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Time to write

prefer… to, detective story, comic books, be interested

in, different kinds of… , help… with, learn a lot

I Like Reading



科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

     One day, John 1. s____ to his mother, "I am going to 2. p____ in the snow." "Okay." said his
mother. "3. P____ on your jacket, boots and mitts." "Don't 4. f____ your hat!" said 5. h____ mother.
John put on his hat. He played in the 6. s____. He 7. m____ a big snowman. He loved 8. h____
snowman. He played 9. w____ the snowman. He 10. h____ a good time.


科目:小学英语 来源:期末题 题型:阅读理解

Dear mom and dad,
     We got to the Sunnytown last night.  Uncle Sam went to the station to meet us. We had a nice
sleep and now we are sitting next to the window and eating lunch with uncle and aunt.
     Their house is near the amusement park. We can see it through the window. But after lunch we
will not go to amusement park. We will go to the zoo first and we will ride horses in the zoo! Then
we will visit the museum and we will eat dinner in a restaurant. We will eat my favourite food: fried
rice with fruit!
      It is time to go now. We will write to you again soon!
                                                                                                                  Yours Emma & Justin
1. When did Emma and Justin get to the Sunnytown?
2. What are they doing now?
3. Where is uncle Sam's house?
4. What will they do first in the afternoon?
5. Will they go to the amusement park?
6. Where will they eat dinner?


科目:小学英语 来源:北京月考题 题型:填空题

1. This is the refrigerator. It is c           inside.  
2. My hands are dirty. I w          my hands. Now my hands are c          .  
3. Mum is c         eggs on the stove.  
4. It's 12:00. It's time to eat l         .     
5. Come in. I'll s           the rooms in my house.
6. Please p          me the peas. 
    Here you are.  
7. Today is September tenth. Tomorrow is September e         
8. Where is the toilet?
    It's in the b         .  
9. Is this your watch?
   Yes, it's m         .


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

Think and write. 请根据中文提示,完成下列句子。
1. What                (时间) is it? 
2. I have               (十支) pens. 
3. I like               (数学).
4. It's 7              (点钟). 
5.                (英语) is easy. 
6. It's time                (为;给) school. 
7. Li Ming has                 (三个) bags. 
8.                  (晚安), Mum. 
9. I               (想要) to sleep. 
10. It's time to get up                (现在).


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

Look and write. (根据图片完成句子)
1. It's 10 :00.  It's time for ________.
2. It's 9 :00.  It's time to ________.  
3. It's 3 :00 p. m.  It's time for ________.
4. It's 5 :00.  It's time to ________.    

