精英家教网 > 小学英语 > 题目详情

Read the dialogue and answer the questions

  Girl:What can I do for you?

  Man:f m looking for a pair of black shoes.

  Girl:What size do you want?

  Man:Size nine.

  Girl:f m afraid we haven't got any black shoes in that size at the moment. We've only got brown ones. What about those shoes over there?

  Man:Well, that pair looks nice. How much do they cost?

  Girl:Eighty Yuan.

  Man:Hmm. That's a bit expensive. But I'm still going to buy them.

(1) Where did this dialogue happen?


(2) What did the man want to buy?


(3)What size did the man want?


(4)What colour shoes did the girl show to the man?



  (1)It happened in a shoeshop.

  (2)The man wanted to buy a pair of black shoes.

  (3)The man wanted size nine.

  (4)The girl showed the man brown shoes.


科目:小学英语 来源:期末题 题型:单选题

(     ) 1. My aunt is an ___________. She likes painting. A.
(     ) 2. My father is a ___________. He works in a hospital. B.
(     ) 3. My uncle is a ___________. He likes writing. C.
(     ) 4. We can read books in the ___________. D.
(     ) 5. We are going to Shanghai by ___________ tomorrow. E.


科目:小学英语 来源:陕西省月考题 题型:单选题

(     ) 1. play checkers
(     ) 3. go to the zoo
(     ) 5. drive to work
(     ) 7. read the newspapers
(     ) 9. have supper
A. 在电脑上工作        
C. 去动物园             
E. 步行去上班          
G. 下棋                 
I. 看动物              
(     ) 2. buy clothes
(     ) 4. watch animals
(     ) 6. play with a ball
(     ) 8. walk to work        
(     ) 10. work on the computer                                                         
B. 看报纸                  
D. 吃晚饭                  
F. 开车去上班               
H. 玩球                     
J. 买衣服                


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:改错题

(     ) 1. He is give gifts to them.                                    _____________
                 A   B     C         D      
(     ) 2. When he was born, a new star shine in the sky.  _____________   
                      A    B    C                       D 
(     ) 3. Let's read the story at this book.                        _____________
               A     B                 C         D 
(     ) 4. She opens her gift quick.                                  _____________
              A     B            C    D


科目:小学英语 来源:模拟题 题型:完形填空

       Lucy and Lily are with their mother. They are sitting in the park. The children are tired. Their mother is 
tried, too.
       Lucy: Can we sit    l     the grass, Mum?     
       Mum: No, you can't, Lucy. The grass is wet.       
       Lucy: OK, Mum. I can see a bench near that tree. We can sit     2    .      
       Mum: No, you can't, children. The bench is wet, too.       
       Lily: It's not raining. The bench isn't wet.       
       Mum: Can you see a notice on the bench, Lily?     
       Lily: Yes, I can.       
       Mum: What   3    the notice say?      
       Lily: I     4    read it. Can you read the notice, Lucy?      
       Lucy: Yes, I can. It     5    "Wet Paint".
(    ) 1. A. in      
(    ) 2. A. here    
(    ) 3. A. can  
(    ) 4. A. can't  
(    ) 5. A. say     
B. on    
B. there  
B. did              
B. can      
B. speaks 
C. at   
C. it   
C. does            
C. don't  
C. talks  
D. with   
D. them      
D. do                
D. didn't   
D. says 


科目:小学英语 来源:期中题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

(     ) 1. Do you go to the zoo to watch the animals?
(     ) 2. What does your father like to do?
(     ) 3. What colour is her hair?
(     ) 4. Can you say it?
(     ) 5. Is she a nurse?
A. Yes, she is.
B. Her hair is black.
C. He likes to read books.
D. Yes, we do.
E. Yes, I can.

