissed            Bmet           Cleft            Dhad

   5Ajoined              Bhad            Ctook            Dbecame

   6Aidea               Bsuccess      Cparty        Dtimes

   7Aand                Bbut          Calthough       Dso

   8Aworst                    Bslowest        Cbiggest         Dgreatest

   9Amusic             Bhistory        Cmath          DEnglish

   10Amake           Bhelp          Cwatch        Dlook at


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度辽宁省本溪市第一学期八年级期中质量抽测试卷 题型:


Healthy   size   say   cities   exercise   and   largest   find   had   times

    Fast food is very popular in AmericaThey__1__ that at 1east(至少)twenty five out of one

hundred American people eat fast food every dayMcDonald’s is the__2__fast food company(公司)in the worldThese day’s Filmmaker Spurlock did an experiment(实验)and tried to__3__out the result of eating only fast food at McDonald’s three__4__a day for a monthHe had to do these things He could only eat McDonald’s he__5__ to eat every food at least oncehe should have the large__6__ of French fries and some soft drink like Coke if McDonald’s gave them

    Three doctors looked over (检查)Mr. Spurlock before __7__after his experimentThey

Did many tests on his bodyin the beginning he was very__8__He went to McDonald’s restaurants in different  __9__He ate all kinds of food On the list and did not __10__After the monthhe got 11 kilograms heavier and became illSo it’s important for you to stop eating fast food very often


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度辽宁省本溪市第一学期八年级期中质量抽测试卷 题型:

Kathy was illso she went to see the doctor

    "Doctor, I'm not feeling well"she said ”Every time I do my homework ,I feel tiredIf I walk to school, I have to sit down and rest for ten minutesbefore I can study

    The doctor looked at her for some timeThen-he said"There is nothingmuchBut I'm afraid you eat too much everyday

    “I don’t know what you are talking about"said Kathy”I think you eat too much food"said the doctor

    ”Oh! you think I'm too heavyThat's a problem”said Kathy”What should Ido if I don’t want to be heavy, doctor? Tell me what I should do to be healthy, doctor!”

    ”Don’t worry, KathyThe answer is easy,” said the doctor”If you want to be thin and healthy, you shouldn’t eat a lot of food and you also should do much exerciseIf you can do theseyou will be fine like, you were before very soon

  ”Thank youdoctor1 will take your advice

   1How is Kathy these days?

    AShe often feels tired             BShe often feelssad

    CShe often feelssore in the back   DShe often feels ill

   2How does Kathy go to school every day?

    ABy bike      BBy bus     CBy car      DOn foot

   3What did the doctor say about Kathy after he looked at her?

AKathy was very fired           BKathy ate too much

CKathy had to take his advice      DKathy was very ill

    4Which is a problem for people from the article?

AEating less food                     BStudying too hard

CEating too much                     DPlaying too much sport

    5What should Kathy do from now on?

Ashe should eat more and exercisemore

BShe should walk to school

CShe should stay at home and rest

DShe should eat less and exercise more


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度辽宁省本溪市第一学期八年级期中质量抽测试卷 题型:

All students need to have good study habitsWhen you have good study habits, you learn things quicklyYou also remember them easily

    Dolike to study in the sitting room? This is not a good placebecause it is usually not very

 quietYou need to study in a quiet placelike your bedroomA quiet place can help you to think about one thing

    When you study at home, do not think about other things at the same timeOnly think about your homeworkIf you do thisyou can do your homework more quickly and you should make fewer mistakes(错误).

    Good study habits are very importantIf you don’t have themtry to learn themIf yours are

good now, try to make them better

   1How do people learn things when they have good study habits?

AAll students need to have good study habits

BThey learn things quickly and easily

CThey do not think about other things

DThey only think about their homework

   2When do people remember things easily and quickly?

AWhen they have good study habits    

BWhen they study

CWhen they learn things

DWhen they need to have good study habits

   3What shouldn’t people do when they study?

AI hey should not only think about one thing 

BThey should not remember-everything

CThey should not think about other things

DThey should not study in the bedroom..

   4What must people only think about when they study at home?

AThey must only think about good study habits

BThey must only think about other things

CThey must only think about their homework

DThey must only think about making fewer mistakes

   5If people do not have good study habitswhat should they do?

AThey should try to make them better

BThey should try to learn to have them

CThey should try to make fewer mistakes

DThey should try to do their homework quickly


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度辽宁省本溪市第一学期八年级期中质量抽测试卷 题型:

Different sounds make the whole world more lovely, especially the sound of music I like music of all kinds and I enjoy doing workeven hard work with beautiful music around me

    When I was in the country of America in i988and that was about more than twenty years agoI did many thingsBut one thing that I can’t forget is that I just fell in love with the different kinds of American songs as soon as I got therefolk(民间的)songscountry songsand western songsIt was the first time for me to listen to real American songsSo I bought a walkman(随身听)and listened to the songs whenever I had free timeThere were no mp3s or mp4snot to say mp5s in those days And American people were just beginning to use computers and they were not popular thenSo I recorded (录制)some of my favorite songs on some cassette tapes to take back home a year laterBelieve it or notI learnt to sing some American popular songs myself at the timeFrom listening to the songs and singing them I not only improved my Englishbut also I got to know more about the life of American peopleI really killed two birds with one stone! I’m really happy because I can listen to all kinds of songs very easily from the Internet nowI’m sure I will livelistening to American songs all my life

1Where did the writer go in the year of 1988?


2How many kinds of songs are talked about in the article?


3Why did the writer buy a walkman when he was in America?


4Why did he record some Songs on cassette tapes?


5Can you try to put the sentence“ I really killed-two birds with one stone’’ into Chinese?


科目: 来源:2010-2011学年度辽宁省本溪市第一学期八年级期中质量抽测试卷 题型:

同学们,快来参加学校组织的英语讲演比赛吧!题目是“My Good Friend”




My Good Friend

Hello everyone_______________________________________________________________


