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This one's very good.

[  ]

A.Yes, it's well.

B.Yes, I like it.

C.Yes, it's ugly.


科目:小学英语 来源:期末题 题型:阅读理解

Salesman: Good morning. Can I help you?
Tom: Yes, please. I want a sweater.
Salesman: This one is nice. Do you like it?
Tom: Oh, it's orange. I don't like the colour.
Salesman: How about that one?
Tom: Oh, how nice! I just want a blue one. How much is it?
Salesman: Sixty yuan.
Tom: OK! I'll buy it. Here's the money. Thank you.
Salesman: It's my pleasure. Goodbye!
1. Where is Tom?
2. What does he want?
3. What colour does he like?
4. How much is the sweater?
5. What colour do you like?


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

      Last winter, Li Ming and Danny made a snowman in the school yard (院子). First they made a big ball of
snow. Then they made another snowball. This one is smaller than the first. Then they put this snowball on that
snowball. Finally they made another snowball and put it on top. Then they made a face on the snowman. Then
they used a carrot to make a nose. They used some little rocks to make the snowman's mouth and eyes. Look!
What a wonderful snowman!
1. When did Li Ming and Jenny make a snowman?
2. Where did they make the snowman?
3. How many snowballs can make a snowman?
4. Is the snowman wonderful?


科目:小学英语 来源:期中题 题型:填空题

1. This is the sun. The sun is h__________.
2. This is s__________. Snow is cold and white.
3. This is w__________. The wind is blowing the leaves.
4. This is a c__________ and r__________. The cloud is a__________. The rain is b__________.
5. Let's c__________ from one t__________ ten.


科目:小学英语 来源:期末题 题型:改错题

Find out the mistakes and correct them. 找出错误并改正。
(     ) 1. Your answer are not right.      
                                A    B    C 
(     ) 2. After I go to school, I always have breakfast.   
              A           B                            C 
(     ) 3. Danny doesn't have some food.      
                           A       B      C 
(     ) 4. That's fifteen dollars to the swimsuit.          
                         A               B   C 
(     ) 5. Do you like this one and that one ?           
                         A          B    C  


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答



A: l.             I 2.             you? 
B: Yes. I want a 3.           
A: Look, this one is good. Do you like it? 
B: Yes. 4.           
A: It's 5.             yuan.
B: Oh, it's expensive. I want a cheap one. 
A: This one is cheap. It's 6.            yuan. Do you like it?  
B: Yes. I'll take it.

