精英家教网 > 小学英语 > 题目详情
(     )1. Where's your sister?      
(     )2. I'd like a carton of milk.
(     )3. I'm thirsty, Mum.          
(     )4. Where's Cao Shan?          
(     )5. Where's the coffee?        
(     )6. What about a pie?          
A. He's in the bathroom.                                                                    
B. It's in the fridge.  
C. Sounds good.          
D. She's in the study.  
E. What about some tea?  
F. Here you are.        
1. D 2. F 3. E 4. A 5. B 6. C

科目:小学英语 来源:浙江省小考真题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

从II 栏中选出能对I 栏中的句子做出正确反应的答句。

(     )1. Your skateboard is so beautiful. 
(     )2. Did you have an Art Festival?    
(     )3. Are monkeys as big as elephants?
(     )4. How many postcards can you see? 
(     )5. Let's go swimming this afternoon.
(     )6. Whose wallets are they?       
(     )7. Does Jim swim slower than David? 
(     )8. What's the matter?               


A. They're theirs.         
B. No, they aren't.      
C. Thank you.            
D. I'm hungry.                
E. Great!                 
F. Yes, I can.       
G. Yes, we did.                   
H. I'm sorry.   
I. I can see seven.        
J. Yes, he does.           


科目:小学英语 来源:期末题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

(     )1. Pass me the rice.              
(     )2. Where does Daming fly kites?  
(     )3. Do you like fish?              
(     )4. What do you do at the weekend?
(     )5. Where's my toy?                
A. I go swimming.                                                       
B. Here you are.    
C. It's in the bag.
D. In the Park.    
E. Yes, I do.      


科目:小学英语 来源:福建省小考真题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

从II 栏中选出能对I栏中的句子做出正确回答的答句。
(     )1. Does Jim swim slower than David?  
(     )2. What' s wrong with you?           
(     )3. Can I have an apple ?            
(     )4. How many birds can you see?       
(     )5. Let's go swimming this afternoon. 
(     )6. Whose wallets are they?           
(     )7. Your skirt is so beautiful.       
(     )8. Did you have a party last night?  
A. They' re theirs.   
B. Sure, here you are.   
C. Thank you.      
D. I'm hungry.
E. Great!             
F. I can see seven.       
G. Yes, we did.     
H. No, he doesn't. 


科目:小学英语 来源:北京同步题 题型:单选题

(     ) 1. Open the window.
(     ) 2. Open your book. 
(     ) 3. Open the door.  
(     ) 4. Close the window.
(     ) 5. Close the door. 
(     ) 6. Close your book.
A. 合上你的书。
B. 关上窗户。 
C. 打开你的书。
D. 关门。                                                                          
E. 打开窗户。 
F. 开门。     


科目:小学英语 来源:期中题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

(     )1. Do you like chicken, Wang Pan Pan?  
(     )2. What food do you like, Zhao Heng?    
(     )3. Does Li Xiang like watermelons?      
(     )4. What food does Liu Chong Yang like?  
(     )5. Is Hou Cheng Ke a tall boy?        
A. I like noodles.        
B. Kiwi  fruit.            
C. No, I don't.            
D. No, he is a short boy.   
E. Yes, he does            

