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It’s my family photo.

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A.What’s this?

B.What’s your name?

C.What a nice photo!


科目:小学英语 来源:期末题 题型:猜谜题,问答题

1. _____________________________________________?
    I usually go to Beijing by plane.
2. _____________________________________________?
    The cinema is next to the bookstore.
3. _____________________________________________?
    Yes. I'm going to play football this afternoon.
4. _____________________________________________?
    My mother is a writer.
5. _____________________________________________?
    The rain comes from the clouds.


科目:小学英语 来源:专项题 题型:听力题

(     ) 1. A. Danny is putting on a hat.
     B. Danny is taking off a hat.
(     ) 2. A. It's summer.
     B. It's fall.
(     ) 3. A. He is skiing on the snow.
     B. He is walking to school.
(     ) 4. A. It's rainy and cool.
     B. It's snowy.
(     ) 5. A. It's a shower.
     B. It's a bathtub.
(     ) 6. A. I'm from China.
     B. I'm from Canada.
(     ) 7. A. Yes, I can.
     B. No, I can't.
(     ) 8. A. I want to buy a toy car.
     B. I want to buy some books.
(     ) 9. A. Yes, I do.
     B. No, I don't.
(     ) 10. A. Yes, he does.
      B. No, he doesn't.


科目:小学英语 来源:模拟题 题型:听力题

(     ) 1. A. Is the black pen in the pencil-box?
    B. Is this pen yours? 
    C. What can you see in the pencil-box?
(     ) 2. A. Shall we go now?
    B. Which is for me, this one or that one?
    C. Excuse me, where is the post office?
(     ) 3. A. Shall I show you a photo? 
    B. Can you play a computer game?
    C. May I have your picture?
(     ) 4. A. How are you?
    B. Can you help me?
    C. Whose is this camera?
(     ) 5. A. What are you doing?
    B. What's your hobby (爱好)?
    C. Are you making a model plane?


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:单选题

1. 做饭

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A. have lunch
B. eat some rice
C. cook the meals
2. 有用的

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A. beautiful
B. helpful
C. help
3. 打扫卧室

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A. open the door
B. close the window
C. clean the bedroom
4. 扫地

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A. clean the floor
B. sweep the floor
C. water the floor
5. 倒垃圾

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A. cook the meals
B. empty the trash
C. water the flowers


科目:小学英语 来源:广东省模拟题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

1. 你不知道该怎样去北京路,你可以这样用英语问路:
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A. I don't know how to go to Beijing Road?
B. Can you tell me the way to Beijing Road?
C. Go straight.
2. 客人到你家吃饭,你可以这样问他 / 她是否吃点鱼:
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A. Would you like some coffee?
B. What would you like to eat?
C. Would you like some fish?
3. 你想知道广州昨天的天气情况,你可以这样问:
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A. What was the weather like yesterday in Guangzhou?
B. What is the weather like yesterday in Guangzhou?
C. What did the weather like yesterday in Guangzhou?
4. 看见小朋友不爱护书籍,你可以这样跟小朋友说:
[     ]
A. Take out your books, please.
B. Take good care of (爱护) your books, please.
C. Are these your books?
5. 你正在与好朋友谈论你的梦想,你可以这样表述:
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A. I wish I could be a fairy. I wish I could do all the things.
B. I hope I can be a fairy I wish, I can do all the things.
C. I want to be a fairy. I want to do all the things.

