精英家教网 > 小学英语 > 题目详情
(     ) 1. A. 15kg         
(     ) 2. A. clean        
(     ) 3. A. take         
(     ) 4. A. play football
(     ) 5. A. wash
(     ) 6. A. buy          
B. 15cm
B. climb
B. tail 
B. play the piano
B. watch
B. bike
C. 50kg 
C. climbed 
C. took
C. go by plane
C. wear 
C. nine        
(     ) 7. A. She went fishing.
    B. He played football.
    C. I took pictures.
(     ) 8. A. I wrote a letter.
    B. I bought presents.
    C. I visited my grandparents.
(     ) 9. A. John did his homework last night.
    B. John did housework last night.
    C. John played football last night.
(     ) 10. A. Sarah bought presents with her mother.
    B. Sarah went skiing last weekend.
    C. Sarah went ice-skating last weekend.
1. B  2. A  3. A  4. B  5. C  6. A  7. B  8. A  9. A  10. B

科目:小学英语 来源:期末题 题型:听力题

1. — What color is the _____________? (dress, jacket)  — It's _____________. (yellow, blue)
2. — _____________ my bag? (What's, Where's)  — It's _____________ the desk. (on, in)
3. — How many _____________ can you see ? (books, bikes)  — I can see _____________. (five, ten)
4. — _____________ that man? (Who's, Where's)  — That's my _____________. (uncle, father)
5. — _____________ that ? (What's, Where's)  — It's a _____________. (fan, fish)


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:听力题

Word List: grocery store, businesswoman, movie theatre, January
1. I want to go to the  ______________ to buy _________________ (some fruits/a book/a toy car).
2. A ______________ works in _________________ (a shop / an office / a restaurant).
3. I want to go to the ______________ to _________________ (fly a kite / buy vegetables / watch a movie).
4. ______________ is _________________ (warm and rainy / cold and snowy / hot and sunny).


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:听力题

(     ) 1. A. 34 a.   ninety-two apples
(     ) 2. B. 16 b. __________ pencil cases
(     ) 3. C. 57 c. __________ schools
(D a) 4. D. 92       d. __________ desks                                                         
(     ) 5. E. 100 e. __________ markers


科目:小学英语 来源:河北省期末题 题型:听力题

(     ) 1. A. men
(     ) 2. A. make
(     ) 3. A. many
(     ) 4. A. card
(     ) 5. A. hurt
(     ) 6. A. pop
(     ) 7. A. quick
(     ) 8. A. slowly
(     ) 9. A. evening
(     ) 10. A. camera
B. man
B. book
B. woman
B. car
B. picture
B. help
B. school
B. quietly
B. everyone    
B. careful

C. map
C. look
C. can
C. hard
C. doctor
C. sleep
C. clock
C. happily
C. easy
C. can


科目:小学英语 来源:期中题 题型:听力题

(     ) 1. ___________ is a ___________. A.
(     ) 2. ___________ is a ___________. B.                                                                  
(     ) 3. ___________ is a ___________. C.

