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She is _____ down.  
[     ]
A. siting      
B. sitting      
C. sits        
D. sit

科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

1. The woman is my father's sister. She is my ____.
2. His a____ is too long. He can touch the apple on the tree.
3. J____ up and down ten times.
4. Tomorrow(明天) is Saturday. Today is ____.
5. Let's do some exercise f____.
6. Can you p____ an egg on your shoulder?
7. Don't turn ____. Turn right please.
8. Lie on your b____, please.


科目:小学英语 来源:小考真题 题型:猜谜题,问答题

Write down the questions according to the answers. (根据答句写问句)
1. Amy: _________________________________________________________
    Alex: She is a student.
2. John: _________________________________________________________
    Zhao Qiang: Yes, he likes riding a bike.
3. Sarah: ________________________________________________________
    Mark: I am reading books.
4. Li Yun: ________________________________________________________
    Zhang Hua: The hospital is in front of the bookstore.
5. Sarah: _________________________________________________________
    Tom: That is a train.


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

(     ) 1. Where is the park?
(     ) 2. Can you help me?
(     ) 3. Thank you!
(     ) 4. Where is Jenny going?
(     ) 5. Do you have a map?   
A. Yes. Here it is.
B. You're welcome!
C. Yes.
D. Go down this street and turn left.
E. She is going to the gym.


科目:小学英语 来源:期中题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

1. 对方问你的身体状况时,你应该说:
[     ]
A. How are you?
B. What's your name?
C. Fine, thanks.
2. 当老师说“Sit down, please!”时,你应该说:
[     ]
A. Great!
B. OK!
C. Thank you.
3. 早上见面时说:
[     ]
A. Hello!
B. Good morning.
C. Goodbye.
4. 当你向别人介绍你的朋友王红时,你应该说:
[     ]
A. This is Wang Hong.
B. She is Wang Hong.
C. Thank you, Wang Hong.
5. 当你问某物是什么颜色时,你应该说:
[     ]
A. What colour is it?
B. I like red.
C. Is what colour?

