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                                                               At the Train Station              
      Henry is going to Tianjin. He is at the train station now. Now it's 8 o'clock. Henry goes to Platform 13 and 
there Train Number 59 to Changchun is leaving. Train Number 96 to Guangzhou leaves at 8: 20. The next one 
is Henry's train, Train Number 88. It leaves ten minutes after Train Number 96.

1. —Where is Henry?  —                 .
[     ]
A. He is in Tianjin                                     
B. He is at the train station              
C. He is at the bus station                            
D. He is in Changchun
2. When does Train Number 96 leave?  
[     ]
A. It leaves at 8: 41                                                 
B. It leaves at 8: 20                   
C. It leaves at 8: 00                                                 
D. It leaves at 8: 21
3.           is leaving at 8 o'clock.
[     ]
A. Train Number 88                                          
B. Train Number 59                  
C. Train Number 96                                            
D. Train Number 20 
4. How many trains are there at Platform 13?   
[     ]
A. One          
B. Two          
C. Three          
D. Four
5. When does Train Number 88 leave?
[     ]

A. It leaves at 8: 00                                                
B. It leaves at 8: 20                   
C. It leaves at 8: 30                                                
D. It leaves at 8: 40  

1-5  B  B  B  C  C
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    科目:小学英语 来源:模拟题 题型:阅读理解

        Jimmy lives in the country(农村), and he loves playing in the river near his house. But his father gets a
    job(工作) in a big city, and he moves(搬迁) there with his family.
          Their new house has a garden,  but the garden is very small. Jimmy isn't happy."Is there a river near
    here?" He asks his mother in the first morning.  His mother answers, "No, there isn't, but there's a nice park
    near here and there's a pool(油塘) in it. We're going there this afternoon." Jimmy is happy now.
         After lunch Jimmy and his mother go to the park. Jimmy wants to walk near the pool, but there is a sign(标记) before it. His mother reads it to him, "Warning(警告): This pool is dangerous(危险的). 367people fell into(掉人) it."Jimmy looks into the pool carefully and says, "But I can't see them."
    1. Jimmy likes playing ________ very much.
    A. in the park          
    B. in the garden
    C. in the river          
    D. in the zoo
    2. Jimmy's father works ________.
    A. in the country        
    B. in a big city
    C. in a small city        
    D. in a park
    3. There is ________ near Jimmy's new house.
    A. a river              
    B. a garden
    C. a zoo                
    D. a park
    4. Jimmy goes to the park with ________.
    A. his father          
    B. his mother
    C. his teacher          
    D. the 367 people
    5. There is a ________ in the park.

    A. river            
    B. hill
    C. pool            
    D. swimming pool


    科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

          There is a new park near my house. It's Yiai Lake Park (遗爱湖公园). My family often go to the park.
    There is a lake in the park. There are many trees and flowers in the park. There is a playground in the middle
    of (中间) the park. There are some children over there. The park is beautiful. We like it very much.
    1. ____________ is near my house.
    [     ]
    A. A new park
    B. A lake
    C. A playground
    2. There are ____________ and ____________ in the park.
    [     ]
    A. many trees; flowers
    B. many houses; lake
    C. many lakes; children
    3. There is a playground ____________ the park.
    [     ]
    A. in the middle of
    C. behind
    4. There are ____________ on the playground.
    [     ]
    A. many flowers
    B. some trees
    C. many children
    5. We like ____________ very much.
    [     ]
    A. Yiai Lake Park
    B. Lake
    C. children


    科目:小学英语 来源:专项题 题型:阅读理解

    A Traffic Jam
          One day Tom and Bill went out for a walk. On the road they saw a lot of people and went up to have a look.
    Oh dear! There was a cow (奶牛) in the middle of the road. It would not move. The cars and buses could not get 
    past. Then a policeman came. " Whose cow is this? " he asked. " It's mine," said a farmer, " but I can't move it."
    The policeman and the farmer did their best to move the cow, but it would not move. Tom and Bill laughed, but 
    the drivers of cars and buses were worried. " We can't move the cow," the farmer and the policeman said. 
    " What shall we do? "
          " Give him a cabbage! " Tom said. " That's a good idea," said the farmer. Soon he found a cabbage and 
    showed it to the cow. When the cow saw the cabbage, it walked after the farmer at once (立刻). All the cars 
    and buses could get past at last (最后).
    1. Tom went out for a walk _____________.
    [     ]
    A. with a group of people
    B. with Bill
    C. with a farmer
    D. with his sister
    2. The cow was _____________.
    [     ]
    A. on the way to work
    B. the strongest animal
    C. in the middle of the road
    D. pleased to see so many people
    3. Tom and Bill _______________.
    [     ]
    A. didn't help to move away the cow
    B. waited for the trucks to get past first
    C. were sad to see the cow was hungry
    D. went up and saw a cow in the middle of the road
    4. _____________ thought out a good idea to move away the cow.
    [     ]
    A. Tom and Bill                        
    B. Tom
    C. The farmer
    D. The drivers
    5. The cow wouldn't move itself because _______________.
    [     ]
    A. it was hungry
    B. it wanted to get on one of the trucks 
    C. it was too late 
    D. so many people were watching it


    科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

           Hello!  I'm a word. I have three letters. My first one is in "soon", but not in "moon", my second one is in
    "rose" and also in "rice", my third one is not in "pencil" but in "paper", my body is a place where there is a lot of
    water. I am the twin sister of the word "see". Who am I ?
    1. The word is a place where there is a lot of               .
    [     ]
    A. water                      
    B. sea                      
    C. coffee
    2. How many letters are there in this word ?
    [     ]
    A. One                             
    B. Two                          
    C. Three
    3. What's this word ?   It's "           ".
    [     ]
    A. rose                         
    B. sea                       
    C. see
    4.  Is the second letter in "rose" or in "snow" ? 
    [     ]
    A. Yes, it is.                      
    B. It's in "rose".           
    C. It's in "snow" .
    5. The first letter in this word is               .
    [     ]
    A. s                             
    B. e                          
    C. a


    科目:小学英语 来源:陕西省同步题 题型:阅读理解

          Jim lives on a farm. His parents are farmers. There are many animals on the farm. There are chickens, pigs
    and cows in the field. He likes to watch the cows eating grass in the field. There are ducks in the pond. He likes 
    to swim with the ducks. He loves the animals. They are his good friends.
    1. Where does Jim live?
    [     ]
    A. In an apartment.              
    B. On the farm.             
    C. At the zoo.
    2. What's Jim's father? 
    [     ]
    A. A farmer.                  
    B. A worker.                
    C. A clerk. 
    3. How many kinds of animals are there on the farm?      
    [     ]
    A. Two.                             
    B. Three.                     
    C. Four. 
    4. Does Jim like the animals? 
    [     ]
    A. Yes, he is.                  
    B. Yes, he does.      
    C. No, he doesn't.
    5. What does Jim do with the ducks?
    [     ]
    A. Swimming.      
    B. Running.   
    C. Walking.

