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科目: 来源:2011年淄博市中等学校招生考试 题型:

Computers are very important to modern life. Many people think that in the future computers will be used in lots of everyday life. It is thought that we won’t have to go shopping because we will be able to get most things which are sold on the internet. There will be no more books because we will be able to get all texts form computers. The computers will be used to play games, see films and buy food. Most telephone calls will be made by computers.

Some people are glad about these news ways of shopping and communicating(交流)Others do not think that computers will replace (取代) our old ways

Let’s look at books, for example. Some people think that one day we will not read books made of paper; instead, we will buy and read books using computers. We will read texts on small pocket computers. The computers will keep many different books in them at the same time .We won’t turn to lots of pages and paper will be saved. Computerized(计算机化的)books will be used morn and morn.

Is Internet shopping such a pleasure as going to the shop? Many people say is not, It is a pleasure to go into shops and things you want to buy. Also probably people won’t like to read large texts on our computers. Because paper books seem to be more friendly .Maybe computers won’t change these two habits.

1. In the first paragraph it is thought people will use computers to____

A play games, see films and have meals

B play games go shopping and make telephone calls

C see films, buy food and see the doctor

D make telephone calls, ply games and do housework

2. Which reason for using computerized books is not said in the passage?

A Computers books won’t be very expensive

B Texts can be read on small pages

C we won’t turn so many pages

D we won’t use so much paper

3. The underlined sentence in the last paragraph means____

A paper books regard people as friends

B paper books are very kind to people

C people like to read paper books

D people don’t really like to read paper books

4.The last paragraph tells us _____

A Internet shopping is a great pleasure

B people will like to read texts on computers

C whether computers will changes these two habits

D how people will use computers in the future

5. The best title of this passage could be _____

A Computers Will Replace Shops and Books

B Computers Will Do Everything for Man

C Computers Are the Future

D How Computers Changes Our Habits  


科目: 来源:2011年淄博市中等学校招生考试 题型:

Football is, I believe, the most popular game in England: one has only to go to one of the important matches to see this, Rich and poor, young and old, one can see them all there, shouting for one side or the other.

To a forefinger, one of the most surprising things about football England is the great knowledge of the game which even the smallest boy seems to have. He can tell you the names of the player in most of the important of the teams. He has pictures of them and knows the results of large numbers of matches. He will tell you who he expects will win such a match, and his opinion(看法)is usually as good as that of men three or four times his age.

 Most schools in England take football seriously--- much more seriously than nearly all European schools. In England , education is not only a matter of filling a body’s mind with facts in the classroom, but also means the training of character(性格)One of the best ways of training character is playing games especially team game, the boy or the girl has to learn to work games and matches for its pupils, Football is a good team game, and it is good both for the body and the mind. That is why it is every school’s game in England.

1 In the first sentence of the passage, “this” refers to the fact that____

A football is the most popular game in the England 

B one has to go to one of the important matches

C all kinds of people like playing football

D people shout for one kind or the other

2 To a foreigner, what is so surprising about football in the England?

A  Little boys know more about the results of football matches than old people

B The names of the important players are know to all

C Even the smallest boy has great knowledge of the mage

D Games and matches are a part of education

4 From football games, it is believed that children can ___

A train their character      B work for themselves

C plan games and matches   D learn their lessons

5 Which of the following statements is turn according to the passage?

A  All European schools take football seriously

B Football in England is more important than lessons

C Even the smallest boy in England can play football well

D Football games are planned in every school in England


科目: 来源:2011年淄博市中等学校招生考试 题型:


1 Now computers are w____ used in our office                             1 _____

2 When I told them the funny joke, they couldn’t help I ____                  2_____

3 The children can take good care of t____ while you are not here.

Don’t worry about them                                              3_____

4 When the autumn comes the I _____ on the trees turn yellow                 4_____

5 There is something wrong with my bike, I’ll have it r___ tomorrow            5_____


科目: 来源:2011年淄博市中等学校招生考试 题型:


You are doing homework and waiting for you parents to come back. The doorbell rings.

You stand up and look t___1_ the keyhole. Two strangers! And the bell goes on ringing. Should you open the door at once?

Instead if o__2_ the door immediately, you should ask who’s there with the door locked, If it’s a stranger, say, “Come back latter.” Don’t tell him or her that your parents are a_3__. Say Mum’s in the kitchen or Dad’s taking a shower, To ignore(忽视)the doorbell is not a good I__4__. Sometime thieves ring doorbell to see if anyone’s at home.

In fact, there are many things that you should watch for when you  are alone at home.

Keep the door I___5___ when you are alone.

Keep a handy list of phone numbers to call for help-110the p_6____ department, or a nearby friend.

Never go anywhere with someone you don’t know, no matter h__7___ nice the person seems.


科目: 来源:2011年淄博市中等学校招生考试 题型:


1.你接电话好吗? 我这会儿正忙着呢。









科目: 来源:2005年山东省济南市中考英语试题-新课标 题型:


1. Allan goes to the library every Monday. 改为一般疑问句)

 ________Allan ____ to the library every Monday?

2. The little boys played football on the playground yesterday. (就画线部分提问)

______________ the little boys _    _ football yesterday?

3. Let's go to the English corner, shall we?   (改写句子,句意不变)

________________going to the English corner?

4.  Read more books,    and you will get more knowledge. (改写句子,句意不变)

The________________you read, the________________you will get.

