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Wang Bing: I want to listen to some music, but I can't find my CD Walkman.      
Wang Xing: Is it on your desk?      
Wang Bing: No, it isn't. It was there this morning.      
Wang Xing: Ah, I can see it. It's on the chair now.      
Wang Bing: Thank you. Where are my earphones ? I can't see them.      
Wang Xing: I think they' re next to the computer.      
Wang Bing: No, they aren't there.
Wang Xing: But they were there just now. 
Wang Bing: Could you help me find them, please? 
wang Xing: Sure. Oh, here they are. 
(     )1. The CD Walkman isn't on the         now.            
                A. desk                               B. computer                            C. chair        
(     )2. The earphones were          .   
                A. next to the computer        B. on the chair                         C. on the desk      
(     )3. Are the earphones next to the computer now ?            
                A. Yes,   they are.                 B. No, they aren't.                    C. Perhaps they are.        
(     )4. Who find the CD Walkman?            
                A. Wang Bing.                      B. Wang Xing.                         C. Sorry, I don't know.        
(     )5. What is Wang Bing looking for?            
                A. CD Walkman and computer.       B. earphones and computer.      C. CD Walkman and earphones. 
1. A        2. A         3. B         4. B         5. C

科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

Mr. Wang: May I come in?
Mr. Liu: Oh, it's you. Please come in.
Mr. Wang: Thanks. How are you this afternoon and how's your brother?
Mr. Liu: I'm fine, thanks. My brother isn't at home now. He goes to see his friends on Sunday afternoon.
             He's fine, too. It's time to practice (练习) English, isn't it ?
Mr. Wang: Yes. What are we going to talk about this time (这次)?
Mr. Liu: What about this picture? Look, here it is!
Mr. Wang: What a nice picture! I like it!
Mr. Liu: So do I. It's a picture of Mr. Smith's family.
Mr. Wang: Let me have a look. Ah, there're four members (成员) in the family. One, two, three, four.
Mr. Liu: No, five. There're five.
Mr. Wang: But I see only four. Look, Mr. Smith on the right (右边); Mrs. Smith on the left (左边) and two
                children in front of them.
Mr. Liu: Look, here is another (另一个) one, a dog. Its name is Tom.
Mr. Wang: Oh, I see. They must be very happy.
Mr. Liu: Yes. They are very happy.
      1____________ is 2____________ afternoon. Mr. Wang is at Mr. Liu's 3____________. They practice
English at this 4____________ 5____________ the day.
      Mr. Wang 6____________ a picture. 7____________ is a picture 8____________ Mr. 9____________
Family. 10____________ 11____________ five members. 12____________ of them is 13____________,
a 14____________.
      Mr. Smith 15____________ a happy family. 16____________ a happy family he 17____________!


科目:小学英语 来源:模拟题 题型:阅读理解

      My name is Wang Ying. I have a good friend. Her name is Jenny. She is an American girl. We are in the 
same grade, but in different classes. I have a picture here. The girl in a red coat is Jenny. I'm not in the picture.
Look! What's on the desk? It's a bird.
1. Jenny a___________ I are good friends.
2. We aren't in different g___________.
3. Jenny is in the p___________.
4. The bird isn't u___________ the desk
5. Jenny is an American g___________.
(     ) 6. Jenny is Wang Ying's fiiend.
(     ) 7. Jenny is American.
(     ) 8. They aren't in different classes. 
(     ) 9. Jenny is in a red coat in the picture. 
(     ) 10. They are all in the picture.


科目:小学英语 来源:期末题 题型:阅读理解

Say Goodbye
      Many people are waiting for the train. Some are reading newspapers and some are saying goodbye to their 
      Mr. Wang, Mr. Li and Mr. Chen are talking so happily that they don't know the train is going to leave. The 
guard says  to them, " Hurry up! The train is going to leave." The three men hear the guard. Two of them jump 
onto the train quickly before it moves. Mr. Wang is left behind. He looks very sad. The guard says to him, "
Don't feel sad. The next train will come in ten minutes." " I know," Mr. Wang says, " It is my train. My friends 
only come to say goodbye to me."
(     ) 1. Mr. Wang, Mr. Li and Mr. Chen are talking at the station.
(     ) 2. There are only three men at the station.
(     ) 3. Mr. Wang jumps onto the train. 
(     ) 4. Mr. Chen and Mr. Li are Mr. Wang's friends.
(     ) 5. Mr. Chen and Mr. Li really want to jump onto the train.
6. _____________ people are waiting for the train.
[     ]
A. Three
B. Many
C. Some
7. Some people are ______________.
[     ]
A. reading books
B. cleaning the train
C. saying goodbye to their friends
8. Mr. Wang,Mr. Li and Mr. Chen are ____________ happily.
[     ]
A. eating 
B. talking
C. playing
9. _____________ should jump onto the train.
[     ]

A. Mr. Li 
B. Mr. Chen
C. Mr. Wang

10. Mr. Wang looks very ____________ when he sees the train move.
[     ]
A. happy 
B. sad
C. angry


科目:小学英语 来源:期末题 题型:阅读理解

      My name is Bill. I'm from the USA. My Chinese teacher is Wang Mei. She is a good teacher. I have many
friends at school. Jimmy is my best friend. He's from Canada. He's tall and he has black hair. Mary is a short
girl. She likes elephant. Sandra is from England. She has long brown hair. She likes monkeys. Wang Dong is
from China. He has short black hair. He speaks English well.
1. Wang Mei is Bill's _____________.
A. teacher
B. friend
C. mother
2. _____________ is from Canada.
A. Wang Dong
B. Jimmy
C. Sandra
3. _____________ has brown hair and likes monkeys.
A. Mary
B. Sandra
C. Jimmy
4. Wang Dong is good at (擅长于) _____________.
A. English
B. painting
C. Chinese
5. How many friends does Bill have?
A. Three.
B. Four.
C. Five.

