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David and Bill are playing ____ football.

A. a B. the C. X


科目:小学英语 来源:四川省小考真题 题型:填空题

1. I want to be your pen-friend. Can you give me your         (e-mail, name)address?
2. I'm going to play the           (football, violin) at the concert. 
3. The sign means we           (should, shouldn't)be quiet in the library.
4. By the          (way, road), what are you going to do tomorrow?
5. Children had their lunch         (under, in)a big tree in the park.
6. How old          (is, are)the twins'mother? 
7. —I have some problems with my homework, David.   —Don't         (sorry, worry). I can help you. 
8. The green kite in the tree is         (his, her). 
9. —I like watching insects in the park.   —Oh, we have the          (same, new)hobby. 
10. The TV is too loudy. Please turn it         (on, down).


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

classroom, playground, tired, down, small, gives, lying
     We are in the    l    now. We are having a PE lesson. Mr Smith   2   us some orders. Look, we
are jumping up and   3   ten times. David can't do it, because he is too   4  . So he is   5   on the
grass now, having a rest.


科目:小学英语 来源:北京小考真题 题型:听力题

1. Who is Peter's new friend?          
A. Jack.          
B. Tom.
2. What does David like?          
A. Maths.          
B. P.E.
3. Where is the boy?
A. In a hospital.    
B. At home.
4. How much is the dress?
A. 55.            
B. 15.
5. How is Wang Nan's aunt coming here?
A. By plane.        
B. By train.


科目:小学英语 来源:江苏省期末题 题型:听力题

1. What holiday is coming ?
[     ]
A. Easter    
B. Halloween    
C. Christmas
2. What would Jack like as a birthday present ?
                                                                 [     ]
A. A cake.    
B. A yo-yo.    
C. A football.
3. Where were my gloves just now ?
[     ]
A. On the bed.    
B. In the schoolbag.  
C. Under the bed.
4. What did Nancy do on the farm ?
[     ]
A. watered the trees.    
B. collected eggs.    
C. picked oranges. 
5. Whose calculate is this ?
[     ]
A. Jim's.    
B. Yang Ling's.    
C. David's.


科目:小学英语 来源:期末题 题型:阅读理解

     It's Sports Day today. The students are all in the playground. Some of them are having matches(比赛).
Some of them are watching. Look, Helen and Yang Ling are running. Helen is running faster than Yang
Ling.  Liu Tao and David are jumping. Liu Tao jumps higher than some of the boys in his class, but David
jumps higher than him. Mike and Tom are doing the long jump now. Who jumps farther, Mike or Tom? 
Oh, Mike is jumping two centimeres farther than Tom. They look very happy.
1. It's _______ today.
A. Teachers' Day        
B. Sports Day      
C. Children's Day
2. The students _______ are having the matches.
A. in the sports hall
B. in the classroom
C. in the playground
3. Liu Tao jumps _______ than David.
A. lower          
B. higher        
C. farther
4. _______ doesn't jumps as far as Mike.
A. Tom                
B. Yang Ling      
C. Helen
5. The students are all very _______.     
A. tired          
B. happy        
C. hungry

