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Here's some ________ for you.

[  ]



C.a apple pie


科目:小学英语 来源:北京市专项题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

1. 你想跟别人一起去,但你又必须做家庭作业,你该如何告诉别人呢?
[     ]
A. No, I can't. I must do my homework.
B. I'd like to, but I must do my homework.
C. I'm sorry, I can do my homework.
2. 你想邀请别人和你一起放风筝,该如何说?
[     ]
A. Do you like to fly a kite?
B. Would you like fly a kite?
C. Would you like to fly a kite with me?
3. 你想问朋友喜欢吃什么,该怎么说?
[     ]
A. What would you want to drink?
B. What would you like?
C. What can I do for you?
4. 你想问别人需要什么,该如何说?
[     ]
A. What do you need?
B. What do you want to do?
C. What would you like to eat?
5. 你想拿菜单点菜,该怎样对服务员说?
[     ]
A. May I have the menu?
B. I'd like some bread.
C. Shall I have some eggs?
6. 当你想知道别人是什么地方的人时,你说:
[     ]
A. Where are you from?
B. Do you live far from here?
C. Why do you come here?
7. 你的同学口渴了,你给他一杯水,可以说:
[     ]
A. Here's some water for you.
B. I know you are thirsty.
C. Take this cup of water.
8. 你告诉妈妈李明的个子比你高时,说:
[     ]
A. Li Ming is a tall boy.
B. Ming is taller than me.
C. Li Ming is as tall as me.
9. 你想知道别人是否有空,可以说:
[     ]
A. Please help me.
B. Do you have nothing to do?
C. Are you free now?
10. 当你得知北方的天气转冷,你对准备去北方的朋友说:
[     ]
A. You should take some warm clothes.
B. It's very cold. Don't go to the north.
C. Drink some hot tea, please.
11. 你想要一杯茶时,应该说:
[     ]
A. I'd like a cup of tea.
B. Would you like a glass of tea?
C. May I have a bottle of tea?
12. 当你想知道新电视机的颜色时,应该问:
[     ]
A. Where is the new TV?
B. What's a TV?
C. What colour is the new TV?
13. 当你想知道别人是否有钢琴时,应该问:
[     ]
A. Have you got a dictionary?
B. Have you got. a piano?
C. May I use your piano?
14. 当你想了解别人是否喜欢游泳时,应该问:
[     ]
A. Do you like swimming?
B. Do you like running?
C. Do you like ping-pong?
15. 当你想知道这些物品是谁的时,应该问:
[     ]
A. Whose are these?
B. Whose are those?
C. Who are they? 


科目:小学英语 来源:模拟题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

1. A: Hi, Simon. You look very tired.
    B: Yes, I ____________ ____________ just now.
    A: You must be very ____________. Here's some orange ___________
        for you.
    B: I really need it. Thank you very much.
    A:  You're welcome.
2. A: Hi, Jim. You are ____________ at P. E. So are you going to take 
       ____________ in the sports meeting tomorrow?
    B: Of course.
    A: Which sport are you going to take, running ____________ jumping?
    B: Running. I think I can run ____________ than the other boys. 
    A: Do you like any other sport? 
    B: Yes. I like ____________, too. I can swim as fast ____________
        Li Lei. 
    A: I see. Good luck (运气) to you.


科目:小学英语 来源:四川省小考真题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

(     )1. What shape is it?           
(     )2. I'm hungry.                
(     )3. Are they running ?          
(     )4. Were there any fruit trees ?
(     )5. Is Mike as tall as David?   
A. Here's some bread for you.
B. No, there weren' t.         
C. Yes, he is.                  
D. It's a rectangle.        
E. No, they aren't.       


科目:小学英语 来源:模拟题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

[     ]
A. What are these ?    
B. Whose is it ?     
C. Who are they ?
[     ]
A. Where are you from ?    
B. I'll come with Wang Bin.     
C. What do you do ?
[     ]
A. Here is a cake for you.    
B. Can I get you some medicine ?        
C. Here's some water for you.
[     ]
A. What do you do ?    
B. What is your father's job ?     
C. What does she do ?
[     ]
A. How far is it from here ?     
B. Oh, it's a long walk.     
C. Can you tell me the way to the History Museum ?
[     ]
A. Would you please give me some stamps ?     
B. What would you like ?     
C. I have some stamps.
[     ]
A. Have you got a dictionary ?     
B. How much is the dictionary ?     
C. I like this dictionary.
[     ]
A. What day is it today ?     
B. What songs did you sing ?     
C. What date is it today ?
[     ]
A. Are you free now ?     
B. Where are you going ?     
C. Please help me.
[     ]
A. It's cool in autumn.     
B. It's warm most of the time.     
C. You need some warmer clothes.


科目:小学英语 来源:模拟题 题型:补全对话,情景问答


(     )1. What shape is it?                                                  A. Here's some bread for you.  
(     )2. I'm hungry.                                                         B. No, there weren't.
(     )3. Hello, may I speak to Helen?                                 C. Yes, he is.
(     )4. Were there any fruit trees on the farm?                  D. It's a rectangle.      
(     )5. Is Mike as tall as David?                                       E. Yes, speaking.

