精英家教网 > 小学英语 > 题目详情
1. A: What are you doing?
    B: I'm ____________ up leaves.
2. A: What is Sarah doing?
    B: She's ____________ pictures.
3. A: What are John and Zhang Peng doing?
    B: They're ____________ chess.
4. A: ____________ he counting insects?
    B: No, he ____________.
5. A: ____________ are they?  
    B: They are ____________ the woods.  
6. A: ____________ is Chen Jie?
    B: She is ____________ the classroom.
7. A: ____________ they taking pictures?
    B: No, they ____________.
8. A: ____________ you eating dinner?
    B: Yes, ____________ are.
1. picking  2. taking (答案不唯一)  3. playing  4. Is, isn't  5. Where, in  6. Where, in  7. Are, aren't  8. Are, we

科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

Mike : 1._______________________ ?
Chen: My birthday is in September.
Mike: 2.________________________ ?
Chen: It's September 11th.
Mike: 3.___________________________?
Chen: Yes, my birthday is in fall.
Mike: 4.__________________________ ?
Chen: It's windy and cool.
Mike: 5.__________________________?
Chen: Yes, I like winter.  But my favourite season is summer.


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

Jenny: I'm excited!
Li Ming: Me, too! I ____________ going on ____________!
Danny: I'm ____________ too! Trains are ____________ ____________.
           Beijing is ____________ ____________ ! Come ____________, Jenny and Li Ming!
           Let's ____________, ____________ and ____________!
Mrs. Li : Danny! Please ____________ run! Please don't ____________! Please don't ____________!
Danny: Yes, Mrs. Li. I'm ____________.
Mrs. Li: That's ____________, Danny. Please sit ____________.


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

A: Hi, Li Ming. Nice to meet you.
B: ______________________, Mr. Wood. How are you?
A: Fine,thanks. ______________________?
B: I'm fine, too.
A: ______________________?
B: I'm from China.
A: ______________________?
B: I'm twelve years old.


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答


Eric: Hi, Bob. The holiday is coming. What will you do during the holiday?
Bob: Oh, hi Eric. I will go and visit my uncle.
Eric: 1________________________________________________________?
Bob: I will go with my sister.
Eric: 2________________________________________________________? 
Bob: We will go next Friday in the afternoon.
Eric: 3________________________________________________________?
Bob: No. We will go by train.
Eric: 4________________________________________________________?
Bob: We will go fishing with my uncle!
Eric: Wow, sounds great!


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

   shirt    sweater    T-shirt    jacket
1. A: It's cold today. You can't wear your ___________.    
     B: I can wear my __________.
2. A: It's warm today.    
    B: I can wear my __________.  
    A: You can wear your ________, too.
3. A: It's hot today.    
    B: I can wear my______!    
    B: Yes, you can.

