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科目: 来源:2011年威海市初中升学考试 题型:

Very hot weather is common in many parts of the worldA1though hot weather just makes most people hotit can cause medical problems--and death

  Floodsstorms and other terrible natural events kill thousands of people every yearAndwe hear much about them in news reportsWe generally hear little about heatwhich experts say may be nature’s most dangerous killer

    Health experts say that since the year 1900, very hot weather has killed more

people in the United states than any other natural eventOne year—the unusually hot summer of 1980 heat caused about 1700 deaths in the United statesIn 1995,more than 600 people died in another heat wave in one city—ChicagoIllinois

    Besides drinking lots of Cool water, doctors say there are other things to do to protect against the health dangers of heatStay out of the sunif possibleWear looselightweight and lightcolored clothesWear a hat while in the sunEat fewer hot and heavy foodsAndwhen possiblecook foods during cooler time of the dayIf possiblerest more often

    Health experts say that these simple steps can prevent the dangerous health problems caused by heatThey will prevent sicknesshelp you feel better and may even save your life

1Hot weather is common_________.

  Aall over the world           Bin lots of parts of the world

  Cin most parts of the world   Din few parts of the world

2Usually people don't think that______ is nature’s most dangerous killer

Aheat    Ba flood     Ca storm  Can earthquake

3As the text mentionedthe hot weather caused at 1east 2300 deaths in the United


  A .in 1900    Bin 1980    Cin 1995    Din 1980 and 1995

4Which of the following is correct?

  AThe doctors say that we have no ways to prevent the deaths caused by heat

  BVery hot weather has killed most people among the other natural events

  CAny other event has killed more people than very hot weather

  DA1l the other events haven't killed so many people as very hot weather itself

5The passage is talking about________  

  Aall kinds of terrible natural events in the world

Bsome health problems caused by hot weather

Chow to prevent and treat health problems

Dthe health problems in hot weather and the ways to prevent them


科目: 来源:2011年威海市初中升学考试 题型:

A policeman was sitting in his car on the side of Highway 25, hoping to catch  speedersAfter a whilea car full of elderly women slowly rolled by. The policeman  realized that the slow—moving car was a danger to other drivers on the highway, so he decided to ask them to pulled upAfter the car had stopped on the side of road, the policeman got out and came to the car to speak to the drive. He said, “The speed  limit(限制)on this highway is fifty-five miles per hourWhy are you driving so slowly?” “WellofficerI’ve seen a lot of signs on this highway that say‘ twenty- five’ not‘fifty—five'”the old woman politely replied

“Ma'am”the officer told the driver“those aren’t speed mean that you are driving on Highway 25

 “Ohsilly meI didn't knowI'm sorryofficerI'll be more carefully in the future .”she replied

Then the police officer looked in the backseat of the carHe noticed that the elderly passengers looked frightened and were shaking with fear. The officer asked the driver“Whats wrong with them? They 1ook like they ’ve been frightened to death by something.”

    The driver replied“0hthey’ll  be all right in a minuteYou see, we just got off Highway 120

1The policeman stopped the car because the car was______.

    Arunning too slowly         Brunning too fast

    Cover crowded(过分拥挤)     Dfull of elderly people

2The driver is _________

    Aa young man       Ban old man

    Ca girl            Dan old lady

3If you drive on Highway 25you should drive ________ miles per hour.

  Aat most 25         Bat most 55

  Cat least 120       Dat most 120

4The passage hints(暗示)that _________.

  Athe Highway 1 20 is frightening

Byou can drive at any speed 0n highways as long as you don’t break the limit 55

Cthe driver adjusted(调整)the driving speed by the number of the highways

Dthe driver of the car understands the signs 0n the highway very well


科目: 来源:2011年威海市初中升学考试 题型:

Have you paid the ___________ (账单)?


科目: 来源:2011年威海市初中升学考试 题型:

In winterthe temperature is usually _________ bi‘lauzero


科目: 来源:2011年威海市初中升学考试 题型:

In England people use MrMrs0r Miss with the family name but never with the f_________  name


科目: 来源:2011年威海市初中升学考试 题型:

I_______mistthe early bus yesterdayAs a resultI was late for school.


科目: 来源:2011年北京市海淀区初三模拟练习 题型:


  1. They are going to a party.

  2. There will be many people there.

  3. The two speakers met last Monday.

  4. The lady rested at home in the morning.

  5. Both the man and the woman got hurt.


科目: 来源:2011年北京市海淀区初三模拟练习 题型:


1. What does the speaker want to know?

A. Weather in China.

B. Information about vacations.

C. Suggestions for sports.

2. When will the speaker go there?

A. In winter.                     B. Next month.                    C. This summer.

3. Where is the speaker going to stay?

A. In a hotel.                     B. On a farm.                       C. At a friend’s.

4. What does the speaker want to do there?

A. Do some housework.    

B. Do some homework.

C. Do some exercise.

5. How many people are going with the speaker?

A. One.                      B. Two.                              C. Three.


科目: 来源:2011年北京市海淀区初三模拟练习 题型:



The time

The place

Who saved him?

The result

Where is Bob now?


2.Highway __

3.A passing ____

4.He broke his ___.

5. __________.


科目: 来源:2011年北京市海淀区初三模拟练习 题型:

Whose pen is this?

It is _________. My friend gave it to me as a gift.

A. mine                 B. my                    C. her                   D. his

