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be good at的中文意思是

A.对…好   B. 喜欢   C. 擅长


科目:小学英语 来源:不详 题型:填空题

1、It        (be) rainy today.     
2、      (be) there many animals in the zoo? 
3、A : What        you usually        (do) at weekends?  B: I usually        (read) books at home. 
4、Jack        (be) good at PE. 
5、Liu Tao         (jump) farther than Liu Ming. 
6、         your brother        (listen) to English every morning? 
7、They often        (go) to the farm. 
8、It        (look) like a cat. 
9、The moon        (go) around the earth.
10、Sometimes people        (have) parties on New Year's Day. 
11、My sister        (want) to see a Beijing Opera. 
12、A : How       she        (spend) her Sundays?   B: She always         (swim)  in the swimming pool. 
13、A: How many apples           you           (have) ?   B: I       (have) eight. 
14、A:        your good friend          (live)in Shanghai ?    B: No, he           .
15、 She usually        (wash) clothes for her parents. 
16、Mary        (speak) English very well. 
17、A:        the rabbit        ( jump ) high?  B: Yes, it        .
18、A :       you       ( have ) any brothers or sisters?   B: No, I        . 
19、How far        (be) your home from your school ? 
20、It       (sound) good.


科目:小学英语 来源:期末题 题型:翻译题

1. Dad's bag _______________    
3. get up _______________        
5. write a letter _______________ 
7. on Wednesday _______________  
9. be good at _______________    
2. 回家 _______________       
4. 弹吉他 _______________     
6. 回来 _______________      
8. 最贵的 _______________    
10. 乘公共汽车 _______________                                                  


科目:小学英语 来源:专项题 题型:翻译题

1. Father's Day _____________ 
4. get up _____________ 
7. on Children's Day _____________ 
10. go to the concert _____________
13. want to _____________  
16. go swimming _____________ 
19. on Wednesday _____________  
22. more beautiful _____________ 
25. be good at _____________  
28. go to McDonald's ____________
31. a bigger cake _____________     
2. go home _____________   
5. have a look _____________ 
8. play volleyball _____________ 
11. go on vacation _____________   
14. visit a friend _____________ 
17. take some photos _____________
20. no problem _____________ 
23. what about _____________  
26. best wishes _____________  
29. wash clothes _____________ 
32. New Year's Day _____________ 
3. go away  _____________ 
6. play the drums _____________ 
9. play the flute _____________ 
12. see a movie _____________  
15. watch TV _____________ 
18. what time _____________  
21. on March 7th _____________
24. in the world _____________
27. the first step _____________
30. eat breakfast _____________


科目:小学英语 来源:小考真题 题型:翻译题

1. 举行生日聚会 ________________
2. 有个相同的爱好  ________________
3. 一些其他的科目  ________________
4. 看上去很像  ________________    
5. 想做得更好  ________________    
6. be good at Maths and English  ________________
7. about two kilometers away  ________________
8. on holiday in the UK  ________________ 
9. the man next to me  ________________
10. eat lots of delicious food  ________________   


科目:小学英语 来源:期末题 题型:填空题

1. How _____________ (old) is your father?
2. Is this _____________ (Mike) pencil?
3. There are two _____________ (knife) on the desk.
4. Amy and I _____________ (be) good at Chinese.
5. It was a _____________ (cloud) day.

