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--I'd like some grapes, please.

--How many _______(千克)?


科目:小学英语 来源:北京同步题 题型:听力题

What would you like for lunch?  I'd like some l             , 2             and 3            .   
What would you like for dinner?  I'd like some 4             and 5            .   
What would you like for breakfast?  I'd like some 6            , 7            and an 8            .


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

A. you    B. live    C. I    D.  sleeping    E. trees    F. swimming   
G. jumping    H. fast    I. baby    J. are    K.  much   L. like       
   I want  to  introduce (介绍 )  two animals to 1.________ . They 2._________koala and kangaroo.
They 3.________in Australia. Koala likes 4._________very much, They always sleep in the5.________ . They can sleep 20 hours a day. Kangaroos like 6.___________, and they can jump very 7._________ .
Sometimes you can see 8._________ kangaroos stay in their mother's pouch(育儿袋) for months. I like
these two kinds of animals very 9._________.Which animal do you 10.__________?


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:单选题

(     ) 1. tod__ __ (今天)       
(     ) 2. y__ __terday (昨天)     
(     ) 3. pl__ __ (玩)         
(     ) 4. wa__k (路;步行)
(     ) 5. st__ __y (故事)      
(     ) 6. list__ __ (听)        
(     ) 7. b__y (买)           
(     ) 8. h__t__l (旅馆)     
(     ) 9. p__ __da (熊猫)    
(     ) 10. l__ke (喜欢)      
A. ay  
A. as   
A. ay  
A. m   
A. ar  
A. un       
A. e    
A. o, a 
A. an 
A. a 

B. cy
B. es
B. ey
B. n
B. er        
B. in
B. i 
B. o, e
B. on
B. e

C. ty
C. is 
C. ay
C. I 
C. ir       
C. en
C. o  
C. a, o
C. en
C. i 
D. ry 
D. os  
D. uy 
D. d  
D. or                                           
D. on                                      
D. u   
D. e, o 
D. un 
D. o  


科目:小学英语 来源:专项题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

Look, read and choose. (选择恰当的句子填空)
A. What did you do last weekend?
B. Did you read books yesterday?
C. Do you like reading?
D. Do you have a pet?
E. What colour is it?
A: (1)____?
B: Yes, I have a little cat.
A: (2)____?
B: It's black and white.
A: (3)____?
B: Yes, I do. I have a lot of books.
A: (4)____?
B: Yes, I did.l read Three Little Pigs.
A: (5)____?
B: I went to the book shop.


科目:小学英语 来源:北京期中题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

(     ) 1. How many books do you have? 
(     ) 2. What colour is your pen?    
(     ) 3. Who is she?                 
(     ) 4. Can you spell this word?    
(     ) 5. May I have a look?        
A. She is Lily.         
B. My pen is black.     
C. Sure. Here you are.                               
D. Eleven.              
E. G-I-R- L-girl.     

