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   weather    cold    rainy    windy   snowy    warm    raincoat    sunny

     This is the 1.________ report. It's 2._________ in Harbin. Wear your coat. It's 3.______ in Hong
Kong. Take your umbrella. It's 4.________ in Beijing. Wear your sunglasses. It's 5._______ in London.
Hold on to your hat. It's 6._______ in Moscow. Put on your boots.

1. weather   2. cold   3. rainy   4. sunny   5. windy   6. rainy 

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    科目:小学英语 来源:北京同步题 题型:填空题

    take   bus   on   have   minutes   next   west   has   post office 
    newspaper    museum    his    get    her    post card
             I             a cousin.             name is Willy.             Sunday is his birthday. I am going to send him a 
               . So I am going to the             this afternoon. It's             of the museum. I can get there by the No. 25
                            off at the             . Walk south for five             .


    科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

    Choose and fill in the blanks. 选择合适的单词填空。
    1. Yesterday I                (talk  talked) to my mother. 
    2. A: What                 (happened  happed)?    
        B: I              (hurt  hurted) my nose.
    3. Yesterday they                (have  had)  lunch                (on  at) 12:00                (of  in) a restaurant.
    4. A: Do you like to play ping-pong?
        B: Yes, I                 (do  did).
    5. I               (see  saw) a lot of new houses ______ (on  in) our way                   (to  from) Beijing.


    科目:小学英语 来源:期中题 题型:填空题

    1. This is _________ (my, I) skirt.  
    2. A bird _________ (live, lives) in a tree.  
    3. She _________ (have, has) a skirt.   
    4. A _________ (tiger, lion) has stripes.  
    5. Cows eat _________ (meat, grass).  
    6. Rabbits can _________ (swim, hop).   
    7. How many markers _________ (are, is) there?  
    8. We _________ (have, has) many books.   
    9. _________ (She, Her) name is Jenny.  
    10. _________ (He, She) is Danny.


    科目:小学英语 来源:期中题 题型:填空题

    Choose and fill. 请你选择合适的单词填空,将下列句子补充完整。
    quickly    loudly   easily    look     quiet    see      hard      point
    1. Keep             ! The baby is sleeping. 
    2. My father walks              , but my mother walks slowly.
    3. The question is             . You can't answer it            
    4. Don't speak             . The boy is doing his homework. 
    5.             ! You can              a lovely cat.   
    6. Ann, please              to the blackboard.


    科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题


    swimming, hiking, but  skate, windy, best, 
    because, fall, kites

            Hello, I am Mike. I like doing sports. In spring I go ________  with my parents. Summer is the____
    for me, __________  I can swim in the sea. __________is my favourite sports. In ________ , I fly
    ____________ in the park. It's ______ . I can climb mountains there. I also like to___________ in
    winter. Skating is an exciting sport. Winter is cold, _____________ I like it.

