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--How old are you?


A. I'm Lin Tao. B. I'd like some pears. C. I'm two.


科目:小学英语 来源:期中题 题型:补全对话,情景问答


1. A: It is a hot day, isn't it?
    B: Yes, it is. It's really hot.
    A: I am going to _________ (go swimming, go swim)this afternoon. ________
         (Would, Could)you like to go with me?
    B: With pleasure. _________ and where shall we meet? (When, when)
    A: At one o'clock at my home, OK?
    B: ________ (That's right, All right), ________ (meet, see)you then. 
2. A: What day is today, Mary?
    B: Why! Today is Thursday.
    A: Today is my ________ (mother, mother's)birthday. I want to buy a present
         for _______  (she, her). ________ (Could, Would)you go shopping with me?
    B: OK. But ________ (when, where)are we going?
    A: ________ (How; Where)about WangFujing? There are many shops there.
    B: All right. Let's go quickly.


科目:小学英语 来源:专项题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

(     ) 1. What colour is it?
(     ) 2. What's her name?
(     ) 3. Let's clean the desks.
(     ) 4. Are they on the table?
(     ) 5. What would you like?
(     ) 6. What's your mother?
(     ) 7. Who's that woman?
(     ) 8. Where are the keys?
(     ) 9. Can I help you?
(     ) 10. Is he a doctor?
(     ) 11. What can you see in the picture?
(     ) 12. What's in it?
(     ) 13. Who is that man? 
(     ) 14. What's for dinner?
(     ) 15. How many people are there in your family?
A. They are in the door.
B. She is my aunt.
C. It's yellow.
D. Yes, please.
E. Her name is Sarah.
F. All right.
G. No, he isn't.
H. She is a teacher.
I. Yes, they are.
J. I'd like some fish.
K. Four.
L. He is my father.
M. Two birds.
N. Rice and vegetables.
O. Some pens.


科目:小学英语 来源:专项题 题型:单选题

(     ) 1. A. What day is it today?  It's Saturday. 
B. What day is it today?  It's Monday.
(     ) 2. A. What's the weather like?  It's sunny and hot. 
B. What's the weather like?  It's rainy and windy.
(     ) 3. A. I usually do my homework at eight on Sunday. 
B. I usually take a cat to the vet at eight on Sunday.
(     ) 4. A. Where are you going?  We're going to the movie theater. 
B. Where are you going?  We're going to the museum.
(     ) 5. A. What time is it?  It's four o'clock. 
B. What time is it?  It's five o'clock.
(     ) 6. A. When do you always get up?  I always get up at seven. 
B. When do you always eat breakfast?  I always eat breakfast at seven.
(     ) 7. A. What is he going to do tomorrow?  He is going to swim. 
B. What is he going to do tomorrow?  He is going to stay at home.
(     ) 8. A. Shall we run together?  That's a good idea.  
B. Shall we walk together?  That's a good idea.
(     ) 9. A. What are the cats doing?  They're singing. 
B. What are the cats doing?  They're sleeping.
(     ) 10. A. How does she go to school?  She often goes to school by bus.  
B. How does she go to school?  She often goes to school by bike.


科目:小学英语 来源:专项题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

Kim: Hello, Bob.
Bob: Hello, Kim. 1.________
Kim:  Great.  I like to read books.  But 2.________ I don't know.
Bob:  It's just near the Big Supermarket.
Kim: 3.________
Bob: 4.________
Bob:  How about two o'clock in the afternoon?
Kim: OK. Bye-bye.
Bob: Bye.
A.  where is it?                             
B.  Let's take a bus, OK?
C.  Do you want to go to the new library with me tomorrow?
D.  When do we go there?           
E.  How do we go there?   
(Li Ming and Jenny are walking down the street in Beijing. )
Li Ming: Jenny! 6.________
Jenny: It's 2:00.
Li Ming: I want to write a letter to my father.
Jenny: I need two postcards, too.  7.________
Li Ming: OK! But we don't know the way.  Let's ask that man.
Jenny: Let's go!
Li Ming:  Excuse me! Where is the post office?The man: 8.________
Jenny: 9.________
The man: No, it's about two kilometres away.
Jenny and Li Ming: Thanks!
The man: 10.________
A.  Is it far from here?
B. Let's go to the post office.
C. You're welcome.
D.  What time is it now?
E.  Go straight down the street.  Turn left at the traffic lights.


科目:小学英语 来源:期末题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

(     ) 1. What's the time?
(     ) 2. What do they do after school?
(     ) 3. When are you going to the hospital?
(     ) 4. Do you read newspapers?
(     ) 5. Shall we go to the museum?
(     ) 6. Is there a zoo in your town?
(     ) 7. How does your father go to work?
(     ) 8. Is your school far away from your home?
(     ) 9. What's the weather like tomorrow?
(     ) 10. Can you ride a bike?
A. Yes. I sometimes read newspapers.
B. He goes to work by car.
C. No, it isn't.
D. It's going to be snowy tomorrow. 
E. Yes, I can. 
F. It's ten o'clock.
G. I'm going to the hospital at three o'clock.               
H. No, there isn't.
I. They often play football.
J. OK. Let's go.

