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It's fun          up a Christmas tree. 
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A. to put                
B. putiing                
C. put

科目:小学英语 来源:专项题 题型:阅读理解

Jenny: Yesterday we bought gifts. Today we are putting up the Christmas tree. Tomorrow is Christmas. 
          We are going to open our gifts. Let's invite Danny to help us put up the tree.
Li Ming: Okay!
Jenny: Hello, Danny. Would you like to help us put up our Christmas tree?
Danny: Great!
Jenny: It's fun to put up a Christmas tree! First, we put on the lights. Then we put Christmas things on the tree.
           Hi, Danny! Would you like to put the star on the tree?
Danny: Yes, the star always goes on top!
Jenny: Now let's put our gifts under the tree. There! It's done!
Li Ming: It's beautiful!
1. What did Jenny do yesterday?
2. What are they going to do today?
3. Who are they going to invite?
4. Where does the star always go?
5. What's under the tree?


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

Read and write. 让我们一起进入阅读乐园吧!
        Hello! I am Mike's mother. Today is Sunday. I don't go to work. Every weekend
I don't go to work. I often read some books on the weekend. I like buying new clothes.
So I go shopping on the weekend. Sometimes I play the piano at home. I go hiking 
every weekend. I like weekend. It's fun.
A) Read and judge. 判断下面说法是否正确,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。     
(     ) 1. Today is Friday.     
(     ) 2. Today Mike's mother doesn't go to work.    
(     ) 3. She goes shopping on the weekend.    
(     ) 4. She doesn't like weekend.
B) Read and answer. 回答问题。        
What does Mike's mother do on the weekend?  


科目:小学英语 来源:陕西省同步题 题型:填空题

1. Santa is a merry man              red clothes.    
2. We invite our family and friends                our house.    
3. They bring gifts                us.    
4. We sing special songs                 Christmas.   
5. It is cold today. Please put                your scarf.    
6. Jenny ate cereal                breakfast.    
7. Danny often helps Mr. Smith               the Christmas lights.
8. I am going to give them something special                China for the Christmas tree.     
9. What would you like               Christmas?     
10. It's fun               put up a Christmas tree.


科目:小学英语 来源:期末题 题型:填空题

1. I am going to __________ (buy) some gifts.      
2. Danny __________ (walk) to the bus stop.    
3. It's fun __________ (put) up a Christmas tree.      
4. Let's invite Danny __________ (help) us.    
5. The star always __________ (go) on top.      
6. Everyone __________ (work) hard.      
7. Li Ming __________ (clean) the living room yesterday.   
8. Jesus taught people __________ (love) God.       
9. There are four __________ (season) in a year.       
10. Can you __________ (stand) up on the ice?


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

because   think   skate   why   summer   teach 
fall   ice   spring   learn   rain   snow
Snowman: Hello! How are you?   
Wang Hai: Yes! You can talk! What's your name?  
Snowman: I don't _________ I have a name. 
Wang Hai: Can you _________?   
Snowman: I don't know. I have never skated.    
Wang Hai: Do you want to _________? I can _________ you. Let's go!   
Snowman: Wow! It's fun. Can we always skate?   
Wang Hai: No. _________ is coming. Then comes _________ and _________.
Snowman: _________ can't we skate in spring, summer and fall?   
Wang Hai: _________ it'is too warm. There is _________, but there is no _________ and _________.
Snowman: And no snowman.

