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My desk is here. _________ is your desk?
[     ]
A. Where       
B. That         
C. What          
D. How

科目:小学英语 来源:模拟题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

Lin Tao: Excuse me, Gao Shan. ___________ is this yellow cat? Is it yours?
Gao Shan: Let me ___________. Oh, no, it's not ___________. ___________ cat is brown.
Lin Tao: Li Lei, look ___________ the cat under my desk. Is it ___________?
Li Lei: ___________, it's not ___________. My cat's black and it's at home. I think it ___________ like
          Li Ming's.
Lin Tao: Whose?
Li Lei: Li Ming's.
Lin Tao: Li Ming, is this cat yours?
Li Ming: Oh, yes. It's ___________.
Lin Tao: ___________ you are.
Li Ming: Thank you.
Lin Tao: You're ___________.


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

   Jim and Lily are my best friends. We live in London(伦敦). This is my classroom.
   There is amap on the wall. There are thirty-four chairs and desks in it. There are twenty boys. Jim's desk
is beside IJily's. My desk is in front ofLily's. We all like English. We like to play football.
1. How many maps on the wall?
A. 2.    
B. 1.    
C. 3.
2. How many students in this classroom?
A. 35.    
B. 34.    
C. 20.
3. How many girls in this classroom?
A. 20.    
B. 34.    
C. 14.
4. Whose desk is beside Lily's?
A. Mine.    
B. Jim's.    
C. I don't know.
5. Which lesson do they like?
A. English.    
B. Maths(数学).  
C. Chinese.


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

    This is my study. ICs very nice. My desk is red. My chair is red, too. You can see some books
in the bookcase. My school bag is on the bed. Look! What's that on the desk? Oh, it's my family
photo. The man in brown (穿棕色衣服) is my father. The woman in red is my mother. The girl in
white is me.
(     )1. My desk is yellow.
(     )2. My chair is red.
(     )3. The photo is in the bookcase.
(     )4. You can see a telephone on the desk.
(     )5. The girl in white is me.


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     I'm Alice. This is our school. It  is big. This is my classroom. It's big and clean. Look! That is my desk. It is yellow.  My teacher is Miss Li.  She is in the classroom. She is a good teacher.  I like my teacher.
(     ) 1. My name is Alice,                  
(     ) 2. My school is small.                
(     ) 3. My classroom is  dirty (脏的).    
(     ) 4. My desk is yellow.                
(     ) 5. Miss Li is not in the classroom.  


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

      We have a new classroom. It's so big and nice. We have a new teacher. She is beautiful (漂亮的). We have
eight new lights and I have a new desk. It's near the window.
(     ) 1. We have a new classmate.
(     ) 2. We have a beautiful teacher.
(     ) 3. We have 6 lights.
(     ) 4. My desk is near the door.
(     ) 5. I have a new desk.

