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Dear Dad and Mum,         
      I am happy in London. Lily and her family are good to me.
      Every Monday and Wednesday, Lily and I go to the beach (海滩). Lily likes going there because she loves 
the sea. Every Friday Lily goes to the library. She likes reading books. She wants to be a teacher. Lily's brother,
Kenny, likes drawing very much. He has a drawing lesson on Fridays.
      Last Friday, Lily and Kenny didn't go to school. They went on a picnic (野炊) with me. We had a very 
good time.         
1. Lily goes to the __________ on Fridays. 
2. Lily likes going to the beach because she __________.
3. Kenny likes __________ very much. 
4. Crystal is in __________ now. 
5. Lily wants to be a __________.

1. library  2. loves the sea  3. drawing  4. London  5. teacher
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    科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

         One day, John 1. s____ to his mother, "I am going to 2. p____ in the snow." "Okay." said his
    mother. "3. P____ on your jacket, boots and mitts." "Don't 4. f____ your hat!" said 5. h____ mother.
    John put on his hat. He played in the 6. s____. He 7. m____ a big snowman. He loved 8. h____
    snowman. He played 9. w____ the snowman. He 10. h____ a good time.


    科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

    Dear Smith,
          I am happy to have a new pen pal. I live in 1____________ . I like 2____________  
    very much. After school I like 3____________  English songs. And I also like 4____________
    . My mom is a doctor. She likes 5____________ and 6____________ .
    She goes to work 7____________ . My dad is a math teacher. He likes 8____________
    and 9____________  CCTV news. And he also likes 10____________ . I love my
    mom and dad very much. Tell me something about you. What's your hobby?
                                         Your new friend,


    科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

          Although (虽然) all birds may not look the same, all birds have certain things in common (共同点).
          All birds are warm-blooded. This means that their body temperature always stays the same. 
          Birds breathe with lungs. 
          A bird's body is covered with feathers. 
          All birds have two wings. 
          Baby birds are hatched from eggs. 
          Birds can see very well. They can't move their eyeballs like people do, so they have to turn their heads to look
    at something. 
          Birds' ears are round holes on the sides of their heads. There are about 9, 000 kinds of birds in the world.
    1. There are over ____________ kinds of birds in the ____________.
    2. Birds don't have ears like people do. Their ears are ____________ ____________ on the sides of their heads.
    3. Birds can't move their ____________ so they have to turn their ____________ to look at something.
    4. Birds have hundreds of ____________ but only two ____________ and ____________ wings.


    科目:小学英语 来源:北京同步题 题型:填空题

    dishes        ready     work     kitchen     help     cook     
    make       dirty        wash      stove      hungry     clean
          This is Jenny's 1            . Look! Her mother is 2            ing eggs on the 3             . Jenny is 4            ing 
    her mother 5             supper. Jenny says, " Mum, I'm 6            . " Mum says, " Supper is 7             . Come here, 
    please. First 8             your hands. Your hands are too 9            . " After dinner (饭后), Jenny helps her mother 
    wash the 10            . Her mother says, "Good 11             . Our kitchen is 12             . "

