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How many






How much

24 dollars

10 dollars

60 dollars

20 dollars

114 dollars

(1)How many dresses does Jean need?

(2)How much are the dresses?

(3)How many gifts does Jean want to buy?

(4)What are the gifts?

(5)How much are the gifts?

(1)She needs two dresses.
(2)They are sixty dollars.
(3)She wants to buy eleven gifts.
(4)They are three English books, two caps, two dresses and four toy cars.
(5)They are one hundred and fourteen dollars.
(1)句意:Jean需要多少件连衣裙?根据表格中的连衣裙下面的数字看出是2件,所以答案是She needs two dresses.
(2)句意:这些连衣裙多少钱?根据表格中的连衣裙下面的数字看出是60美元,所以答案是They are sixty dollars.
(3)句意:Jean想买多少个礼物?根据表格中的Total(合计)下面的数字看出是11个,所以答案是She wants to buy eleven gifts.
(4)句意:这些礼物是什么?根根据表格中的图片看出是三本英语书,两个帽子,两件连衣裙和四个玩具小汽车,所以答案是They are three English books, two caps, two dresses and four toy cars.
(5)句意:这些礼物多少钱?根据表格中的Total(合计)下面的数字看出是114美元,所以答案是They are one hundred and fourteen dollars.


科目:小学英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】( )Show _______ your dolls.

A. I B. me C. my


科目:小学英语 来源: 题型:


In the old days, people usually travelled by horse when they wanted to go a long way. A man named Ming lived in the country. One day, his mother said to him, "Your uncle is very ill and he needs this medicine. You must take it to him quickly. Your uncle lives in the town. It's a long way from our house. It will take you two days to get there on a horse."

Ming thought for a minute and said to himself, "One horse ...two days. I know what I can do." The he said to his mother "Don't worry, Mum. I'm clever. I think I can get there in one day." Ming ran to the market and bought two horses for his journey.
(1)Ming lived with his in the .
A.father, town
B.mother, countryside
C.uncle, countryside
(2)Ming's uncle need some .
(3)Ming thought he could get to the town in day(s) because he had horses.
A.two, two
B.two, one
C.one, two
(4)People went from place to place in the old days.
A.by horse
B.by bike
C.by cow
(5)How many days do you think it took Ming to get to his uncle's home?


科目:小学英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Let's ________ and play. ( )

A. go outB. to go outC. going out


科目:小学英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】把句子代码填入相应的圆圈里。A. Two years ago, Mr Hong went to work by car. Now he goes to work by bike. It's good for his health and the environment.
B. In the past, people washed clothes by hand. Now they use washing machines.
C. In the past, children played hide-and-seek in the fields. Now they play computer games at home.D. In the past, people got water from a well. Now they get water from the tap.


科目:小学英语 来源: 题型:


1. in a year________ 2. 去游泳________

3. in summer________ 4. 在冬天________

5. go ice-skating________


科目:小学英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】你想问一年里有几个季节, 你会说: ( )

A. How many seasons are there in a year?

B. How many season are there in a year?


科目:小学英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】---What are________hobbies ?

---She likes collecting stamps.

A.your B.his C.her


科目:小学英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】I like skating .He ________ likes skating .

A.to B.also C.too

