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The giant was very tall and strong. He was very ugly, too. Jack remembered the giant because many years ago this giant killed his father. Jack was very angry. He watched the giant. The giant played the harp. The chicken listened to the music. It laid three eggs. They were gold eggs! Jack waited and waited behind the door. The giant went to sleep. Jack went to the table and took the chicken and the harp. He ran to the beanstalk quickly.

1. The giant was very short and strong. _____

2. Jack remembered this giant because many years ago this giant killed his mother. _____

3. The giant was very ugly. _____


科目:小学英语 来源:小考真题 题型:阅读理解

      Do you know what is the White House? Perhaps some of you do, while others don't.     
      The White House is a house in Washington D.C. The president of the USA works in it. It is really white.
But do you know why the White House is white?     
      The story happened in 1812. That year England was at war (与……交战) with America, the British army
(军队) got to Washington and set the president's house on fire.   
      1814, in order to hide the marks of the fire, the stone walls of the president's house were painted white and
it has been the "White House" ever since.
1. The White House is              .
[     ]
A. a house for the president of the USA                          
B. a house for American people                           
C. a house for American soldiers                        
D. one of the American museums
2. In              American people painted the president's house white.
[     ]
A. 1810        
B. 1812         
C. 1814        
D. 1816
3. The house is called "White House" because              .
[     ]
A. the house is very clean                
B. the stone walls of the house are white                  
C. the American people like white colour                   
D. it is covered with snow
4. In the passage "set... on fire" means               in Chinese.
[     ]
A. 放火烧    
B. 解雇    
C. 开火    
D. 把……放在火上
5. The Chinese for the White House is               .
[     ]
A. 白房    
B. 白殿    
C. 怀特·豪斯  
D. 白宫
There's a grey jacket
in our lost and found
case. Please call Jack   
at 837-4925.

I'm David from   
Class 4, Grade 6         
in Yangguang          
Primary School.    
I'm looking for the 
owner of a camera.   
I picked up a      
watch yesterday.  
If it is yours,     
please call me.   
Tel: 325-8064             
I have lost my      
library card.       
Please e-mail       
Jim if you get it.  
E-mail address:       
fluingjim@tom. com 
注: lost and found case (失物招领处) 
(     ) 1. 837-4925 is Jack's telephone number. 
(     ) 2. If you lose your jacket, you can call Mary at 325-8064. 
(     ) 3. Jack wants to know whose camera it is. 
(     ) 4. David is a primary school student. 
(     ) 5. If you pick up Jim's library card, you can tell him on the Internet.  


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

      Hello! I'm Mei Ling. I'm twelve. I have a new marker. It's pink. It's on my book. I don't have a badminton
and a basketball. But (但是) I can play them (它们).
(     ) 1. My name's Mei Ling.
(     ) 2. I'm thirteen.
(     ) 3. I have a blue marker.
(     ) 4. The marker is under my book. 
(     ) 5. I don't have a basketball.
(     ) 6. I can play badminton.


科目:小学英语 来源:北京同步题 题型:阅读理解

阅读短文,判断下列句字正(√)误 (×) 。

Tom: Jack, I have a riddle (谜语). Can you guess?      
Jack: OK, what's it?        
Tom: Please tell me who he is: He is not my brother, and is not my sister, but he is a child of my parents.      
Jack: I don't know.     
Tom: Ha-ha, it's very easy. It's me.
(     ) 1. Tom has a riddle.        
(     ) 2. Jack can guess the riddle.      
(     ) 3. This riddle is very difficult.       
(     ) 4. Jack can't answer Tom's question.      
(     ) 5. The answer of the riddle is " Tom ".


科目:小学英语 来源:期中题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

(     ) 1. How much for one cake?
(     ) 2. What would you like, please?
(     ) 3. What's your favourite fruit?
(     ) 4. May I borrow your pencil?
(     ) 5. Do you have any oranges?
(     ) 6. Would you like some soup?
A. No, thanks.
B. Sure.
C. I'd like a hamburger, please.
D. Bananas.
E. Five yuan.
F. Yes, lots of oranges.


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

David: What are you going to do tomorrow?     
Wu Yifan: I want to buy some food. Where is the supermarket?     
David: It's next to the bookstore.     
Wu Yifan: How can I get to the bookstore?     
David: You can go by the No. 12 bus. Get off at the school. Then walk straight for two minutes. The bookstore
          is on the right.     
Wu Yifan: Thank you.     
David: You're welcome.  
(     ) 1. You can go to the bookstore by the No. 21 bus. 
(     ) 2. You can get off the bus at the school. 
(     ) 3. It's about three minutes if you walk from the school to the bookstore. 
(     ) 4. The supermarket is near the bookstore.  

