精英家教网 > 小学英语 > 题目详情
1. 当你想知道同学是否住在公寓时,应该问:
[     ]
A. Are you live in a house?
B. Do you live in a house?
C. Are you live in an apartment?
D. Do you live in an apartment?
2. 如果你想知道朋友家离学校远不远,你会问:
[     ]

A. How far is your home?
B. Is your home far from school?
C. Is your home and school far?
D. Are your home and school far from?

3. 如果你想知道Jenny所在的城市叫什么,你会问:
[     ]
A. What's the name of your city?
B. Where are you going now?
C. What is the name of your country?
D. When are you going back home?
4. 当他人称赞你“You speak good English.”时,你会说:
[     ]
A. No, I'm not very good.
B. Thank you.
C. Yes, I do.
D.You're welcome.
1. D  2. B  3. A  4. B
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    科目:小学英语 来源:期中题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

    [     ]
    A. Help! Help!
    B. Great!
    C. Hooray!
    [     ]
    A. I can help you.
    B. Can I help you?
    C. Please give me a hand.
    [     ]
    A. What's happened?
    B. What's happening?
    C. What is it?
    [     ]
    A. How many animals are there on the farm?
    B. How many animals is there on the farm?
    C. How many animals are there in the farm?
    [     ]
    A. Let's go to the park.
    B. Let's go to the zoo.
    C. Let's go to the farm.


    科目:小学英语 来源:专项题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

    1. 当你麻烦别人或想让别人替你做某事时,应该说:

    [     ]

    A. Sorry.
    B. All right.
    C. Excuse me.
    D. I'm sorry.
    2. 你告诉别人要爱惜花草,应该说:

    [     ]

    A. The flowers is beautiful. You should love them.
    B. The flowers and we are friends, we should look after them.
    C. You should not pick the flowers.
    D. You should pick the flowers and give them to the teacher.
    3. 同学John发表了对某事的看法,你不认同,可以说:

    [     ]

    A. I am in agreement with you.
    B. I agree with you.
    C. You're right.
    D. I don't think so.
    4. 你邀请别人吃东西时,你会说:

    [     ]

    A. No, thanks. I'd like some bananas.
    B. Have some bananas, please.
    C. These bananas are delicious.
    D. That's right.
    5. 告诉别人今天的日期,可以说:

    [     ]

    A. It is 2011, Feb. 2nd.
    B. It is Feb. 2nd, 2011.
    C. It was 2011, Feb. 2nd.
    D. It was Feb. 2nd, 2011.


    科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

    1. 我忘记把书包放在哪了,妈妈告诉我:“在卧室里。”可以说:

    [     ]

    A. It's in the bedroom.
    B. It's below the bed.
    2. 想知道爸爸把礼物藏在哪里了, 可以问:

    [     ]

    A. How many?
    B. Where is it?
    3. 出租车司机告诉你:“花了30 元。”可以说: 

    [     ]

    A. Thirty yuan.
    B. Twenty yuan.
    4. 妈妈告诉我:“书在电话旁边。”可以说:

    [     ]

    A. The book is beside the telephone.
    B. The computer is beside the radio.
    5. 壁橱在床的对面,可以说:

    [     ]

    A. The closet is across from the bed.
    B. The dresser is across from the lamp.


    科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

    [     ]
    A. Mom, can I take off my new shirt today?    
    B. Mom, can I wear my new shirt today?
    [     ]
    A. Those are your shoes.    
    B. Those are my shoes.
    [     ]
    A. What's the weather in Tianjin?    
    B. What's the weather like in Tianjin?
    [     ]
    A. It will be rainy tomorrow.    
    B. It will be cloudy tomorrow.
    [     ]
    A. It's cold here.    
    B. I got a cold.


    科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

    1. 你送朋友礼物,说:

    [     ]

    A. I hope you'll like it.
    B. Thank you.
    2. 朋友送你礼物,你应打开,并说:

    [     ]

    A. It isn't nice. I don't like it.
    B. Oh, it's so nice! I like it very much. Thank you.
    3. 别人不会做某事或从没做过某事,你可以鼓励别人说:

    [     ]

    A. Please have a try!
    B. Let me have a try.

