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“I'm hungry”的意思是



A. 我渴了  B. 我饿了  C. 我吃过了


科目:小学英语 来源:北京小考真题 题型:阅读理解

     The clock had just struck 11 when I first became aware of a noise coming from the lift. I opened
 the door of our flat and listened: Someone was beating against the door of-the lift and calling out at 
the same time.             
     "What's wrong?" I shouted. "The door is stuck. I can't get out." The answer came back. The voice, 
which sounded like that of a girl, came from several floors  below.               
     My wife had now joined me and she went off directly in search of the night porter. After calling to
 the girl that help was on its way, I went back into the flat to get some tools.  Then I hurried down the
 stairs until I reached the place where the lift was stuck. 
     I tried my hard at forcing open the lift door, taking all the while to the girl trapped inside, but-my
 tools were no use for this purpose. Very soon, however, my wife returned. Unable to find the porter, 
she had called the police; who promised to send an engineer. For good measure she had also contacted
 the fire service.     
     First the engineer turned up, accompanied by two policemen. Almost immediately afterwards the 
firemen arrived, too. With his special equipment it took the engineer only a short while to get the door 
open. In spite of her experience, the girl was in good spirits.  "I'm hungry." was her only complaint as 
she stepped out of her cage.
1. What time was it when the man heard the noise?
2. Was it a boy or a girl in  the lift?
3. What did the man's wife do first?
4. Who did the man's wife call for help?
5. What should we do if we know someone is locked in the lift?


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

Cat: I'm hungry. Hmm... Here comes a mouse. Now I can catch it.
Mouse: Dear cat. Wait a minute. Don't eat me. I can do things for you.
Cat: Oh! What can you do?
Mouse: I can sing.
Cat: Can you dance?
Mouse: No, I can't. But I can climb the tall tree. Then I can catch a bird for you.
Cat: Let me see.
Mouse: Ha Ha! Silly cat! Now I can run away. Bye!
1. Who's hungry?
2. Can the cat catch the mouse?
3. The mouse can do things for the cat, really?
4. Can the mouse dance?
5. Is the cat silly?


科目:小学英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

      Mike runs home from school. He is hungry. And he has much homework to do. He wants to play basketball,
too.  But he doesn't have much time.  Mike goes to the kitchen. Mrs Brown is cooking.  "I'm hungry, Mum, " 
says Mike.  "Here are some pies.  But don't eat too much.  Supper's ready soon. " Mike eats some pies. Then he
does his homework.  "How's school today?" Mrs Brown asks. "Fine, but, I'm busy now. Don't speak to me. " 
One hour later, Mike is still studying. "Oh, I forget to play basketball!" says Mike.      
Questions :       
(1) Does Mike have much homework to do?                                                       
(2) What does he want?                                               
(3) What is his mother doing?                                                
(4) Is supper ready soon?                                              
(5) What does Mike forget today?                                                 


科目:小学英语 来源:专项题 题型:改错题

(     ) 1. Let's go shop at the store.   _______________
                A         B              C
(     ) 2. I have some moneys.     _______________
            A    B               C
(     ) 3. Do he have a pencil?     _______________
              A        B   C
(     ) 4. I want to is the queen.     _______________
                  A       B         C
(     ) 5. What cup is this?        _______________
                A     B  C
(     ) 6. What is matter?       _______________
                A   B     C
(     ) 7. She can sees now.       _______________
              A           B     C
(     ) 8. I'm hungry. I want some water. _______________
                      A      B   C
(     ) 9. He have two books.     _______________
                    A     B     C 
(     ) 10. Are he a fat boy?       _______________
                A   B    C


科目:小学英语 来源:期中题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

1. A: What would you like for dinner?
B: ____________ and ____________, please.
2. A: ____________ day is it?
B: It's ____________.
3. A: What's he like?
B: He's ____________ and ____________.
4. A: I'm heavy now.
B: What do you have ____________ lunch today?
A: I have ____________ and mutton.
5. A: What do you have ____________ dinner?
B: I have two ____________. ____________ about you?
A: I have nothing. I'm hungry.

