精英家教网 > 小学英语 > 题目详情




1.A.vapour  B.labour

2.A.drop  B.stop

3.A.pot  B.lot

4.A.seed  B.see

5.A.again  B.plane

6.A.stream  B.street

7.A.come on  B.come from

8.A.Put the seeds in the soil.

B.See the seeds in the soil.




1.First, put the ________ in the ________.________ it.In several days, you can see the ________.

2.First the sea.________ the ________.Next the ________.The ________ faus!

3.-________ does John ________ ________?-Canada.


(  )1.A.She comes from America.

(  )2.B.It comes from the water in the river.

(  )3.C.It comes from the clouds.

(  )4.D.It comes from the vapour.

(  )5.E.The sun shines and the water becomes vapour.

(  )6.F.Water it and put it in the sun.


1.shoe shirt________

2.ball tall________

3.train wait________

4.draw drive________

5.soil oil________

6.lot dog________


  答案:一、2 4 1 3

  二、1-5A B B B A 6-10B A A B B

  三、1.seeds pot Water sprout

  2.Then sun clouds rain

  3.Where come from

  四、C F A D B E

  五、1.shine 2.fall 3.rain 4.drop 5.boil 6.pot

  一、I'm going to plant a tree.First, dig the soil.Then put the plant in the soil.Water it.Wait for it to grow.How wonderful it is!

  二、1.Where does the vapour come from? It comes from the water.

  2.Stop.The light is red now.

  3.I have a lot of stamps.

  4.Let's go and see.

  5.Please read it again.

  6.The cleaners clean the street every day.

  7.Come on! Let's go to play football together.

  8.How do you plant a flower? First, put the seeds in the soil first.

  9.You can see the sprout in several days.

  10.Water the flower.

  四、1.Where does the rain come from?

  2.First, you put the seeds in the soil.What should you do then?

  3.Where does your aunt come from?

  4.Where does the cloud come from?

  5.Where does the vapour come from?

  6.How can the water become vapour?


科目:小学英语 来源:剑桥少儿英语天天练一级上册 题型:003

Listen and choose(听录音,选一选)

(1)Hello, my name is (Bill, Dan).

I am a (boy, girl).

I am (nine, eight) years old.

(2)Hi, Kitty is my (cat, dog).

It is (two, four) years old.

We are good (friends, pupils).


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:听力题

     I have two 1.____. I like 2.____ model cars and 3.____. My friend, Nancy 4.____ making clothes.
She often 5.____ the beautiful clothes 6.____ me and I often 7.____ my model cars to 8.____, too.


科目:小学英语 来源:天津市期末题 题型:听力题

Listen to a short passage and fill in the blanks. 听录音,根据其内容填空,一空一词。
        My father got a new          in Britain. My family will            to Britain and I will go to a new school in
          next year. What's my new school like ? It's called                       . It's big and          . The school day in
 Britain is much           . School begins at about            in the morning and ends between 3:30 and 4 o'clock.            is the month when children go back to school after their long summer holidays. We will fly to Britain in
          . I will enjoy the life in Britain, I think.


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:听力题

Listen and write. 听录音,请你把下面对话补充完整。
John: Hello.     
Mike: Hi, John. This is Mike.                              ?     
John: I'm                    . What are you doing?     
Mike: I am                        .     
John: Do you want to                               ?     
Mike: Sure. What time?         
John: 9: 40.     
Mike: OK.                     .     
John: Bye.


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:听力题

(     ) 1. A. bear  
(     ) 2. A. school
(     ) 3. A. hair  
(     ) 4. A. cheap 
(     ) 5. A. cheap 
B. dear    
B. chair   
B. ear                                                            
B. sheep   
B. ship  

