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We often go out to swim in _________.

A. autumn  B. summer   C. winter


科目:小学英语 来源:期中题 题型:听力题

— Hello.
— Hello, Sally. Is ______________ (anything, everything) OK?
— Yes, everything is ______________ (fin, fine).
— Good. What are you doing?
— I'm doing my ______________ (homework, housework).
— And the ______________ (child, children)? What are ______________ (they, them) doing?
— Oh! They are playing ___________ (a game, games). They aren't making a ___________ (nose, noise).
— Right. And are you ______________ (watching, watch) the baby?
— Yes, we are. She's fine. She's drinking ______________ (her, here) milk now.
— Good. See you at eight ______________ (o'clock, clock) then.
— OK. Bye, Kate.


科目:小学英语 来源:期中题 题型:补全对话,情景问答


1. A: It is a hot day, isn't it?
    B: Yes, it is. It's really hot.
    A: I am going to _________ (go swimming, go swim)this afternoon. ________
         (Would, Could)you like to go with me?
    B: With pleasure. _________ and where shall we meet? (When, when)
    A: At one o'clock at my home, OK?
    B: ________ (That's right, All right), ________ (meet, see)you then. 
2. A: What day is today, Mary?
    B: Why! Today is Thursday.
    A: Today is my ________ (mother, mother's)birthday. I want to buy a present
         for _______  (she, her). ________ (Could, Would)you go shopping with me?
    B: OK. But ________ (when, where)are we going?
    A: ________ (How; Where)about WangFujing? There are many shops there.
    B: All right. Let's go quickly.


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:单选题

(     ) 1. What would you like for dinner?
(     ) 2. Help yourself.
(     ) 3. Pass me a plate, please.
(     ) 4. Use the chopsticks.
(     ) 5. I'd like some fish and vegetables, please.
(     ) 6. What's for dinner?
(     ) 7. Wait and see.
(     ) 8. Everything's ready.
(     ) 9. I can use chopsticks.
(     ) 10. Let me show you.
(     ) 11. We had a good time.
(     ) 12. See you tomorrow.
(     ) 13. Let me try.
(     ) 14. Good night.
(     ) 15. I like Chinese food.
A. 我喜欢中国食物。
B. 等等看。
C. 你晚饭想吃什么?
D. 明天见。
E. 一切准备就绪。
F. 请递给我一个盘子。
G. 我想要一些鱼和蔬菜。
H. 用筷子。
I. 晚饭吃什么?
J. 我能使用筷子。
K. 让我试试。
L. 我们过得很愉快。
M. 让我展示给你看。
N. 请随便吃。
O. 晚安。


科目:小学英语 来源:专项题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

Kim: Hello, Bob.
Bob: Hello, Kim. 1.________
Kim:  Great.  I like to read books.  But 2.________ I don't know.
Bob:  It's just near the Big Supermarket.
Kim: 3.________
Bob: 4.________
Bob:  How about two o'clock in the afternoon?
Kim: OK. Bye-bye.
Bob: Bye.
A.  where is it?                             
B.  Let's take a bus, OK?
C.  Do you want to go to the new library with me tomorrow?
D.  When do we go there?           
E.  How do we go there?   
(Li Ming and Jenny are walking down the street in Beijing. )
Li Ming: Jenny! 6.________
Jenny: It's 2:00.
Li Ming: I want to write a letter to my father.
Jenny: I need two postcards, too.  7.________
Li Ming: OK! But we don't know the way.  Let's ask that man.
Jenny: Let's go!
Li Ming:  Excuse me! Where is the post office?The man: 8.________
Jenny: 9.________
The man: No, it's about two kilometres away.
Jenny and Li Ming: Thanks!
The man: 10.________
A.  Is it far from here?
B. Let's go to the post office.
C. You're welcome.
D.  What time is it now?
E.  Go straight down the street.  Turn left at the traffic lights.


科目:小学英语 来源:期末题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

(     ) 1. What's the time?
(     ) 2. What do they do after school?
(     ) 3. When are you going to the hospital?
(     ) 4. Do you read newspapers?
(     ) 5. Shall we go to the museum?
(     ) 6. Is there a zoo in your town?
(     ) 7. How does your father go to work?
(     ) 8. Is your school far away from your home?
(     ) 9. What's the weather like tomorrow?
(     ) 10. Can you ride a bike?
A. Yes. I sometimes read newspapers.
B. He goes to work by car.
C. No, it isn't.
D. It's going to be snowy tomorrow. 
E. Yes, I can. 
F. It's ten o'clock.
G. I'm going to the hospital at three o'clock.               
H. No, there isn't.
I. They often play football.
J. OK. Let's go.

