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First of all, I have to sit on the bus _____ ten minutes.

A. to   B. for   C. until


科目:小学英语 来源:月考题 题型:阅读理解

Read and choose. (阅读短文,选择正确答案)                                      
                                                      A Friendly American Family
     The Smiths are Americans. They are now in Beijing.  This is their first visit to China. They are going
to stay in China for two months. They want to visit some cities and villages(村庄). They hope to learn
some Chinese, too.
     Mr Smith is a doctor.  He will visit a hospital in Shanghai. Mrs Smith is a school teacher.  She is
going to some schools in cities and villages. Their daughter is a primary school student. She wants to
meet some Chinese students.
     They are going to take a lot of pictures in China.  When they are back in America, they will show
the pictures to their friends. They want the American people to know more about China.
1. Where are the Smiths from?              
A. Canada.            
B. America.            
C.  China.
2. What do they want to do in China?               
A. Teach English.    
B. Play games.          
C. Visit some cities and villages.
3. Where does Mrs Smith work?                      
A. In a restaurant.    
B. In a hospital.          
C. In a school.
4. Who wants to meet the Chinese students?              
A. Mr Smith's daughter.
B. Mr and Mrs Smith.
C. Mr Smith and her daughter.
5. What do they want to do when they are back home?              
A. Show the pictures of China to their friends.
B. Have a good rest.
C. Clean their house.


科目:小学英语 来源:期末题 题型:阅读理解


      " It's the first day of winter," Tom said. " I wish (希望) I could make a snowman." " Sorry, there's no 
snow " Mum said, " but you can play on the beach." Looking outside the window, Tom had a good idea." I
don't need snow." " How will you make a snowman without snow? " Mum asked.          
      " You'll see." Tom said and went out.              
      On the beach, he made a big sandball (沙球), and he put a smaller sandball on the top of the big one. Then 
he added (加上) two wooden (木质的) arms, and a pair of glasses. At last he put a hat on the top." A sandman(沙子人)! " Mum said, " It's great! "

1. What was the season?
[     ]
A. It was summer.                     
B. It was winter.
2. What did Tom wish to make? 
[     ]
A. A sandman                        
B. A snowman
3. How many sandballs did Tom make?
[     ]
A. one                                      
B. two 
4. What was on the top of the sandman?
[     ]
A. A hat                           
B. A pair of glasses
5. Did Mum like Tom's sandman?
[     ]
A. Yes                               
B. No


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

      When you are in England, you must be very careful in the street because the traffic drives on the left. Before
you cross the street, you must look at the right first and then the left. 
      In the morning and in the evening when people go to or come from work, the streets are very busy. Traffic
is the most dangerous then. 
      When you go by bus in England, you have to be careful, too. Always remember the traffic moves on the
left. So you must have a look first or you will go to the wrong way. 
      In many English cities, there are big buses with two floors. You can sit on the second floor. From there you
can see the city very well. It's very interesting.
1. In England the traffic drives _____________.
[     ]
A. on the left
B. on the right
C. in the middle
D. in front of
2. When you cross the street in England, you must look at _____________.
[     ]
A. the left first
B. the right first
C. the back of the cars
D. the lights of the cars
3. In the morning and in the evening the streets become very busy because the people _____________.
[     ]
A. go to work
B. come from work
C. Both A and B
D. No answer
4. It's _____________ to sit on the second floor of the buses.
[     ]
A. easy but dangerous
B. funny and interesting
C. dangerous but warm
D. cold and interesting
5. This passage is about _____________.
[     ]
A. the people's life in England
B. the big buses with two floors
C. the traffic rules in England
D. the ways to learn English well


科目:小学英语 来源:专项题 题型:阅读理解

Who's Going to Hang the Bell?

      One day the mice who were really scared of the cat gathered around and had a meeting. The first mouse 
said, " More and more mice are killed by the cat these days. Do you have any idea to stop that? " The second 
mouse said, " Alas, we cannot live one day without fear. We'll die soon."
      So the mice tried to think of a way not to be caught by the cat." I have an idea. How about all of us
jumping at him together." " Hmm, that's silly.  How can we beat the cat? We shouldn't dream to fight him. 
Instead, let's think a way to know if he's coming." The mice tried and tried to think it up.
      Then a mouse who kept quiet said, " How about hanging a bell to the cat's neck? " " Wow, that's a good 
idea. So we can run away when the bell rings." They all clapped with joy.
      Then the oldest mouse said, " That's a very good idea, but who's going to hang the bell around the cat's 
neck? " The mice just looked at each other's face, and one by one hung back to the mouse hole.

1. More and more mice were killed by the ______________. 
[     ]
A. snake
B. cat
C. tiger
D. lion
2. The mice wanted to hang a ____________ to the cat's neck. 
[     ]
A. bell   
B. bottle
C. line 
D. flower 
3. Why were the mice scared of the cat? 
[     ]
A. More and more mice were killed by the cat.
B. The cats were too big.
C. More and more mice were too small. 
D. The cat ate a mouse's mother.
4. _____________ had a good idea. 
[     ]
A. The first mouse 
B. The second mouse 
C. The oldest mouse
D. The mouse who kept quiet
5. Could the mice beat the cat?
[     ]
A. Yes, they could. 
B. No, they couldn't. 
C. Yes, they did. 
D. No, they didn't.


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

       Hello!  I'm a word. I have three letters. My first one is in "soon", but not in "moon", my second one is in
"rose" and also in "rice", my third one is not in "pencil" but in "paper", my body is a place where there is a lot of
water. I am the twin sister of the word "see". Who am I ?
1. The word is a place where there is a lot of               .
[     ]
A. water                      
B. sea                      
C. coffee
2. How many letters are there in this word ?
[     ]
A. One                             
B. Two                          
C. Three
3. What's this word ?   It's "           ".
[     ]
A. rose                         
B. sea                       
C. see
4.  Is the second letter in "rose" or in "snow" ? 
[     ]
A. Yes, it is.                      
B. It's in "rose".           
C. It's in "snow" .
5. The first letter in this word is               .
[     ]
A. s                             
B. e                          
C. a

