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Mike is telling ________ his mother ________ the party.

[  ]

A.to; about


C./; about

D.with, about


科目:小学英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

1、Would you like to tell me something          your Maths teacher ? 
2、You look        your father. 
3、I met Mr Zhaug                        the post office. 
4、Look, they are looking        the blackboard carefully. 
5、Can you blow       the candle on the cake ? 
6、A: What does this sign mean ?     B: It means keep       the grass. 
7、It's dangerous. You should stay away         the building. 
8、Please stand              .
9、How far is it        here ?   It's about two kilometres           .
10、Please count the numbers         one         hundred. 
11、I want to sleep.  Please turn          the light.
12、It's cold outside. Please put        your coat. 
13、Don't waste water.  Please turn         the tap. 
14、I'm interested        social science. 
15、A: Are you good       dancing?     B: No, I do well       singing. 
16、Which stop shall I get       
17、Mike is taller       me. 
18、He is going       a walk in the park now. 
19、I don't like talking       Jim. 
20、He runs faster than all       us in our class.  
21、They have some problems          their  homework. 
22、Don't eat          class.  You can eat it           class. 
23、What are you looking       
24、People usually dress up        costumes at Halloween. 
25、What do you usually do       spring ?
26、         New Year's Day, people like having parties. 
27、A : When's your birthday ?   B : It's       the 30th of July. 
28、Go       this street, then turn right. The middle school is       your left. 
29、I am fat,        he is thin. 
30、A: Can I have a pen ?   B : What         ?   C: I want         write         my penfriend.


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

1. What are you ____________ (do)?
2. Lily is ____________ (swim) now.
3. Lily often ____________ (get) up early.
4. I like ____________ (pear).
5. I go to school ____________ foot.
6. My parents ____________ (be) teachers.
7. Mike is ____________ (read) a book.
8. My birthday is May ____________ (3).


科目:小学英语 来源: 题型:单选题

Mike is telling ________ his mother ________ the party.

  1. A.
    to; about
  2. B.
  3. C.
    /; about
  4. D.
    with, about


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

      Linda is a nice girl. Her hobby is telling riddles (谜语). She often reads riddles to her classmates. She took
a holiday last week. This is the dialogue between Linda and Mike.
Linda: Hi!
Mike: Hi! Where did you go on your holiday?
Linda: I went to a country. It has the word " pain " in it.
Mike: Let me think. Oh, I know! Did you go to Spain?
Linda: Yes, that's right. I went to Spain.
Mike: How did you go there?
Linda: I went there by... OK. It has the word " rain " in it.
Mike: I know. Did you go by train?
Linda: Yes. I went to Spain by train in the rain.
(     ) 1. Linda went to Japan on her holiday.
(     ) 2. Mike went to Spain last week.
(     ) 3. Linda went by plane.
(     ) 4. Linda likes telling riddles.


科目:小学英语 来源:北京同步题 题型:阅读理解

        It's New Year's eve (除夕). Bob and his classmates (同学们) are having a party in their classroom. Peter 
is giving food and drinks to Mike and Tom. Sam is telling a funny story. Some boys are listening to him and they
are laughing. Bob is singing an English song. Jim is sitting on a chair in a corner (角落). He's watching and 
smiling (微笑). They are all very happy at the party.
1. Who are having a party on New Year's eve? 
[     ]
A. Bob and his classmates.         
B. Bob.                 
C. Bob and his family. 
2. What is Peter giving to Mike and Tom?
[     ]
A. Food.                                   
B. Drinks.               
C. Food and drinks.
3. Who are listening to Sam?
[     ]
A. The teachers.                         
B. Some boys.                  
C. The girls. 
4. —Where is Jim sitting?   —He's sitting on a              .
[     ]
A. bed                                     
B. desk                          
C. chair
5. Are they very happy at the party? 
[     ]
A. Yes, they are.                       
B. No, they aren't.                
C. Yes, they can.

