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---What's five and three?


A. It's eight

B. It's ten

C. It's nine


科目:小学英语 来源:期中题 题型:补全对话,情景问答


1. A: It is a hot day, isn't it?
    B: Yes, it is. It's really hot.
    A: I am going to _________ (go swimming, go swim)this afternoon. ________
         (Would, Could)you like to go with me?
    B: With pleasure. _________ and where shall we meet? (When, when)
    A: At one o'clock at my home, OK?
    B: ________ (That's right, All right), ________ (meet, see)you then. 
2. A: What day is today, Mary?
    B: Why! Today is Thursday.
    A: Today is my ________ (mother, mother's)birthday. I want to buy a present
         for _______  (she, her). ________ (Could, Would)you go shopping with me?
    B: OK. But ________ (when, where)are we going?
    A: ________ (How; Where)about WangFujing? There are many shops there.
    B: All right. Let's go quickly.


科目:小学英语 来源:期末题 题型:单选题

(     ) 1. s__ __d    
(     ) 2. sh__ __       
(     ) 3. b__by      
(     ) 4. d__ __plings
(     ) 5. tr ____n  
(     ) 6. qu__ __t    
(     ) 7. th__ __sty
(     ) 8. f__ __t    
(     ) 9. h__ __gry   
(     ) 10. po__ __t   
A. en
A. aw
A. a  
A. am
A. ai
A. ee       
A. ar
A. ss
A. an
A. in
B. in
B. ow
B. o
B. um
B. ei
B. ei        
B. er
B. ai
B. on
B. an
C. un
C. ou
C. u
C. om
C. ci
C. ie       
C. or
C. as
C. un
C. en
D. on
D. oa
D. e
D. on
D. ui
D. ea                                                   
D. ir
D. es
D. in
D. on


科目:小学英语 来源:专项题 题型:完形填空

      Look at that big table. There are some books on 1___________. The books are 2___________. Near the
books, there is a new computer. It's Mary's 3___________. 4___________ works on 5___________ computer.
On the wall, there is a big picture. It's very nice. The picture is from Mary's mother. 6___________ is an art
teacher. She teaches 7___________ in our school. She draws wonderful pictures. 8___________ call her Mrs.
Brown. Mary and 9___________ are in the same class. 10___________ are good friends.
(     ) 1. A. that
(     ) 2. A. Mary's
(     ) 3. A. father
(     ) 4. A. His
(     ) 5. A. a
(     ) 6. A. She
(     ) 7. A. we
(     ) 8. A. You
(     ) 9. A. I
(     ) 10. A. They
B. it
B. Mary
B. father's  
B. Him
B. an
B. He
B. our 
B. We 
B. my
B. We
C. there
C. Mary is
C. is father
C. He
C. the
C. Her
C. us
C. Our
C. mine
C. You


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

A. arm    B. birthday   C. doctor
D. finger   E. head     F. hurts
G. school   H. sick    I. stomach

      Lynn __________ her _________. Lynn says, " My _________ hurts, and my _________ hurts
and my _________ hurts. I feel too _________ to go to school." Miss Liu is a _________. She says,
" If (如果) you feel too sick to go to _________. No _________ party! "


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:单选题

(     ) 1. kangar_ _ 
(     ) 2. r_bbit  
(     ) 3. b_ _ _           
(     ) 4. b_ _d  
(     ) 5. tig_ _    
A. o    
A. a   
A. er               
A. ri  
A. er
B. oo  
B. e             
B. ear            
B. ir 
B. or 
C. ue   
C. i   
C. aer                                                
C. ur  
C. le

