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Fun reading:“T” true or “F” false

  The lights were red, so the old man stopped his car and waited for them to change to green., Just then a police car came up behind him, hit his car in the back and stopped.

  There were two policemen in the car. They were surprised and glad when the old man got out of his car and walked up to them with a smile. He was over 70 years old.

  The old man came to the door of the police car, smiled and said, “Tell me, young men, how do you stop your car when the lights are red and mine is not here?”

(1)The old man didn't stop his car because the lights were green.

(  )

(2)There were three policemen in the car.

(  )

(3)The old man was more than seventy years old.

(  )

(4)The old man thought the policeman shouldn't drive like this.

(  )


科目:小学英语 来源:陕西省同步题 题型:填空题

— Hi, Bob, I'm going     1    . Do you like to go with      2    ?              
— I'm sorry. I     3     like to go shopping. I'm going to the     4    .
— Come on.      5     is fun. You can see and buy things you      6     .    
— But I like     7    . Don't you like reading?   
— No, reading      8     boring. Oh, there comes Jane. Maybe      9     likes to 
    go shopping with me. Bye-bye!  
—      10     !    
she    Bye    is    Shopping    reading    don't  
like    library    me    shopping


科目:小学英语 来源:专项题 题型:阅读理解

(Jack is making a phone call.)        
Jack: Hello! May I speak to Jim?             
Dad: Hold on, please. (请别挂机) Jim, it's your phone call (你的电话).                 
Jim: Hello, who's that?          
Jack: It's Jack speaking. What are you doing, Jim?       
Jim: I'm listening to music. How about you?        
Jack: I'm playing a computer game.       
Jim: Is it fun?          
Jack: Sure. Would you like to come to my home this afternoon?         
Jim: OK. See you at two o'clock.      
Jack: See you.            
(     ) 1. It's Jim's mum's phone call.             
(     ) 2. Jim is listening to music.           
(     ) 3. Jack is reading a book.            
(     ) 4. Jack wants to invite (邀请) Jim to his home.           
(     ) 5. They will meet at four o'clock.  


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:补全对话,情景问答

1. 当你问别人正在干什么时,应说:
[     ]
A. What do you do?    
B. What are you doing?     
C. Are you doing it?    
D. Do you see it?
2. 当你让别人保持安静时,应说:
[     ]
A. Is he quiet?    
B. He's loud.     
C. You are quiet.    
D. Please be quiet. 
3. 当你说“我饿了”时,应说:
[     ]
A. I am hungry.    
B. I am thirsty.     
C. I am slow.    
D. It is too hot.
4. 当我们问别人“你想要一杯牛奶吗?”,应说:
[     ]
A. What would you like?     
B. Would you like a cup of tea?  
C. Would you like a glass of milk? 
D. Would you like a bottle of pop?
5. 当我们问对方“你会唱歌吗?”,应说:
[     ]
A. Do you sing a song?              
B. What can you do? 
C. What are you singing?          
D. Can you sing a song?
6. 当你说“他们玩得很开心 (高兴)”时,应说:
[     ]
A. They are loud.    
B. They are having fun. 
C. They are laughing.                
D. Are they happy? 
7. 当你表达“那个妇女正在看报”时,应说:
[     ]
A. The woman is reading a picture.     
B. The woman is looking the newspaper.     
C. The woman is reading the newspaper.     
D. The man is watching TV.
8. 当你说“我找不到丹尼了”时,应说:
[     ]
A. Can you find Danny?    
B. I don't find Danny.     
C. I find not Danny.    
D. I can't find Danny. 
9. 当你的朋友建议你吃些水果时,你不想吃,应说:
[     ]
A. No, thank you.    
B. No, I don't want.     
C. Yes, please.    
D. I don't like the fruit. 
10. 当你饿了,想吃些葡萄时,应说:
[     ]
A. I'm hungry.    
B. May I have some grapes?     
C. Do you have the grapes?    
D. Would you like some grapes?


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

阅读短文,判断正(T)误( F)。 

      We are on the train. Jenny is looking out the window. Li Ming is drawing a picture. Danny is singing.
The baby is sleeping now. The woman is reading the newspaper. She is quiet. The man behind me is
laughing. What am I doing?  I am drinking some pop. We are having fun.
(     ) l. Jenny is drawing a picture.          
(     ) 2. Li Ming is looking out the window.  
(     ) 3. Danny is sleeping.                  
(     ) 4. The woman is reading the newspaper.  
(     ) 5. The man behind me is sleeping, too.                                                    


科目:小学英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

Reading comprehension. 阅读理解。
         Today is Children's Day. Children don't go to school. Li Ming and Jenny go to the zoo. There are many 
animals in the zoo. Monkeys are eating bananas. The elephant is dreaming. Tigers are eating meat. Giraffes are 
eating leaves. They are having fun watching animals.
(     ) 1. Today is July first. 
(     ) 2. Li Ming and Danny go to the zoo. 
(     ) 3. Monkeys are playing. 
(     ) 4. Tigers are eating. 
(     ) 5. Giraffes are dreaming.

