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A.What’s this?

B.What’s the time?

C.What’s this in English?


科目:小学英语 来源:专项题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

1. 开学了,你向大家介绍新教室,你应说:

[     ]

A. This is our new school.
B. This is our new classroom.
2. 当你想说“我有一本英语书”时,你应说:

[     ]

A. I have an English book.
B. I have a English book.
3. 当你想问“这是你的书房吗?”,你应说:

[     ]

A. Is this your study?
B. Is this your student?
4. 当别人问你朋友的爱好时,你应说:

[     ]

A. My friend is tall.
B. My friend likes painting.
5. 当你告诉别人“我的哥哥是医生”时,你应说:

[     ]

A. I have a brother.
B. My brother is a doctor.
6. 当你认为别人说得对时,你应说:

[     ]

A. You are right.
B. All right.
7. 当小矮人想对白雪公主说“让我们去看一看吧”,他应说:

[     ]

A. Let's go and have a look.
B. Let's clean the window.
8. 当你想问大熊有多少本故事书时,你应说:

[     ]

A. How many English books do you have?
B. How many story-books do you have?
9. 白玲不知远处那个男孩叫什么,她应这样问:

[     ]

A. What's your name?
B. What's his name?
10. 你想问花园宝宝中午想吃什么,你应说:

[     ]

A. What would you like for lunch?
B. What do you like for lunch?


科目:小学英语 来源:专项题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

1. 当你麻烦别人或想让别人替你做某事时,应该说:

[     ]

A. Sorry.
B. All right.
C. Excuse me.
D. I'm sorry.
2. 你告诉别人要爱惜花草,应该说:

[     ]

A. The flowers is beautiful. You should love them.
B. The flowers and we are friends, we should look after them.
C. You should not pick the flowers.
D. You should pick the flowers and give them to the teacher.
3. 同学John发表了对某事的看法,你不认同,可以说:

[     ]

A. I am in agreement with you.
B. I agree with you.
C. You're right.
D. I don't think so.
4. 你邀请别人吃东西时,你会说:

[     ]

A. No, thanks. I'd like some bananas.
B. Have some bananas, please.
C. These bananas are delicious.
D. That's right.
5. 告诉别人今天的日期,可以说:

[     ]

A. It is 2011, Feb. 2nd.
B. It is Feb. 2nd, 2011.
C. It was 2011, Feb. 2nd.
D. It was Feb. 2nd, 2011.


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

[     ]
A. Mom, can I take off my new shirt today?    
B. Mom, can I wear my new shirt today?
[     ]
A. Those are your shoes.    
B. Those are my shoes.
[     ]
A. What's the weather in Tianjin?    
B. What's the weather like in Tianjin?
[     ]
A. It will be rainy tomorrow.    
B. It will be cloudy tomorrow.
[     ]
A. It's cold here.    
B. I got a cold.


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

1. 晚上你要睡觉了,你对妈妈说:
[     ]
A. Mom, I want to get up.     
B. Mom, I want to sleep.
2. “四月一日愚人节”怎么说:
[     ]
A. April Fool!     
B. Fool April!
3. 你要提醒John该回家了,你对他说:
[     ]
A. Let's go home, John.     
B. Let's go to school, John.
4. 现在是九点十分,该上英语课了,你听到的是:
[     ]
A. It's ten nine. It's time for English class.     
B. It's nine ten. It's time for English class.
5. 现在几点了?五点半。
[     ]
A. What time it is? It's five thirty.     
B. What time is it? It's five thirty.


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

1. 当你向妈妈介绍张老师时,你说:

[     ]

A. Miss Zhang, this is my mom.
B. Hello! I'm Miss Zhang.
C. Mom, this is Miss Zhang.
2. Mike今天过生日,你应该对他说:

[     ]

A. Happy birthday!
B. Happy Halloween!
C. Happy Teachers' Day!
3. 当你想知道Sarah的年龄时,你问:

[     ]

A. How old are you?
B. How are you?
C. What's your name?
4. 当Sarah告诉你她今天6岁时,她说:

[     ]

A. I'm six.
B. I six.
C. I'm three.