5.  "When do you have your art lessons?"   Mum asked me. (改写句子,句意不变)

Mum asked me_________________________art lessons.

6. After planting the trees you should water them often.   (改为被动语态)

The trees_________________________often after they________________. 


科目: 来源:2005年山东省济南市中考英语试题-新课标 题型:



Many of your favourite stars________________Taiwan.


There's_________________________my CD player. Can you put it right for me?


We_________________________to get on well with our-friends.


_________ 50 million people_________________________ during World War


The changes of the mainland are so great that  Mr Lin________________

_________________to his hometown.


The scientists________________to ________ "Shenzhou VI"_______ _into space successfully as soon as possihle.


科目: 来源:2005年山东省烟台市中考英语试题 题型:

1970 was "World Conservation Year". The UN wanted everyone to know that the world was in danger. They hoped that government(政府) would act quickly in order to conserve ( ) nature. Here is one example of the problem. At one time there were 1 300 different plants,  trees and flowers in Holland,  but now only 860 remain. The others have , been de¬stroyed by modern man and his technology. We are changing the earth,  the air and the water,  and everything that grows and lives here. We can\'t live without these things. If it continues like this,  we shall destroy ourselves.
What will happen in the future? Perhaps it is more important to ask "What must we do now?" The people who will be living in the world of tomorrow are the young of today. A lot of them know that conservation is necessary. Many are helping to save our world. They plant trees,  build bridges across rivers in forests,  and so on. In a small town in the United States a large group of girls cleaned the banks of 11 kilometers of their river. Young people may hear about conservation through a record called NO ONE\' S GOING TO CHANGE OUR WORLD. It was made by the Beatles and other singers. The money from it will help to con¬serve wild animals.
   1. The UN set up "World Conservation Year",  because________.
       A. the world was in danger of war
       B. the government had done something to protect the world
       C. many things were destroyed by the technology
       D. man and his technology destroyed the earth badly
   2.________kinds of plants have disappeared in Holland in the past few years.
       A. 860       B. 440              C. 1 300           D. 2 160
   3. "NO ONE\'S GOING TO CHANGE OUR WORLD" is________.
      A. a record        B. a song          C. a book         D. a CD
   4. It is impossible to save our world if we________.
      A,  plant trees            B. clean the banks of rivers
      C. pick rubbish            D. listen to the record
   5. The passage mainly tells us      .
      A. the people who will be living in the world of tomorrow are the young of today
      B. what will happen in the world in the future
      C. conservation of nature is necessary
       D. everyone has known the importance of conservation of Nature since 1970


科目: 来源:2005年山东省烟台市中考英语试题 题型:

WANTED! Teachers of English for special courses for waiters and hotel workers. Teaching qualification  (
资格) and hotel experience are necessary. Good pay and conditions.
Our new foreign food counter has special delicious fruit* and vegetables from Hong Kong and Japan. Come and find out all yon need to know about cooking and new menus. (3)SPAIN
Teachers and helpers needed for a small private school. Experience with young children is necessary. Spanish-speakers phone now for application (
申请) forms.
If you spend part of your working day on the move. time  is money and keeping in loach is necessary. A car phone could be just what yon need! (5)DEVELOPMENTS IN WESTERN CHINA
An exhibition and lecture will take place on Friday 27th March at the Great Hall, 7 p.m. Learn more about what is happening in the west and meet people from the western cities.
  1. Hazel had a lot of experience working with children and spent three years in Spain before getting married. She is looking for a new job. Perhaps she is interested in________.
     A. Advertisement(
广告) No. 1 (Xin Hua School)
     B. Advertisement No. 3(Spain)
     C. Advertisement No. 4 (Latest In Car Phone Technology)
     D. Advertisement No. 5 (Developments in Western China)
  2. Mary and Joe have a restaurant in London. They are always looking for new ideas for their menus and often use foreign materials. After reading the five ads,  they may go to ________and have a look.
      A. the exhibition                    B. Xin Hua School
      C. the small private(
私立) school       D. Rachel Supermarket
   3. Marion works for an office equipment manufacture (
办公设备制造商) as a sales manag¬er. She does a lot of traveling by car and has to speak to people back in the office often during the day. She may be interested in the advertisement about________.
     A. developments in western China      B. car phone technology
     C. new fruits from the East            D. a school of hotel
   4. Wei Hua has been working in a hotel for two years to pay for his studies. He now has a teaching qualification and wants a new job in the west of China, he may________.
       A. dial(
拨打) 81993129 for further information
       B. dial 71584349 for a brochure(
       C. go to the exhibition and lecture on Friday 27th,  March
       D. go to Rachel Supermarket
   5. According to the five ads, a qualification is needed if a person wants to work________.
       A. at Xin Hua School of Hotel           B. in western China
       C. as a teacher at a private school in Spain  D. at Rachel Supermarket


科目: 来源:2005年山东省烟台市中考英语试题 题型:

1. The f________horse can\'t be controlled. What should I do?
2. One of my f________sayings is "Where there is a will,  there is a way. "
3. The door is too narrow for the elephant to go________(
4. While he was on holiday,  he________(
宁愿) doing something to doing nothing.
5. The teacher explained the maths problem to the students________(

