精英家教网 > 小学英语 > 题目详情
— What's he wearing?
— _____________ is wearing a green blouse.

[     ]

A. She
B. He

科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

1.-What is Christmas?
   -Christmas is a s____ h____.

2.-What is Lynn going to do?
   -She's g____ t____ o____ her gift.

3.-What is Li Ming doing ?
   -He's g____ a g____ to them.

4.-What are they putting on the Christmas tree ?
   -They're putting on the l____.

5.-What's this?
   -It’s a g ____.M____ Christmas!


科目:小学英语 来源:期末题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

(     )1. What's that?                  
(     )2. Who's that woman?            
(     )3. How are you?                  
(     )4. How old are you?              
(     )5. Where are you from?            
(     )6. How many monkeys can you see?  
(     )7. Can I have some ice-cream?    
(     )8. How many pencils do you have?  
(     )9. What's your mother?          
(     )10. How do you do?                
(     )11. Can I use your pen?          
(     )12. Do you like bananas?          
(     )13. Who's that woman?            
(     )14. How many cats can you see?    
(     )15. Where is the ball?            
a. I have thirteen pencils.      
b. That's a pen.                
c. I'm from China.              
d. How do you do ?              
e. She is a teacher.            
f. I'm fine.                    
g. She is my mother.            
h. I'm eleven.                  
i. I can see twenty-two monkeys.                               
J. Sure.                        
k. Yes, I do.                    
l. She's my mother.            
m. I can see 11.                
n. It's under the chair.        
o. Sure.                        


科目:小学英语 来源:专项题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

(     ) 1. What colour is it?
(     ) 2. What's her name?
(     ) 3. Let's clean the desks.
(     ) 4. Are they on the table?
(     ) 5. What would you like?
(     ) 6. What's your mother?
(     ) 7. Who's that woman?
(     ) 8. Where are the keys?
(     ) 9. Can I help you?
(     ) 10. Is he a doctor?
(     ) 11. What can you see in the picture?
(     ) 12. What's in it?
(     ) 13. Who is that man? 
(     ) 14. What's for dinner?
(     ) 15. How many people are there in your family?
A. They are in the door.
B. She is my aunt.
C. It's yellow.
D. Yes, please.
E. Her name is Sarah.
F. All right.
G. No, he isn't.
H. She is a teacher.
I. Yes, they are.
J. I'd like some fish.
K. Four.
L. He is my father.
M. Two birds.
N. Rice and vegetables.
O. Some pens.


科目:小学英语 来源:模拟题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

1. — Who's that g___________?
— She is my f___________, Amy.
2. — What's the c___________ doing?
— It's s___________.
3. — What's the w___________ like today?
— It's w___________.
4. It's r___________ outside. Take your u___________.
5. — H___________ do you go to Shanghai?
— I go there by s___________.


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:单选题

(     ) 1. What would you like for dinner?
(     ) 2. Help yourself.
(     ) 3. Pass me a plate, please.
(     ) 4. Use the chopsticks.
(     ) 5. I'd like some fish and vegetables, please.
(     ) 6. What's for dinner?
(     ) 7. Wait and see.
(     ) 8. Everything's ready.
(     ) 9. I can use chopsticks.
(     ) 10. Let me show you.
(     ) 11. We had a good time.
(     ) 12. See you tomorrow.
(     ) 13. Let me try.
(     ) 14. Good night.
(     ) 15. I like Chinese food.
A. 我喜欢中国食物。
B. 等等看。
C. 你晚饭想吃什么?
D. 明天见。
E. 一切准备就绪。
F. 请递给我一个盘子。
G. 我想要一些鱼和蔬菜。
H. 用筷子。
I. 晚饭吃什么?
J. 我能使用筷子。
K. 让我试试。
L. 我们过得很愉快。
M. 让我展示给你看。
N. 请随便吃。
O. 晚安。

