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Please wash the _____________ in the sink.
[     ]
A. flower
B. dishs
C. dishes

科目:小学英语 来源:专项题 题型:填空题


Dear Dad,
     I'm glad to 1. t____________ you that I am getting on very 2. w____________ in school. I have
got to 3. k____________ more boys and feel 4. h____________ than before. I'm working hard at my
5. l____________. Three boys live 6. w____________ me and they are nice to me. In the evening, I
usually 7. p____________ table tennis. I can play 8. w____________ now. Our teacher is Miss Brown.
At 9. f____________, I didn't like 10. h____________. Now I see I was 11. w____________. She is a
good teacher. She often plays, works and talks with 12. u____________ like a friend. Peter is my
13. b____________ friend now. He is 14. g____________ at games and lessons. We play together and
often go 15. f____________ a walk. I must stop now. Please send my love to Mum.


科目:小学英语 来源:期中题 题型:阅读理解

Ben: Dad, you like football very much, right?
Dad: Yes, I do. What's the matter?
Ben: Who is your favourite player?
Dad: Pele. He is and will always be my favourite player.
Ben: Pele? Where does he come from? Is he still playing?
Dad: He stopped playing in games many years ago. But he is still the greatest football player and he is 
       from Brazil.
Ben: Please tell me more about him.
Dad: Well, he started to play football at three. But his family was poor; he didn't have enough money to
       buy shoes or football. But he loved the game very much. He made a football with old socks and
       played with his friends. Later he became a great player.
Ben: Wow!
1. Pele is _______________________.
2. Pele is from _______________________.
3. Pele started to play football at _______________________.
4. Pele's family was _______________________.
5. Pele made a football with _______________________.


科目:小学英语 来源:江苏小考真题 题型:填空题

go for a walk    every twenty minutes    in the countryside
asks for    get off    take part in    had a chat   
most of the time    have school    middle school
1. The trains for Shanghai will come ______________.
2. Do you usually ______________ after dinner with your dog?
3. After a long walk, they sat down under a tree and ______________.
4. — Did Liu Xiang ______________ the Olympic Games (奥运会) in 2004?
    — Of course he did. He was the champion.
5. Tom has some questions in his homework. He often ______________ help.
6. We don't ______________ this Sunday. Shall we go fishing ______________?
7. I will study in a ______________ in September.
8. Please let the old man ______________ the bus first.
9. It's cold and windy in Harbin ______________ in winter.


科目:小学英语 来源:模拟题 题型:填空题

1. There ______________ (be) some water in that bottle.
2. There are 5 basketball ______________ (play) in every team.
3. ______________ (be) you at home last night?  Yes, I was.
4. ______________ (not speak) to your mother like that.
5. At ______________ (one), I didn't know him, but now I do.
6. What time ______________ you ______________ (get) up every day?
7. Let him ______________ (have) a drink of orange, please.
8. When everybody ______________ (seat), the meeting began.
9. I ______________ (not have) any time to do it.
10. This story ______________ (happen) near one year ago.


科目:小学英语 来源:模拟题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

from, o'clock, is, speak, went, meeting, of, watching, with, working
A: Mr White, what were you doing at eight o'clock last night? 
B: Er..., I was going home _____________ a meeting.
A: What _____________? 
B: A parents' meeting at school. 
A: I see. OK, Mrs Black, what were you doing at eight yesterday evening?
C: I was _____________ late. 
A: Working? At eight o'clock in the evening?
C: Yes. There were about ten _____________ us there last night. We were working late.
A: OK, now, Mr Brown, what were you doing at eight _____________ last night?
D: Um, I was _____________ TV _____________ my wife.
A: I see, oh, where _____________ your wife, please? Can I _____________ to her?
D: Sorry, she isn't here today. She _____________ to England yesterday.

