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I’m thirsty, Mum.I’d like ________.

[  ]

A.some bread

B.a bar of chocolate

C.a soft drink


科目:小学英语 来源:期末题 题型:翻译题

1. eat lunch _____________
3. noodles _____________ 
5. I'm thirsty _____________
7. 在晚上 _____________    
9. 我的眼睛 _____________ 
2. fifteen apples _____________
4. go to school _____________ 
6. in the morning _____________
8. 二十个香蕉 _____________   
10. 炸薯条 _____________                                                                     


科目:小学英语 来源:期中题 题型:改错题

Find and correct. 找出每句话中的错误并在横线上改正过来。
1. How many apple are there?                            
2. I'm thirsty. I want to dink.                             
3. There are sixteen spoon.                                
4. Are you ready for order?                                
5. This is a egg.                                                


科目:小学英语 来源:专项题 题型:填空题

1. Where _______ (do)a panda live?
2. Look! This is ______ (a) ostrich.
3. Lyn hurts ______ (she) finger.
4. A camel ______ (have) humps.
5. Can you ______ (walk) backward?
6. What are they ______ (do)?
7. I'm thirsty. I want ______ (drink) some water.
8. There are three ______ (leaf) on the tree.
9. ______ (be) you hungry?
10. Noodles ______ (be) delicious.


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:翻译题

1. I'm thirsty.
2. I have a bottle of pop. 
3. 你想喝什么?
4. 牛奶很好。


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

(     ) 1. Are you hungry Jenny?       
(     ) 2. How many eggs do you have?  
(     ) 3. I'm thirsty.                 
(     ) 4. What's for lunch?            
(     ) 5. Would you like some fish?   
(     ) 6. Do you like meat?           
(     ) 7. Do you like dumplings?      
(     ) 8. Would you like some soup?   
(     ) 9. What's your favourite food?
(     ) 10. What's for breakfast?      
A. I eat rice and chicken for lunch.     
B. Yes, please.                         
C. Let's drink.                         
D. Yes, I'm very hungry.                
E. Twelve.                              
F. No, thanks.                          
G. I eat milk and two eggs for breakfast.                                      
H. No, I don't like meat.                
I. Yes, I do.                            
J. My favourite food is noodles.        

