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I have to do my homework after school.

________ you?

[  ]


B.How about



科目:小学英语 来源:期中题 题型:阅读理解

John: Hi, Sarah. What are you going to do?
Sarah: I'm going to the cinema. How about you?
John: I'm going to the bookstore. What film are you going to see?
Sarah: Harry Porter.
John: Really? It's a nice film, I hope you'll have a good time.
Sarah: Thank you. How can you get to the bookshop? By taxi?
John: No. I think it is too expensive. I'm going there by bike. Because it's good exercise.
Sarah: OK, I have to go now. Goodbye.
John: Bye.
1. Who is going to the cinema?
2. What is John going to do?
3. How is John going to the bookshop?
4. Are they going to the pet shop?
5. What's the name of the film?


科目:小学英语 来源:期中题 题型:阅读理解

John: Hi, Sarah. What are you going to do?      
Sarah: I'm going to the cinema. How about you?     
John: I'm going to the bookstore. What film are you going to see?          
Sarah: Harry Porter.     
John: Really? It's a nice film. I hope you'll have a good time.      
Sarah: Thank you. How can you get to the bookstore? By taxi?        
John: No. I think it is too expensive. I'm going there by bike. Because it's good exercise.       
Sarah: OK. I have to go now. Goodbye. 
John: Bye.  
1. Who is going to the cinema? 
2. What is John going to do?  
3. Are they going to the pet shop?  
4. What's the name of the film?


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

Follow the Chinese. Fill in the blanks. 根据中文提示,完成下列句子。
1. Li Ming, are these your____      (行李箱)? 
2. This is the____        (厨房) where we can cook. 
3. We wash the dishes in the____       (水槽). 
4. The            (冰箱) is cold inside. The juice is in it.
5. You can wash your hands in the              (洗澡间). 
6. The dishes are            (脏的). I have to wash them. 
7. We cook breakfast on the____      (炉灶). 
8. The students are studying. The classroom is____     (安静的). 
9. Look! Mr. and Mrs. Smith are sitting on the            (沙发). 
10. Breakfast is               (准备好的). We can enjoy it.


科目:小学英语 来源:黑龙江省小考真题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

This, quarter, speaking, to, see, is, do, visit, can't, you
John: Hello! Could I speak   1   David?
David:   2   !   3      3   David.
John: Hi, David. Would you like to    5   me this afternoon?I've got a new football.
David: I'd love to. But sorry, I   6   I have to   7   my homework.
John: How about tomorrow?
David: Yes, that's fine. What time?
John: At two forty-five. OK?
David: 8 to three?
John: Yes. See you tomorrow.
David:   9     10   then.


科目:小学英语 来源:专项题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

Zip: 1_________________________ Monkey?
Monkey: I like apples. They're 2. s______________. 
Rabbit: I like fruit. 3_________________________ (但是我不喜欢葡萄,它们很酸。). Bananas are my 
          favourite. They're tasty.
Zip: I like carrot juice. 4_________________________ (它新鲜又有益健康。) What about you, Zoom?
Zoom: 5_________________________ (我喜欢牛肉), but I'm heavv now. I have to eat vegetables.

